Will You Go Out On A Date With Me?

U-KissMe I MIGHT Kiss You~

     The next day I woke up, still feeling a little bit sick from yesterday, but not as bad. I texted Soohyun telling him that I wasn't going to attend school today. The thought of not attending school today felt... bitter sweet. One reason was because I didn't have to be around all my mean classmates and dumb Haruka... But the reason why I wanted to go was to see the guys. I haven't seen then in over a day! Call me crazy but I missed them a lot! Staying at home in bed watching dramas was not something that I really wanted to be doing. I'd rather be in class getting my education, then slacking off like I am right now. And plus, time was going by super slow! I was also to out of it to even get myself something to eat or drink, or even use the restroom. "I've done all my homework... What now?" I said to myself turning on my side and looking out the window. "Should I read something? Should I re watch City Hunter?" I had gotten so bored that I began talking to myself, as thought, I ended up watching an episode of City Hunter but then turning to watch 'Scent Of A Woman' in the end. Hours passed by and I sat in my bed coughing up a storm, this was highly boring... I should have just went to school.

     "AIGOO! I SHOULD HAVE WENT TO SCHOOL!" I yelled into my pillow. Before I knew it my doorbell started frantically ringing. I jumped at the sudden ringing and let out my hair from it's braids and fixed my pajamas, I put on my Big Bang G-Dragon socks and walked down the stairs. I started coughing and I opened the door to see Dongho. My eyes widened at his sudden visit. "Shin Dongho! Shouldn't you be at school right now?!" I said to him looking at my invisible watch on my wrist. "It's lunch time! I wanted to see if you were alright!" He handed me a bowl and a sprite and I looked at the bowl. "What's this?" I curiously asked him. "It's Chicken Soup! To help your throat feel better! Oh, and don't drink lemon tea! That'll only make your Throat worse! And keep warm to!" He was pouring endless information on what to do to get well fast. I began to smile at him. "Did you read up on it or something?" I asked him as I moved from the door to let him walk in. He nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "Actually... Yes I did... Last night after I left." I started to turn a light pink and smiled at him once again. "How nice!!" i said and quickly hugged him. Right after the hug I started to cough again, after one cough more kept coming. Dongho patted my back.

     "How are you feeling today?" He asked me taking me into the living room. "I feel better than yesterday.. Since I'm recovering fast I'm pretty sure I'll be at school by tomorrow!" I said happily, but my smile went away as another cough escaped from me. "Well that's good... Your cough still bugging you?" I nodded and coughed more. "You should eat!" He said standing up and taking me into the kitchen, he sat me on the table and opened the plastic bowl filled with warm chicken soup. He grabbed a spoon from the dishwasher and came over to me, before I could grab for the spoon he moved it away from me so I wasn't able to get it. "No! I'll feed you!" He said happily as he put soup into the spoon. He put it in front of me. "Ahh~" He said. I frowned but gave in anyways. He smiled at me once more and continued feeding me. Finally I finished all the soup and started to sip on my sprite. "Ghansamnida Dongho~ But you should really go now! Lunch time will be over soon!" I said standing up moving him towards the door. "Oh right.. I forgot I still had school..." he sheepishly said as he walked to the front door and slowly slid on his shoes.

     While Dongho put on his shoes he just kept looking at me, looked back to his shoes, and then kept looking at me. I started to laugh. "What's keeping you?"I asked him finally. "You... I don't like leaving you when your sick." When he said that my heart felt like it was literally jumping around in my body. "Well, I'm fine! I'll see you later?" I managed to say. He nodded. "Yeah, I'll see you later!" He hugged me and left. I watched him leave. Occasionally he would turn around and keep waving at me. Those small things he did always made me blush a lot. He was so cute and caring that he had this effect on me like no one else has. I slowly walked up the stairs with my sprite in hand thinking about the random visit from Dongho, just thinking about it couldn't stop me from my uncontrollable blushing! The more I thought about it the more butterflies came into my stomach, the more my heart skipped beats, and the more I couldn't stopped blushing. 'Why am I like this all of a sudden?????' I thought to myself as I landed onto my bed, I wasn't annoyed of it or anything, but I just didn't know why I was always... like this with Dongho. I plopped on my bed and fell asleep. The last thing I thought about was... Dongho...

~ The Next Day ~

     The next day I woke up feeling better than ever! Which meant that I could go to school today! As usual, I walked to school with Soohyun and Kiseop! I felt a little more energized than normal and I was actually the one talking a lot rather than it being Soohyun. "Aigoo, what did you drink this morning?" Kiseop asked me checking my forehead to see if I had a temperature. "What? I can't be energized in the morning like Soohyun for once?" I asked him as I jumped down a step. Kiseop laughed while Soohyun smiled and randomly hugged me. "See! At least someone is excited for the morning!" Soohyun said laughing. I smiled and we continued on walking down to school. At school we were just in time, as the bell rung we all went out separate ways to out classes like usual. During class I worked extra hard to catch up on what I had missed the last two days. Things as of right now were going smoothly, and I was happy about that. Lunch finally came and I didn't feel like staying in the classroom for once. All of the guys came fumbling into the classroom. I stood up from my desk. "Where are you off to Jae Jung?" Eli asked as he came over to hug me. "Nowhere, lets go outside and hang out? I'm getting tired of this classroom." I mumbled to him.

     Eli gave me a look, as did the others. "Are you sure? Don't you know Haruka is still, like the she is, trying to get an easy access to beat you up?" Hoon asked from the corner. Eli gave him a glare. "Hoon! For reals? how would that happen when all 7 of us got her back?" Eli smiled at me and patted my back. "Sure lets go outside!" We all walked outside, I cautiously stayed next to Eli as we walked out and into the field area, we all sat on the bleachers and began talking. "So, Jae Jung, we haven't seen you for two days! Where were you?" Kevin asked me. I sighed and took a sip of my banana milk. "I've been sick." I grumbled. "I know that, but were you alright?" I happily nodded. "Ne! I was thanks to Dongho!" I said giving him a smile, Dongho messed with his hair and looked the other way... Guessing he's embarrassed? "Dongho?" Soohyun bluntly said. I nodded to him again, Soohyun began to frown. "What's wrong best friend? Did I say something?" Soohyun turned his head the other way. "How come Dongho got to care for you and not me! You know I'll always care for you!" I smiled and hugged his waist. "Of course! Next time If i ever get sick I'll call you... Araso?" Soohyun slowly showed a smiled on his face. "Araso... But.. Just don't get sick easily!! I don't want that you know!" You laughed and he hugged you back.

~ Dongho's Point Of View ~

      I sat there watching Jae Jung intently, half of me was listening, but the other part of me... I was freaking out. Now that she was better I was going to ask her out on a date today like I told myself I would two days ago. The day seemed to go by slower and slower all because I was a nervous wreck. 'What if she rejects me? She'll probably run away from me and never talk to me again... She probably doesn't even like me the way I like her!!!!' Because I was thinking all this I couldn't help but be more nervous. I didn't want to tell her right now because for one Soohyun will throw a fit, and two the guys will just make she and I completely awkward and embarrassed! As I watched her I just couldn't help but wonder about everything. Does she like me? Will she accept my confession when I confess to her? Will she even accept my date? I was just freaking myself out more and more at the thought of being rejected. 

     "Dongho! Dongho! Are you here with us? Is your soul somewhere else?" I snapped out of my thoughts and saw AJ waving his hand in front of my face. I slapped it away. "What are you doing?" I asked him in confusion. He started to laugh hard, as did everyone else. "Whoa! You blanked out for quite awhile there! How long?" AJ asked the others. Hoon gave him and 'I-Don't-Know' face as did the others. "My best guess is that he was off in his thoughts for a good ten minutes!" Kevin chimed in as he started laughing again. I put my head down in embarrassment at the event that just happened. "What were you thinking so hard about Dongho?" Jae Jung asked me as she innocently sipped on her banana milk. 'I was thinking of you.. I'm trying to figure out whether you like me or not. I'm scared you'll even reject my date and confession.' That's what I wanted to say to Jae Jung, but I had to prevent myself from saying that. "Oh, I was just thinking of some homework that i thought I missed. I'd get in trouble if I missed it!" I tried lying. Kiseop  laughed. "You always turn in your homework! Since when are you the one to forget!" "Uh... Since today!" I said crossing my arms.

     "I don't know where your head is today... What's wrong with our maknae? Are you getting sick?" Kiseop leaned in to take a look at me. 'Yeah... I'm becoming Love Sick... WHAT? LOVE SICK? WHEN DID I THINK OF THAT?!' I tried to move that thought away from my mind and looked back at Kiseop. "Nope.. I just forgot! What? I can't forget once in my life?" Kiseop eyed me but went back to talking to the others. 'Whew.. That was a close one...' I tried my hardest the rest of lunch not to get caught thinking about something like this, because of course, they were watching me like hawks! Finally lunch came to and end and we all went our separate ways. I didn't really talk to anyone today because of how nervous I was, my heart kept skipping beats to every time I though of Jae Jung. Finally, the school bell rang and school was let out. I flipped my phone open and texted Jae Jung. It was now or never. 'I hope you say yes...' 

~ Jae Jung's Point Of View ~

     Finally school has let out! Things went out as good as I had thought they would! I made up all of my late work and I was able to hang out with the guys again! Before I could reach my locker I got a text on my phone, I pressed open.

Jae Jung, meet me where we were hanging out at at lunch? -Dongho :)

I made a face. 'What does he want to see me for all of the sudden??' i thought to myself before writing back.

Sure! I'll be right there! -Jae Jung! :3

I closed my phone and walked out to the bleachers on the field a little bit nervous at the sudden meeting he made with me. I kept wondering what he wanted me for, and what if it was either a good or a bad thing. Minutes later as I got closer and closer to the exit to the field my stomach grew even more nervous. When I exited out of the building I looked over at the bleachers and saw that Dongho was standing next to them kicking the rocks that were beneath his feet. I slightly smiled and walked over to him quietly. 

     When I got closer Dongho looked up and smiled at me. I waved at him and exchanged the smile. I finally was there and I stood in front of him. "So.." I said waving my arms around. "What did you call me out her for?" I asked him as I tilted my head. Dongho kept rubbing his hands together, fidgeting his leg, and awkwardly looking around us. "Uh.. You alright?" Dongho looked at me again and nodded. "I.. Uh... I." Dongho began to start. I walked a little bit closer to him. "You.. Uh, You?" I repeated. "I..... I........ I......." "You.. You, You?" I said again mimicking him a little. Dongho opened his mouth and then closed it again. "Why do you look so nervous Dongho?" I asked him again looking at him. "I... I... I.. Would-" He kept fumbling with his words. "Spit it out!" I said and then hit him. Instantly all his words came out in one breath. "WILLYOUGOOUTONADATEWITHME?!?" I looked at him, a little bit confused. "Uh... What did you say? I wasn't able to hear you." Dongho looked down and grabbed one of my hands. He looked at me again.

     "Jae Jung... Will you.... Go on a date with me?" He finally managed to say. My eyes widened as I looked at him in shock. My heart was really going to burst at any moment now. "It's a no.. huh?" I quickly nodded my head. "NO! I MEAN- NO IT'S NOT A NO!" I quickly stated an then sighed, my face getting redder and redder by the moment. Dongho looked so confused at this moment. "What I meant to say was... Yes... I'd like to go out on a date with you." I smiled at him. He sighed in relief and pulled me into a hug. "I was so nervous you'd say no." He said into my ear. I chuckled a bit. "Why would I say no to you? Pabo..." I pulled away from him and looked at him. "So... This Saturday? I'll pick you up at six?" I nodded in agreement. "Sounds good! Aigoo... I have to go now! I'll talk to you later!" I hugged him once again and ran off. When I walked out of school I could feel my face, still hot. 'He asked me out  on a date... I've never felt so happy...' I thought to myself as I continued walking home, my face red, heart skipping beats, butterflies in my stomach and a smile as far as the eye could see.


Hey Kiss Me's!

I'm happy! I've FINALLY managed to write a long chapter after the longest while!

What can I say? I like writing you all long chapters!

So Dongho finally asked Jae Jung out! Let's see what happens in the next chapter!

Well... I'm still sick. T^T Luckily I will be attending school tomorrow! YAY!






Oh, and one more thing... Since I've been sick I've been watching a lot of things.

ehe, Zico!Yes Zico! From Block B, I was just like... He's so bold and CUTE :3 lol, just had to say it~

ZICO GIFS TO END THE CHAPTER! You Don't mind that... Right? :DDDDD


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UPDATE 4/16/12: Mianhae Kiss Me's for no post yet! I have my chapter on paper, will have your chapter out all ready by tomorrow! Please be patient!!! :)


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Please updateeeeeee~
IAmMeMyself #2
Waaaaaaaaah~~~~~~~~update update update update soon pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaassssseeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0.0
Naomiixx #3
YoJelly #4
Dongho Dongho Dongho dongho dongho dongho dongho<3 thank yooouuuu!!! I look everywhere for a story about him.. But this is the first and only one I found! Thank yooouuuu !!
Naomiixx #5
Naomiixx #6
I love ur story so much its soo cute!!!>_< Lol it was worth waiting for thank u!!^.^
Naomiixx #8