Being Sick~

U-KissMe I MIGHT Kiss You~

     I slowly opened my eyes and instantly started coughing. I sat myself up and raised my hand to my mouth covering my coughs. I finally stopped coughing and put a hand to my head. "I don't feel good." I whined to myself. I rarely ever got sick, but why now? There was a big test coming up! How can I be sick before that? I didn't think about it and just walked to get ready. I didn't even bother really getting ready. I put my bangs out of my face, and put on my uniform. I heard my doorbell ring and I walked over. I didn't care today. There was no emotion. I was to out of it. "BEST FRIE-" Soohyun stopped in his sentence and looked at me. I didn't think I looked that horrible. "What's wrong are you sick?" Soohyun ran over to me, but before his hand could meet my face I moved away and faked a smile. "Best Friend! I stayed up watching dramas all night! I'm fine! Lets go?" I smiled again and grabbed my backpack avoiding his hand to meet my head. He stayed in front of my closed door for a second. "Let's go!" I said waving my hand to him. On the way, I tried my best to hold in all my coughs, some escaped my mouth but I kept saying a bug went into my mouth at that moment. I could tell Soohyun wasn't buying it, but he went with it anyways. We finally got to school, I walked into my classroom and sat down. 'My head hurts... My eyes and body aches. and why is it so hot?' I thought to myself while I tugged at the collar of my shirt.

     Class seemed to be going by slower than what it used to be. I kept looking at the clock rather than looking at my school work. As it kept getting closer and closer to lunch my body temperature kept raising, I became so sick that I couldn't even keep my head up correctly. Finally, the school bell rang for lunch. I didn't even bother to get up, I didn't even bother to move myself from where I was. Today the guys had some kind of sports activity today so they wouldn't be coming in to see me. I sighed and just put my head down. "JAE JUNG! GWENCHANA?" I heard minutes later. I slowly lifted my head up to see Dongho rushing over towards me. I smiled. "Ne.. I'm fine! I'm just tired! I was watching dramas all night!" I tried to lie to Dongho. He tilted his head. "Why are you so red?" Dongho said moving his hand towards my head. I tried to move away. "It's nothing." "No, it's something! Stop moving!" His hand finally met mine. His eyes widened. "How could you go to school when your sick?!" He scolded me. "I still have to go to school I need everyday I can get to study." I replied to him. "No, what you need is rest. I'm taking you home." Dongho grabbed my hand and tried pulling me up. I resisted. "Anyah.. I have to stay here, and we'll get in trouble for leaving." "At this moment I don't care! I only care about your health! Staying here will only make you worse. Now come on!" He pulled at my hand again, and I stood up. He took my backpack in one hand and held my hand in the other. I wanted to blush, but I just couldn't because I was to out of it.

     We walked out of the school with no problems at all. But I was still worried that my teacher and Dongho's would notice that we were gone from class. As we walked I got weaker and weaker and soon enough I stopped. My hand at my head. Dongho looked at me and got on the ground in front of me. "Hop On!" He simply said. My eyes turned to look at him I shook my head. "Anyah. Let's just keep walking." i walking in front of him but Dongho only grabbed my hand. "Get on. You can't walk any further or else you'll collapse. Get on my back." I sighed and tried to leave but Dongho only held my hand tighter. "Get on. I'm being serious, I don't want you to collapse." Dongho's eyes were filled with worry. Finally, I gave in and got onto his back. It was weird, I have never been on a guy back other than my brother Hyo's. I put my arms around his neck and buried my face into his neck, I was so tired that I didn't even realize it. "Why did you go to school?" Dongho randomly asked me. "Because... I have to. Besides, I'm not even that sick." "Yes you are! When I saw you in the classroom you were really really red, your face was burning hot, and you looked like you were about to collapse at any moment! How are you saying your not even that sick when you are?" I turned my head. "Mianhae. I didn't think about it that much." I really was sorry. "You don't have to be sorry about being sick, if your sick your sick, you can't control that." "Dongho... Were you.. Worried?" I didn't even mean to ask that question, but it was the only thing that was stuck in my head. "Of course I was worried! Why wouldn't I be??" I hid my smiled from him. It felt really nice to hear that from him.

     We were finally at my house, I gave Dongho my house key and he swiftly opened the door, when I tried to get off of his back he only kept walking up the stairs. "W-" "Where's your room?" I sighed and pointed at the last door on the left. He opened my door and sat himself on the bed, I got off and started to crawl off of the bed. "Yah! Don't move! Stay put!" Dongho said to me. "But I'm fine." "Liar. lie down!"He gave me a really serious look, I finally gave in and lay down on my bed. Dongho smiled. "Stop being so stubborn!" I pouted. He walked out and I sighed. I can't believe that he's here, with no one else around! Minutes later Dongho came back in with a water, wet cloth, and medicine in hand. i sat up and he gave me the water. "Take this." He simply said and put the pill into my hand. I frowned. "I don't like taking pills" I simply said stairing at it in my hand, giving it a sinister look. "Come on  just take it! It'll make you feel better!" He took it from my hands and put it to my mouth. "AH!" I turned my head. "Jae Jung! Open your mouth!" He turned my head to him and tried opening my mouth. He stopped and sighed. "Mianhae but I have to do this!" He started tickling me. As I began to laugh my mouth opened and he popped the pill into my mouth. He stopped tickling me and started force feeding me water, soon enough the whole pill was swallowed. "See, it didn't kill you now did it?!" I gave him a frowning face and plopped back down on the bed. Dongho came closer and put the wet cloth onto my head. "This'll relieve your fever. Now, go to sleep and soon enough your fever will be gone!" I nodded and closed my eyes.

~ 5 Hours Later ~

     I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. Dongho was wide awake just looking at me. I slowly rose up to look at him. "How are you?! Are you alright?" He put his hand on my forehead, then tow my cheeks and neck. "Your fever went down! But are you alright?" I nodded my head. "I'm fine... But.. What time is it?" "It's 5 right now." My eyes widened. "You stayed here for 5 hours?" Dongho looked down and nodded. "Ne.. I wasn't going to leave without you waking up and telling me whether you were better or not."This time I could actually feel myself blush. "Your getting red! Are you getting a fever again??" With embarrassment I pushed his hand away. "ANYAH! I'm Not! It's nothing!" I awkwardly laughed and turned my head. Dongho had gotten me porridge from somewhere and fed it to me. I gratefully smiled at him as I finished the last bite. "You really didn't have to do that." I said and wiped my mouth with a napkin. "I know, but I wanted to.... i should get going. Feel better okay? I'll be checking up on you a lot, and if your sick tomorrow do not got to school! Araso?" I whimpered but nodded. "Araso..." Dongho smiled and hugged me tightly. "I actually hope you feel better tomorrow..." He looked at me, quickly kissed my cheek and walked out the door. In a daze I touched my cheek at the sudden kiss he planted on my cheek. I blushed and began to smile. "My hearts beating so fast." I finally managed to say under my breath.

     A text came to my phoned and I opened to look at it. Of course, it was from Dongho, and I couldn't help but smile from him checking up on me two seconds after he just left my house.

How are you? Are you alright? Do you need me to come back? -Dongho

Anyah, that's not needed. I'm fine, I'm alright! Dongho.. Ghansamnida for today! Ghansamnida Ghansamnida! -Jae Jung

It's nothing... I'll always be there to take care of you when your sick!


     I closed my phone and smiled. He said he was always there to take care of me. I couldn't help but be really happy at his kind gesture. 'I think I like Dongho...' I simply thought, and with just that thought a smiled inched onto my face... And I was fine with it.

~ Dongho's Point Of View ~

     I finally had left her house and sent her a text message, when we stopped texting I just walked on to my house. I was happy that I was able to take care of her today. Luckily, It wasn't Soohyun who got to. So, I considered myself the lucky one. On my way home I ran into the guys. They ran up to me with worry in their eyes. "DONGHO!" They all said as they reached up to me. "What?" I simply said to then being attacked by a hug from Eli and Hoon. "Where were you today?! I didn't see you after lunch! Where did you go?" Kevin asked me looking me up and down making sure there weren't any injuries on me. "I took Jae Jung home at lunch.. She got sick so I took care of her." Soohyun's head lowered. "I thought she was alright this morning.. How could I not have seen that?" Soohyun mumbled under his breath. I sighed and looked the other way. "Is she alright?" "Yeah, she is, I just left her house.. Her fever broke so she seemed good." They all sighed in relief. "Dongho! I didn't think you had the abilities of taking care of someone!" I snorted. "WELL OF COURSE I DO! I took care of AJ when he got sick!" i pointed at AJ. He didn't look alright but he tried to cover it up. "YAH! MY EOMMA WASN'T HOME! WHO ELSE COULD I HAVE ASKED?" "Hm.. I don't know, one of them!" AJ laughed and looked at them all. "Yeah but you were the first person to pop up into my head!" I laughed a bit and looked at Kevin, he looked so... serious? I started to laugh at his expression.

     "Kevin, you thinking about something?" Kevin snapped out of his thoughts and looked at me. "Huh? What? Oh.. Nothing. I was just thinking about this next exam I have to take." I nodded my head. "Oh, I see. Well, don't study to hard, you'll end up being like... this." I said making his last expression. Kevin laughed a bit. We all headed back the other way, although we were catching up on our days my mind would always end up on Jae Jung.. I just kept wondering if she was alright, or if she was taking her medicine, or if she got sick again. This wasn't the time to text her, but as I was thinking about it I began to realize how much I really liked her. 'I like her so much... I want to... ask her on a date... when she recovers.' I smiled and kept talking to all the guys.


Hi  Kiss Me's!!!

Chesoamnida!! CHESOAMNIDA! //Bows

I'm  really sorry I haven't updated in over three days.. it's not like me.

I'm sick, and I have finals in a weeks... Therefore, I won't be able to post up chapters fast.

I was asleep but I woke up coughing a lot, so I took medicine.

So, I wanted to finish this chapter. It's Short... Chesoamnida... Again. //Bows.

The poll is still open! This will be the last time it's open so please vote!

Dongho is taking the lead!









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UPDATE 4/16/12: Mianhae Kiss Me's for no post yet! I have my chapter on paper, will have your chapter out all ready by tomorrow! Please be patient!!! :)


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Please updateeeeeee~
IAmMeMyself #2
Waaaaaaaaah~~~~~~~~update update update update soon pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaassssseeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0.0
Naomiixx #3
YoJelly #4
Dongho Dongho Dongho dongho dongho dongho dongho<3 thank yooouuuu!!! I look everywhere for a story about him.. But this is the first and only one I found! Thank yooouuuu !!
Naomiixx #5
Naomiixx #6
I love ur story so much its soo cute!!!>_< Lol it was worth waiting for thank u!!^.^
Naomiixx #8