
The Fan
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"Good morning, Omoni." Sandy greeted her mother who was busy cooking. "Do we have a guest today?"

Sandy and her mother work as the cook and waitress at a diner for a small resort in one of the remote islands in the Philippines. The place was secluded and did not have a lot of guests especially during that month being off season. The place was quiet and serene though that a lot of their little group of avid guests go back every now and then having fallen in love with the place.

Her mother gave her a glare that she just returned with a wide grin, she knew they had a guest who had came late the night before. It didn't stop her from spending the night on Youtube spazzing over her idol, Kwon Jiyong, Bigbang's charismatic and talented leader though.

"Hehehe." She gave her mother a peace sign who all could just sigh.

"We have a Korean guest."

"Jinja?!" She asked with her eyes wide in surprise. 

They never had a lot of guests and to have a fellow Korean visit was something they didn't get very often. The place was not famous with tourists who would rather go to Boracay or El Nido. The place though was beautiful if not more beautiful than the other places mentioned with its crystal clear waters and tranquil sea.

Sandy was born there though. She was born in Korea to Korean parents who, unfortunately had fallen into rough times and had decided to move to the Philippines to find a better life. That didn't quite turn out as they expected if not worse that what her mother had expected. You see, her father had abandoned Sandy, her mother and her two younger siblings. They were considered lucky to have been taken in by the resort's owner in their time of need.

"Bring him his coffee." Her mother ordered.

Sandy reached for the coffee machine and walked over to the pantry to get a cup. "What's he like?" She asked giddily.

"Why do you think he's a guy?" Her mother frowned.

She just shrugged. She didn't know, she was just guessing. She gave her mother another grin. 

"I can feel it." She said, wiggled her eyebrows.

Her mother rolled her eyes. "Don't go falling in love yet."

Sandy gasped dramatically. Her hand went to her chest. "Omoni! How could you think that?!" She screeched.

Her mother winced at the shrill of her voice.

"I would never ever cheat on GD." She said and eyed her mother with fake disdain. 

If there was one thing in the world that Sandy ever want other than a bright future for her family, it would be to meet her idol. The man she was in love with. She gazed dreamily at nothing. She may have been born with a hard life. She may not have a lot of things. She may have had a lot of heartbreaks, her father leaving them being one of them but Sandy would never lose her optimism. 

Thanks to GD.

Being a fan of his since Bigbang debuted, she knew how much he had struggled to be the 24 year old success that he was. He was her role model. He taught her that whatever hard ship one faces, hard work will get them to places. She had seen his struggles through the channels she was allowed to see and she loved him for his determination and talent. And she hoped to be as successful as he is. Sandy, too wants to be an artist. She wants to go back to Korea and audition for the agencies there. 

Her mother knew of her fanatical love for GDragon and had but supported despite of her  Omoni viewing it as craziness.

A rough slap in the arm woke her from her thoughts.

"Ouch!" She said and rubbed the arm her mother hit.

"His coffee is getting cold. Quit your day dreaming!" Her mother scolded.

Dara pouted as she eyed her arm that stung. She picked up the coffee and brought it outside. It took her a minute to notice their guest. His back was towards her as he watched the waves from the diner's glass windows. She mused at his profile as she approached. 

He was in the lean side. His short hair was dark and uncombed. She could see the fairness of his nape that was exposed above the collar of his long sleeves shirt. They seemed really smooth, she wondered what it felt like running her fingers on it. She frowned when she realized her train of thought. She shook her head. It was not the first time she had seen a man before. There were a lot of male tourists who had come and go in the resort. Some of them had shown interest in the pretty Korean girl. A lot of them that had said how pretty she was. She merely just nod and smile at the compliment and never really took them to heart.

She knew she was in love with G Dragon. Maybe she just feels this familiarity about their guest because he was Korean like she was.

Sandy cleared when she got close to him.

"Anyeong haseyo." She greeted.

He didn't even look at her that she pouted a little. "How rude." She said to herself. She pouted as she placed the coffee cup in front of him and gazed at his profile.

She could not make out his face as he was wearing a mask that was covering it. His eyes still trained on the waves in front of the diner. Who does this guy thinks he is? He must fancy himself as some celebrity. Her lip twitched upwards.


Sandy was startled when he spoke. She blinked rapidly when his heated gaze fell on her. Her heart thundered against her ribcage.

"Uhmm.. Ah..." She stuttered as his eyes met hers. She was a little taken aback realizing that she had said what she had been thinking out loud. It didn't help that his eyes were boring holes on her. Her heart was doing a somersault even when his stare was cold and angry. She swallowed as she met his gaze. His eyes were pretty and... Oddly familiar.

She wanted to bolt but her feet remained rooted to the spot. He tore his angry glare at her after a minute when she did not make any indications of ever saying anything more than grunting. She wished that the floor would swallow her whole.

She grimaced and bowed very low to him. "Mian." She said softly and ran back to the kitchen, her tray covering her face.

She hit her head with the tray when she reached the safety of the kitchen. "Pabo!"

"Ne. You are." Her mother agreed and handed her another tray full of food. "Now bring him his breakfast."

"Ani!" She said to her mother's back. "You bring it to him." She said desperately and pushed the tray to her mother who turned around to face her.

Sandy cannot face him now after embarrassing herself in front of him like that. She grimaced again as she remembered the look he gave her.

Her omoni flicker her finger to her forehead and Sandy winced. "Kaja!"

"Omoni!" She whined.

"Tatamaan ka na talaga saking bata ka!"(Im just about to hit you!") Her mother said annoyed and turned towards the sink to wash the pots she had cooked on. She turned the faucet on, drowning Sandy's disputes.

She swallowed the lump of embarrassment on and bit her lip. Her heart was still making crazy thumping inside her, she wondered if she was going to get a or something.

"Ka!" Her mother yelled.

She gave one last whine before taking a deep breathe to calm her leaping heart before opening the kitchen door with her . Her knees were shaking when she approached him slowly. He was sipping his coffee luxuriously when she got close. His mask resting on his chin. He looked her up with his eyes without moving his head. His eyes still showing annoyance. 

Sandy, avoided meeting his eyes this time. She was shaking that the tray made such a ruckus when she out it down on the table.

"Mian." She whispered. 

She heard him sigh. It was enough chastise for her. She was putting the food on the table from the tray when she notice his hand that was still holding his coffee cup near his lips. Sandy did a double take when she saw the tattoo on his hand that was exposed from his long sleeve. 

It was a tattoo of a smiley. Her eyes did not leave his hand even after he had set the cup on the table and crossed his arm in front of him, denying her the sight of his tattoo. His head bowed, she couldn't see the rest of his face.

He glared at her again when her hand stilled. The plate of food hanging in mid air. Her world stopped as she met his eyes again. His eyes that were familiar. The same eyes that stared back at her in every corner of her room. The walls of which were covered with posters of Gdragon that she was collecting.

"Wae?!" He growled.

Sandy took a sharp intake of breathe. It was him!!

GDragon was in front of her.

Omo! Omo! Omo! Omo! Omo! Omo! Omo! Omo!

That was all her mind could process in the next minute. It went blank. She didn't even realized that she was holding her breath and was turning blue already.


He waived his hand in front of her that she finally gathered her wits. The plate of food was still dangling in mid air. She was gaping at him with wide opened. For a moment, she saw the trace of fear and worry in his eyes as he looked at her. He looked away when she blinked multiple times as she looked at him.

The plate fell on the table with a thud. She straitened and left hurriedly towards the kitchen, uncaring of his reaction. She rested her back to the kitchen door as she finally released the breathe that she had been holding, still in a trance.

Oh, my God!!

GDragon was in the diner. He was in the diner! Otoke?! Otoke?!

"What's wrong?!" Her mother asked worried. "What's wrong with you?!"

"Uma!" She held her scream in. Things finally sinking in. "Uma!" She half yelled again. She was so happy it felt as if her heart wants to get out of her chest. She had never known this much joy before that she started jumping before she knew it, yelling in .

"What's going on?" Her mother asked as she watched her jumping up and down laughing silently. Her mother looked at her like she had gone crazy. Sandy didn't care. She kissed her mother's cheek.

"I am so happy." She said as she smothered her shocked mother with a bear hug. "I cannot believe it, Uma!" She gave her mother another wet kiss.

Her mother struggled to get Sandy's arms off of her and held her daughter's shoulders.

"You have gone crazy!"

"Aniya!" Sandy shook her head, maniacally. "I have never been this sane before."

She all but dreamed about him coming to the island. She had all but dreamed to ever see him in person having been unable to afford a ticket for their concert years before. She barely could afford a copy of their album but she had worked really hard to be able to afford them. She had been dreaming for so long that she could go to Korea and watch him in one of their concerts. She had prayed so hard to see him in person that she had been saving to go back to Korea against her mother's wishes.

Sandy stopped jumping when fear gripped her. She was still

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Chapter 2: Aww! This is so nice! Love it! More please! Update soon author-nim! :)
wenkie0414 #2
Chapter 2: next please??? ☺️☺️☺️
kwonty #3
Chapter 2: Amazing... dara is really fangirl.. she was so cute when she served breakfast for jidi haha... sequel plz
rosaliaa #4
U updated!!! Thank u sooooo much!!
delayroom21 #5
Chapter 1: Does the oneshot end there? Authornimmmmm my feels, should I work in a diner too? Oh my fangirl hearteuuu
tae143 #6
Chapter 1: Waaah beautiful!!!! Update pls..
alwaysdreamygirl #7
I cant predict what will happen next. So please update authornim. And never abandoned this story . Kekekeke patiently waiting here
krizelda02 #8
Chapter 1: update please! nice story :)