
the boy next door

A pair of firm, steady hands caught the falling boy before he fell. That was the first of many mistakes the ghost had made; once his hands felt the touch of his skin, Luhan didn't want to let go. But there lay the problem; Sehun was saved from falling onto the ground, however, with all actions came the consequences. Either good or bad. Instead of falling onto the ground, Oh Sehun began falling in love with the dead ghost. 

The ticking of the clock signalled another minute that had surpassed, it had been exactly thirteen minutes since that incident. Thirteen minutes since Luhan began to feel alive again. His decaying heart thumped heavily against his chest, something he hadn't experienced even when he was a human. The furious pounds against his chest still wasn't enough to silence it, at this rate the human was bound to find him. Luhan curled up tighter inside the wardrobe at the sound of nearing footsteps; for some reason his ghostly perks weren't working. Well, not with him. 

There were benefits from being dead, an advantage, a perk that the living did not occupy. Once you transform into a ghost you suddenly have these sort of powers... Luhan wasn't 100% sure of it himself but after dying he suddenly could read minds, he knew about their past, their lives- even their futures. And also the perks of being invisible and being able to walk through everything, but it was different now. It was different with Sehun. He couldn't read his mind, or have any sort of knowledge of his past. Sehun was beginning to change him in a way he had no hold over. 

"You're the mass murdering ghost, right? Xi Luhan." Sehun's voice echoed of the dead walls of room 21, his breath froze, waiting for a sign. There was nothing. He took a step closer, entering the corridoor of the apartment. This could've been an act of trespassing, but can you really be caught for trespassing a ghost's house?

Sehun had felt it, and no not his emotions... He had felt the pair of arms below him, and he saw it. Their eyes had met, only just for a split second. And then the ghost ran. A spli second was all it took for Sehun to become curious. Curious about who the stranger who had saved him was, curious about why they were in his apartment, curious about how they got in without him noticing- Sehun was curious about what he had started to feel. It was stupid of him, he knew the answers to all of the questions ringing at his head. He knew, but he didn't want to admit it. 

His eyes were a dark auburn with whisps of grey undertones, but the lighting was dim back there. His eyes were probably even brighter in the light, Sehun pulled out his phone and searched the name. Xi Luhan. He was right, his eyes were much brighter especially in his high school photo. Probably because he was actually alive back then. A small smile perked up and without thinking Sehun screenshotted the picture.

"You're still kinda cute as a ghost..." He left his apartment and turned an abrupt right, room 21. His next door neighbour... aka the dead boy. Usually people would run away from Luhan, but he was different. Oh Sehun was in search of the ghost next door. The ghost who had helped him. The ghost who was a mass murderer. 

One more hit, that was what he thought it would take to stop his heart from doing what it was doing. Luhan was wrong. It was the complete opposite. Instead the organ began ticking even more. You must be thinking, why? Well, wouldn't your heart slightly beat faster if all of a sudden a teenage boy appeared in front of you? Whether it was from shock, or maybe out of lo- it was from fear... Something the ghost had not felt in a long time. 

"I found you!" After hopelessly wondering the lifeless apartment for fourteen minutes, he heard it. A faint pounding coming from a wardrobe, and with each step closer it got louder. And then finally he opened the doors. Sehun had found the man he had been searching for- of course, not in a romantic way... 

"Wow, your eyes are even better in real life." His mouth slightly opened in awe of the sight in front of him; the fact that there was a ghost a few centimetres away or the fact that Luhan's eyes glistened when he looked up? Luhan, on the other hand, he couldn't keep his eyes off the human's lips. They were a peachy colour, and in need of some sort of chapstick... and he knew exactly what type. 

His mind switched off and now only listened to his heart, he inched closer to the boy. Now only four centimetres apart, Luhan stopped. He should've stopped, he should've disappeared through the walls. That was another mistake he had made. But Sehun was closing the distance between them, his heart pumping and his hands sliding to Luhan's jaw. He took a sharp breath once his skin made contact with the ghost's, it wasn't stone cold like what he had expected. Instead, it seemed as though Luhan was burning up. But what surprised Sehun the most was he could actually feel him.

Now, their lips only hovered from each others. No actual contact- just a small distance away. Enough for him to pull away. 

"I should've killed you when I had the chance." Those were the first words he uttered to the human. Well, the first that Sehun could actually hear. Luhan crawled back into his wardrobe, turning invisible whilst he was at it. However, it was no use. 

"I should've kissed you when I had the chance." Sehun opened his eyes, his lips fell to a close and the feeling of Luhan still lingered on his fingertips. It seemed crazy, everything that was happening at the moment. It seemed crazy that ghosts actually did exist- no, it was crazy how Sehun was beginning to feel. He quickly shook it off and turned his attention to the ghost that was now curled up in a ball inside the wardrobe. 

"Idiot- do you know I can see you?" Sehun approached the cowering ghost and a smug smile appeared, "I should've killed you when I had the chance." He happily mocked the dead boy before sitting next to him inside the wardrobe. "You know, for a mass murdering ghost- you're not scary. At all." He turned to face Luhan, waiting for some sort of reaction, only in turn to receive a blank stare that looked endlessly to the door. 

Luhan felt his eyes piercing at his skull, he wanted to look back to him. He wanted to, but he knew once he started there would be no stop to it. There would be no restraining him. Something inside of him was changing, with more time being with Sehun his heart start fuelling something that would soon be unstoppable. But now, he had enough.

"Shut up!" After an hour of Sehun non-stop talking to him, and of course not replying to him. Luhan grew fonder with each second, he should've left. Another mistake he made. "You have to leave. Pretend I don't exist- you know what? You won't have to pretend, because I'm going to kill you." He grabbed hold of Sehun's hand and pushed him down onto the nearby bed; the last time he had killed anybody on the bed was at the start of his career, after that he realised how long it actually took to get blood stains out of the bed sheets. But none of that mattered anymore, the human had to go. Luhan knew the consequences they would face if the council found out about Sehun. 

Rather than fearful, Sehun only chuckled softly at Luhan. He lay comfortabley on the bed, awaiting his supposed death. Each time Luhan appeared out of the wall, he couldn't stop his lips from widening to a grin.

"I thought ghosts were meant to be invisible?" He propped his head onto his hands and questioned the ghost; after an hour of Luhan ignoring him, he was going to get the most out of him whilst he could.

"I am invisible- it's just you. There's something wrong with you. I don't understand how- there's something wrong. You're different from most human beings- you can see me, and because of that you have to die." Luhan floated out the wall, holding the last of the equipment he needed. On the floor he lay out the essentials: a knife, rope, scarf, another knife, metal wire, and some drugs. He couldn't find the gun that he had his under one of the floorboards in the corridoor, but his time was running out with the human so it didn't cross his mind.

"That's great, actually... To be entirely honest with you- I mean you probably weren't listening to what I was saying but anyway... I've scheduled to jump off this building next Tuesday but the sooner the better, right?" He played with his lips and slowly raised his eyes to meet with his; that was where Sehun was wrong, he had listened to everything he had said. From his favourite colour to what type of pastry he enjoyed the most. A shiver crawled up his spine as Luhan advanced with the rope.

"So you are scared of me, eh?" Instead of doing the usual, which was to be quick and pounce onto the prey. This time around, he walked steadily towards Sehun. Taking his time.

"Only because you're holding a rope, but I guess it's better than being knifed. I mean, I've been close to ropes before. I've had experience... When I was fifteen... Yeah, I was in deep back then. I guess the angst of the prime age of teens kind of got ahead of me-" He glanced down to his fingers and a sigh overcame him, "and again, you're not listening to me." And again, Sehun was wrong. 

"You were suicidal as a young teenager, wasn't everybody? I mean, almost all the teenagers I kill probably want to be dead. To be honest, I'm doing a good deed." Luhan approached the bed but rather than wrapping the rope around his neck, he sat down next to him, rope dropped to the ground. 

"Let me guess, you killed yourself?" 


"Well the rope marks on your neck say otherwise." He thought he had completely sussed the ghost out, he thought that he was in control. Sehun was not in control of anything; of the conversation, of his thoughts- of his feelings, of his heart.

"You know, that's exactly what the police-man told the land owner." Luhan paused, and slowly got closer to the human. "And then that police-man threw the land owner out the window, that was after he managed to hang me with a tie inside a wardrobe." 

"Oh... Well, I guess that's a kind of cool and mysterious death... Before you kill me, can I ask for a favour?" He took the silence as a yes. "Stand by the door, hmm ok. I just want to experiment." Sehun pulled out the gun and aimed for the ghost standing by the doorwa; it was an experiment, he was just curious.

The bullet tore through Luhan's shoulder- and he felt everything. From the shot tearing through his skin, to the pain seen through Sehun's eyes. Blood was stained everywhere, all over his shirt, all over Sehun's hands. This should've never happened, the bullet should've went through him. It should've been harmless. That was the mistake Luhan made. He cared.

"Yah, idiot. I'm already dead. You can't kill me. Hey, hey- don't cry. You look cuter when you smile and anyway, red is your favourite colour."






To put it briefly to you, I have no idea whether to end it at this chapter or do what I originally planned to do. End it at chapter five, but it doesn't really differ... it's just one chapter difference... XDXD

Tell me whether you want me to make chapter 5 the finale, or if your fine with whatever... I don't know... Anyway, I hope you liked this chap- it was so long!!!! .-. But I hope you enjoyed the chapter! 

And this isn't the finale... yet.... considering whether yall want another chap... but anywho...

thanks for reading (even though i haven't updated in a long time:")

hope ya liked it:3

again... thanks!

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Chapter 4: Waiiitttt......I'm confuse
Chapter 4: I want like seven more chapters it was so good i'm sad. ;~;
elien23 #3
Proxima #4
Chapter 3: Update~~ and btw nice story im enjoying it ^^