
Whistling at ease
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At that hour, the traffic was complicated. The stores, the offices, some workshops, threw hundreds of people into the street. And the streets, the squares, the bus stops, that were planned when there weren't so many people at the stores, the offices and workshops, were completely full from one second to another. At the large sidewalks of the big squares, there were people bumping into each other. Some people needed to close their eyes to that contempt and, they had no choice but to receive and give some bumps too and curse sometimes. The cars were caught in a line in front of each other. They followed morosely, loaded to the stapes and outside of the stapes, behind, with the hundreds of people who jumped outside the stores, the offices, the workshops. Besides, in pretty days like that one, this street was filled with elegant people that were walking around, at 5 o'clock, around the stores with new stocks and through the tea houses, to kill time anyway, to see familiar faces, to greet and be greeted, and they'd only comeback home around dinner time.

The crowd proposed a fellowship by force. They needed to apologize the boy they just stepped on, imploring the people hanging on the car to clench a little more so you could just fit one feet, just one feet, at the stirrup corner. Sometimes, smile to the people they've never saw before and just want to insult. The elegants and the elegants thought naturally that all of this is boring. Especially, the absolute necessity to follow those filled platforms, where not only gentleman would travel, but many men who were just right e where those same vulgar men and women laid an unbearable smell.

The car followed morosely and as packed as the others. Fortunately, there were still some right men in the city and some women that knew their place. Only thanks to that, the ladies who have risked their shoes and hats in that melee and some respectable gentleman were able to sit.

At one point, however, on the rear platform rose buzz. Protests. Indignation. Heads were turning inside the car. And was seen a young man, pushing everyone away and saying that were some seats in the front, and that should let him through. Though, people still told him that there wasn't any seat available, that he couldn't pass through, that he shouldn't be rude. But the young man pushed and insisted that there were some seats in the front. He stucked so much that was able to get into the middle of the transport, he continued and found a place next to an opulent woman.

It was a general and silent amazement. No one noticed the vague seat. And less than anyone else, and as easy to understand, the very opulent lady. All are lucky.

The blonde young man, that was wearing a large brown coat, didn't even sat properly. He just sinked his hands on the jacket's pockets. He seemed a bit younger than the man in the back, which we'll talk about later. The opulent lady furrowed her forehead and rummaged up her seat, like she was trying to occupy less space. In fact, she even installed herself better. The young man looked vaguely to the people in front of him, extended his lips and started whistling. He started whistling very at ease inside of the car!

At first it was a low whistle, unsafe, almost imperceptible. Later on, he enthused himself and slowly started to whistle in a much higher tone. It could be heard from every part of the transport. The passengers, pretended that they didn't saw the man and didn't hear the whistle. And quieted down when the conductor addressed to the man. He sure was going to quiet the man down!


With the pack of tickets on his hands and with the pliers’ spike, he limited himself by saying: "Sir?". The young man took his ticket from his right pocket, not stopping whistling. And everybody watched the scene, interested. But, when the strange man looked at the people, by chance, they all turned their eyes like he didn't exist.

And once in a while, a person left the car. The platform of the car was getting empty. And, little by little, everyone was getting used to that stupid whistle, constantly being repeated by that stranger. The gentlemen were forgetting their newspapers. Some ladies smiled. Have you ever seen a nonsense like this?

At some point, the man, still whistling, rang the bell. He was an insignificant man, non-different from the other people in the vehicle. But there was something in him that made completely different from everyone else. Everyone was watching him.

He opened the door, closed it and jumped out of the car that was still moving.

Everyone seemed surprised. They all started to look to each other. Some of them even laughed. People watched him disappear between some houses, into a dark alley. But, right before he left, he looked at someone, someone who standed out from all those people.

It was the man in the back.

This guy, no, this boy is Park Jimin. Student, 18 years old and that daily catches that transport at this hour to return home. His cute hair fascinated that strange man. Jimin has been watching that blonde guy since he entered the vehicle! And he started whistling, Jimin was just stunned. He never saw or heard anyone whistling at this car, though it wasn't illegal or forbidden. He closely listened to the music the man was whistling, that was bringing some mood to that boring trip. He wonder why he was whistling that song. Maybe he liked it? No, Jimin never heard a rhythm like this. He also heard people talking about the blondie, that he shouldn't do something like that, and how weird was that guy. The gentleman and the ladies should have shame on themselves. But he couldn't do anything. These people came from rich places and they have rich parents. They could put Jimin in jail, even if he didn't do anything. Especially the man next to him. Constantly criticizing the man, saying that only stupid people would do such thing in public, and how poor the man seemed. And how bad was the education his parents gave him. Though he has no right to say that. Jimin was almost going to punch that annoying person, but he thought twice before doing it.

He also noticed the man looking at him when he jumped out of the vehicle, and how he winked and smiled at him. Jimin blushed and saw the man vanish between the dark shades, between the buildings. And wonder, why did him look at Jimin, where there are plenty of beautiful women next to him? Just, why? Worst of all, he made Jimin blush and some ladies saw what happened and started giggling, making Jimin blush even more.

Why did he look at me?

Jimin had so many questions but, the man won't ever appear in life again...




Yeah, that's what he thought 

Actually, this continued happening for almost 2 years. Yeah, that's right. 2 years. And you're probably thinking: 'Well, if ChimChim had SO many questions to do that guy, why didn't he? Is he a sissy?'

Well, Jimin has a social problem, he can't speak to people that easily. He has a lot of difficulty socializing with other people. That's why. BUT! He finally got the guts to talk with that stranger.

But it didn't went as good as he thought it would.




It's been almost 2 years and Jimin still didn't have the courage to that man, who always smirks and winks at him. Since on past couple of years, the car hasn't been as full as it used to, Jimin is more easily noticed looking at the man than before. And, sometimes, he couldn't recognize the man himself, since he was constantly changing his hairstyle or clothes. But, though many years have passed, he still whistles the same melody, with the same height, the same everything! And, Jimin also mumbles the song, but in silence. He continued whistling the song and the place where the stranger would leave, was almost reaching. When Jimin noticed how soon the man was going to leave, he tried to reach the man, by pushing people away, by fitting in small place he could never fit. He tried super hard just to talk with that man, but, he couldn't. When his hand was right about to grab the man's jacket, he'd vanish. He was no longer there. Jimin put his head and saw the man's back, disappear in the dark alley. "Damnit!" Jimin screamed. When he lift his head up, he saw the man smiling at him and potting down. He didn't get it at first, but then, he saw some black letters at the border of the window. They were just 4 words, pretty simple actually. We read them and smiled. In the window was written:


Will we meet again?



Jimin just smiled at that sentence and w

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Life_crisis #2
Chapter 2: Do iiiit! : )
yullover2002 #3
Chapter 2: YES PLEASE
sebaekcrunchie #5
Chapter 2: The story is very cute and I would like to see it continued. Also curious about why the mystery man whistles and how he manages to leap off the train. Martial arts, superpowers Ifk. Lol.