Chapter 9

What You Can't See
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The school bell rang for lunch and Leo watched N sit at his desk still working on an assignment they had. Leo waited for everyone to leave, it had been four days since N had left his father’s house. Ravi lightly hit Leo on the arm, “Are you coming?”

Leo snapped his gaze to meet Ravi’s, “Yeah, give me a minute.”

Ravi nodded and left, Hyuk stood up, “Is that nerd bothering you?”

Leo looked Hyuk in the eyes, “What did you say?”

Hyuk lowered his gaze feeling a little intimidated, “Uh,”

Hongbin backed Hyuk up, “What’s with you this week? Is N getting on your nerves or something? Sometimes you just blank out and you always have something to say to him. What’s going on?”

Leo his lips and shrugged, “Just a lot on my mind lately, you know with my dad and all. I’ve just been talking with N about Nari’s party, I want the whole school to come.”

Hongbin smiled, “Even that loser?”

Leo sat on his desk, “What’s your problem with him?”

Hyuk shrugged, “Nothing, just seems like he isn’t fit for the role of class president. We’re only looking out for you, we’re your friends; we got your back.”

Hongbin put a hand on Leo’s shoulder, “Or does years of friendship not mean anything to you? Come on, lighten up. You’re beginning to act like N.”

Leo let a small laugh out and smiled, “Alright, I get it. Thanks guys, but seriously lighten up on N.”

Hyuk stood up straight, “Oh do you have a soft spot for N?”

Leo glanced over at N working diligently with music playing in his ears, N looked up almost as if he knew Leo was looking at him. They made eye contact for a second but Leo quickly looked back to his friends, “Oh shut up. My dad says he wants the entire school at the party, it wouldn’t make sense if our class president didn’t show up. Besides, when I inherit the company, I could care less who the people are that come to the mall, as long as they spend lots of money.”

Hongbin and Hyuk laughed with Leo, Hongbin high fived Leo, “Now that’s the Leo I know. Come on let’s go to lunch! The others are waiting for us, but more importantly the ladies are waiting for me.”

Hyuk pushed Hongbin, “Shut up, the only guy the girls are looking at is Leo.”

Hongbin laughed it off easily, “Yes, but you see Leo is a taken man, and who will they turn to? Me of course.”

Leo ran his fingers through his hair, “I’ll catch up. I’ve been trying to convince N to come to the party, and it’s only a few days away. I’m almost there, so go ahead with me.”

Hongbin rolled his eyes, “Whatever, come on Hyuk.”

They left and Leo walked over to N’s desk, his shadow cast over N’s workbook. N looked up and immediately pulled his earbuds out, “Leo? You surprised me.”

Leo chuckled, “Sorry, um hey can I ask you something?”

N set his pencil down and turned his full attention to Leo, “Sure.”

Leo sat down feeling awkward staring down at N, “You know Nari, my girlfriend, right?”

N nodded, “Uh, yeah.”

“You see, her birthday is in a few days and she’s having a birthday party. Well, I’m throwing her one at my father’s mall. It’s going to be a concert, and there will be lots of food and games. I was wondering if you would like to come. The whole schools going so you’ll know plenty of people.”

N didn’t look too interested, “Um no thanks. I don’t really like concerts that

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Chapter 36: Is this really the end? Anyway great story authornim!!! Thank you for this story
signorina_klutz #2
Chapter 36: Oh my gosh. I love this. It was an emotional rollercoaster, and I love every second of it. I was just wondering about N's real father. But anyway, great plot, great delivery. Upvoted.
dontworryandcomeback #3
Chapter 36: ^-^ thanks for writing this~
naznew #4
Chapter 36: Err..why i feel this story cliffhanging?
Chapter 36: Such amazing!! Thank you for nice ending ^^
Hope you do a sequel when Hakyeon and Taekwoon lives together
Fightiing!! (๑و•̀ω•́)و
Karenkitty1092 #6
Chapter 36: This was such a wonderful ending and would love if you could do a sequel.
Chapter 36: Good thing that Leo and his father got out of their problems.
N's "father" was really bad. Good thing that he and Leo fall in love whit each other.
I hope you could do a sequel to this amazing story! Fighting for your new stories author-nim!
90sLineLover #8
Chapter 36: Such an amazing story ^^ hope you can do a sequel on N and Leo's live together
Chapter 36: thank you for the sweet ending <3 =^^=