Chapter 27

Opposites Do Attract

''Hyosung?'' Joon asked but had an unsure tone in his voice

Hyosung got up from the cold bumpy ground and she hugged Joon in a tight embrace ''I miss you'' was what came out from Hyosung's mouth

Joon doesn't know what to say, he was flustered. 

Hyosung was Joon's ex... They had a past... Before Joon left for Seoul and before he got into a car accident... Hyosung was just into Joon because of his looks and that's all... Nothing else, Hyosung didn't even feel any love for Joon. Hyosung just used Joon so she could get popular and become a Queenka in her school. 

''You owe me food...'' Hyosung frowned

Joon raised his right eyebrow ''Well... I just went grocery for food... But then someone bumped into me and now my groceries are on the yucky ground..'' Hyosung acted like she was puking...

''Please Oppa!!! We haven't seen each other for years... Go treat me for some dukkboki & kimbap?'' Hyosung was grabbing at Joon's sweater and pulling it closer to her...

*What about Jiyeon? Eh it wouldn't hurt, it will just take a couple of minutes to take this girl out...* Joon thought to himself

''Arasso, let's go...'' Joon and Hyosung went to a nearby food stand..

Meanwhile Jiyeon just got out of the shower ''Joon?'' she called out, but no one responded... Jiyeon sat on the bed drying her hair with a towel...

Suddenly her tummy growled making her giggle, she rubbed her tummy ''Don't worry tummy wummy Joon is coming soon, he's just going to buy ramen & kimchi!!!'' the thought of food made her more hungry... She gulped her saliva and her lips...

Meanwhile at the food stand Joon and Hyosung were eating a plate of dukkboki and 2 plates of kimbap..

''Oh you got sauce on your lips Oppa!'' Hyosung took a napkin and wiped Joon's lips...

They both stared at each other, Hyosung's heart was beating like a drum... She didn't feel like this before when they used to be in a relationship... 

''Uhhh I should leave now.... I still need to go buy some things....'' Joon got up and took his wallet and placed the money on the counter

Hyosung pouted ''Why are you leaving so early??? We just spent time with each other for 15 minutes.... Oppa please stay!!!'' Hyosung held onto Joon's hand

Joon suddenly thought of Jiyeon, he started to feel guilt... ''I'm so sorry Hyosung-ah, I really need to go... I have to feed someone...'' 

''You have a pet??'' Hyosung asked

Joon shook his head ''No... But, i'll just see you next time... Bye.'' Joon bid goodbye and rushed to go to the market so he could buy ramen and kimchi plus rice for Jiyeon...

He was in a hurry, when he got home... All lights were turned off... He hurried to go upstairs to his bedroom and he found a a calmly Jiyeon sleeping on the bed...

Joon felt a pang on his chest.... He felt guilt for leaving Jiyeon and making her hungry... Joon tucked a hair behind her ear and watched her sleep peacefully.

Jiyeon groaned in her sleep and she twitched until her eyes opened ''Joon?'' she asked unsure.

''I'm so sorry!'' was the only thing Joon could say

Jiyeon reached out to grab his face ''Why are you saying sorry?''

''For being late... I think you're very hungry... So come on i'll go cook up some ramen..'' Joon grabbed Jiyeon's hand

Jiyeon smiled ''Okay!!''


Jiyeon sat on the table counter while Joon cooked ramen 

''Where were you? What took you so long?'' Jiyeon started to ask Joon lots of question in where he went

Joon bit his lip, he doesn't want Jiyeon to know about Hyosung.... 

''Uh... Well, I took the wrong route to the mart. So yeah!!'' Joon had an unsure tone to his voice

Jiyeon just nodded ''Oppa hurry up, i'm hungry.'' she patted her flat tummy

Joon chuckled ''Arasso.. It's almost done!! I don't want my baby to be waiting.'' Jiyeon blushed

After cooking the ramen that almost took Joon forever.... He placed the bowl in front of Jiyeon and a bowl of rice and a side of kimchi... ''Enjoy your food my highness.'' Joon said

Jiyeon jokingly rolled her eyes... Joon sat in front of her ''Go on and eat.''

''What about you? Why aren't you eating?'' Jiyeon asked

To be honest Joon didn't want Jiyeon to know that he already ate and he's very full from the meal he had shared with Hyosung

''I'm good as long as you eat... So... Go eat, why do you want me to feed you??'' Joon winked

Jiyeon shook her head and she started to dig in ''Here open your mouth...'' Jiyeon held the spoon in front of Joon.

Joon opened his mouth like an obedient child and slurp the soup ''Yuuum...'' he exagerated his word.

After the meal Jiyeon and Joon had shared and after cleaning up the kitchen. Jiyeon and Joon went to the bedroom..

''Should we watch a movie together??'' Joon asked

Jiyeon smiled, they were now on the bed cuddling each other. They feel satisfied that they have each other's presence. Plus knowing that everything is alright and they're both happy in how things are between them.

Jiyeon never had thought that her and Joon would be in good terms after all the things he did to her.

''I love you!'' Joon said looking at Jiyeon's eyes. His eyes were full of passion and love..

Jiyeon's lips curved into a smile ''I love you too.''

Oh... I was going to use Hyuna.... But I didn't... LOL


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Chapter 36: I.Loved.It
andrearachela #2
Chapter 6: noooo.. jiyeon is natural beauty :(
btw i love the story
lihdya30 #3
hei I just finished this good story!
it is long story but I really like it ^^
I hope you make new ffs soon. I'll support you forever!!!!
Hello! Just read finish and its awesome ;)) Wahaha why didnt you use Hyuna like you wanted to? :o To be honest im not a fan if her but i thought she'd fit better. Nonetheless no matter, i enjoyed reading this
I like your storu A LOT kekeke Thumbs up ^^
claribelmiranda #7
awww.... i just finished reading it now :) nice story....
Hua...... i'm sad you end this story...... :( but you did good job. Fighting!!!!
yay..i love happy ending...thank u for making this fic :D