Chapter 19

What You Can't See
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A week passed and the bullying stopped too, N found out that Leo had told the other guys about the rumors and they immediately stopped them. N wasn’t surprised that they would be able to, anything said by Leo and spread by his friends was always received and believed 100%. Over the week N had scheduled an appointment for Leo to get tested for dyslexia, and also stayed by Leo’s side as he confessed the truth to his friends about his grades and possible dyslexia. They all took it well and were completely supportive of Leo, N had gotten closer to all of them and even found out that Hongbin and Hyuk ended up together.

The lunch bell rang and N set his pencil down, he was able to use his other arm again and his cuts and bruises had pretty much healed. Leo sat next to N, “Want to get lunch?”

N was about to respond when a pair of hands covered Leo’s eyes, “Guess who?”

Leo replied, “Nari?”

“Hey, come on let’s eat together. I told my friends we’d all eat together today, they’re dying to know about the photoshoot tomorrow.”

Leo looked to N apologetically and N just gave a supportive smile, Leo and Nari left for lunch. Ken sat down next to N, “Ah the love birds!”

Ravi appeared on the other side of N, “Isn’t it revolting?”

Ravi laughed at his own joke, Hongbin and Hyuk join in. Ken slapped Hongbin on the arm and scolded him, “Not as revolting as you two.”

N and Ravi chuckled but quickly stopped when Hongbin glared at them, everyone ended up laughing. The guys always teased Hongbin and Hyuk, N liked the feeling being with them. They always made him laugh, and he was surprised to find their personalities were very different from the aura that they gave off. Hongbin finally said, “You know I don’t honestly know what Leo see’s in Nari.”

Ken looked at Hongbin, “That’s so rude Hongbin!”

Hyuk was standing behind Hongbin; he shrugged and leaned his chin on Hongbin’s shoulder adding, “Think about it, does it really seem like Nari is Leo’s type?”

Ravi chuckled, “Not at all.”

N was curious, “Why do you say that?”

“Have you seen Nari? She’s too…I don’t know.”

Ken sighed, “Guys they’ve been together for almost 4 years now; don’t you think if Leo wasn’t happy he’d break it off?”

N shifted in his seat, “How did they get together?”

Ken smiled, “It’s such a cute tale. They met in middle school, and Leo and Nari went to the same hagwon. Leo apparently asked her out after they had been accepted to the same high school.”

Ravi rolled his eyes, “I still say it was Nari who liked him. Not the other way around.”

Hongbin shrugged, “Who cares at this point? They’re together now.”

Hyuk looked to N, “Hyung, are you going to eat with us?”

N smiled and shook his head, “I’m not hungry, and I have some studying I need to do. Maybe next time.”

Ken looked to N, “You say that every day. Do you not like us or something?”

N laughed, “No, it’s nothing like that. Really I had a big breakfast this morning.”

Ravi sighed, “Okay, are you and Leo joining us for karaoke today after school?”

Hongbin corrected Ravi, “No today’s the day.”

Ravi suddenly remembered, “Oh right!”

“Well we’ll see you later, tell us how it goes alright?”

N nodded and waved goodbye, the guys left and he sat at his desk thinking about Leo and Nari’s relationship. Leo didn’t seem like the kind of guy to approach a girl like Nari, and from what he had seen in the classroom he wasn’t head over heels for her like half the other guys. Maybe it was because they were together for so long.

After school N waited for Leo as he walked Nari over to her car and said goodbye, Leo jogged to meet N, “Hey sorry about that.”

N got in and asked, “So your photoshoot is tomorrow?”

Leo rolled his eyes, “Yeah, I’m not very excited about it. I’d actually rather study.”

N chuckled and Leo laughed, “I’m serious.”

It made N wonder how true Ravi’s statement could’ve been, “So you and Nari have been together for a while haven’t you?”

Leo’s smiled faltered, “Yeah, almost four years.”

N stared out the window, “How did you two meet?”
Leo slouched in his seat, “Oh it’s not an interesting story.”

N looked to Leo and nudged him with his shoulder, “Come on, tell me! Was it love at first sight?”

Leo didn’t laugh with N this time, “Not really…I guess.”

N noticed Leo’s change in tone, “What do you mean?”

Leo leaned his elbow on the window and rested his chin in the palm of his hand, “It’s nothing.”

N sat back and didn’t mention it again, he was beginning to believe more and more in what Ravi had said. N didn’t like to leave the mood in such a sour state, “Hey Leo.”

Leo mumbled a response, “Yeah?”

N just called his name again, “Leo.”

Leo turned around but was poked in the cheek by N, “What?”

N held his stomach laughing, “Such a classic prank.”

Leo laughed unable to hold it in, “Yah!”

N laughed and they continued to talk with each other until they got to N’s house, Leo got out, “Go ahead and head back home. Mother might need you tonight.”

The driver looked at Leo, “I can wait until you finish.”

N pulled Leo over and whispered, “Just stay the night.”

Leo bit his lip conflicted but made up his mind, “I’m staying the night with N, go ahead back home.”

The driver nodded and drove off, Leo looked to N, “Stay the night?”

N smirked, “Like you would’ve thought of a better excuse. It may not be the palace that you’re used to but just suffer for one night.”
Leo rolled his eyes and laughed with N as they walked in; he suddenly remembered N’s room and thought it would be a good time to ask N about what had been nagging him for the longest time. N stepped off the elevator, “We can call a cab, is that alright with you?”

Leo nodded and watched N unlock his door, they stepped in and everything seemed normal. N kicked his shoes off quickly, “I’ll be right back.”

N ran off to his room, Leo watched as N slipped into his room, but Leo was able to see that N had cleaned up. Leo did notice, though, there was still the broken furniture. N returned quickly with some papers, “Ready?”

Leo nodded and called the cab, they waited outside and got into the car when it pulled up. While driving N looked to Leo, “Hey you okay?”

Leo nodded unconvincingly, “Fine.”

N turned his body more to Leo, “I can tell you’re lying.”

Leo rolled his eyes, “Why am I friends with you again?”

N lightly hit Leo on the arm and laughed, “Yah!”

Leo laughed too and then sighed, “I’m just nervous.”

“Don’t be. It’s not like you’re getting surgery. It’s just a simple test, I promise it will help in the end.”

Leo nodded, “I’m trusting you N.”
N looked into Leo’s eyes for a moment but then looked down, “I won’t let that trust go to waste.”

Leo smiled and the rest of the ride was silent, Leo liked their silences, they weren’t strained or awkward. N and Leo could be sitting right next to each other in silence and be perfectly comfortable. They arrived at the building and went in, Leo shook his leg as they waited in the waiting room. N nudged him with his shoulder, “How you feel?”

Leo bit his lower lip nervously, “I’m…alright.”

“What’s eating you away?”

Leo checked his phone for the thousandth time, “What if my dad finds out?”

N reassured him, “Don’t worry. He won’t.”

Leo was going to argue but a lady came out, “Leo?”

N stood up and pulled Leo up with him, “Come on, that’s you.”

Leo no

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Chapter 36: Is this really the end? Anyway great story authornim!!! Thank you for this story
signorina_klutz #2
Chapter 36: Oh my gosh. I love this. It was an emotional rollercoaster, and I love every second of it. I was just wondering about N's real father. But anyway, great plot, great delivery. Upvoted.
dontworryandcomeback #3
Chapter 36: ^-^ thanks for writing this~
naznew #4
Chapter 36: Err..why i feel this story cliffhanging?
Chapter 36: Such amazing!! Thank you for nice ending ^^
Hope you do a sequel when Hakyeon and Taekwoon lives together
Fightiing!! (๑و•̀ω•́)و
Karenkitty1092 #6
Chapter 36: This was such a wonderful ending and would love if you could do a sequel.
Chapter 36: Good thing that Leo and his father got out of their problems.
N's "father" was really bad. Good thing that he and Leo fall in love whit each other.
I hope you could do a sequel to this amazing story! Fighting for your new stories author-nim!
90sLineLover #8
Chapter 36: Such an amazing story ^^ hope you can do a sequel on N and Leo's live together
Chapter 36: thank you for the sweet ending <3 =^^=