Our First Date~

U-KissMe I MIGHT Kiss You~

     'It's getting closer..... Just three more hours.' I thought to myself as I finished applying the last of my make up. I had gotten ready early today, because I was to jittery, nervous, and excited, plus I wanted to get ready early even though It will be a while until my date starts. The whole week I kept asking where Dongho was going to take me for our date, but he always avoided that question or said "You'll have to just wait and see." Just by him saying that made me all the more nervous. I sat there looking at myself in the mirror thinking of things that I could do before our date. But before I knew it butterflies began to rest into my stomach. "I always get butterflies when I say 'Our Date'" I said to myself with a smile, of course butterflies came back. I stood up and walked downstairs and to the kitchen "Having something small to eat wouldn't hurt. I grabbed the dinner I had from last night and sat down to eat. "Aigoo... I'm so nervous..." I said biting onto my fork.

~ Dongho's Point Of View ~

     "I'm so nervous!" I said tugging on Kiseop's sleeve. I had told Kiseop about the date, but I hadn't told anyone else. "Dongho, just chill, it'll be fine and normal!" Kiseop assured to me trying to pull me off of his sleeve, I was already freaking out enough as it was. "How can I chill? I really like her!" Kiseop started laughing a bit and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "I know you really like her, but still, theirs no need to be nervous, because you know that she wouldn't have accepted if she didn't like you right?" I stopped yanking on his sleeve, smiled a bit and slowly nodded my head. "So you shouldn't even be worrying at all!" Before we could continue our conversation Soohyun walked into my room, I stopped talking about everything and nervously rubbed the back of my head. "Dongho! Let's hang out tonight? I'm really bored and the other denied my invitation!" Soohyun pouted. I sighed. "Mianhae Hyung, but it looks like I'm rejecting you to... I have things to do tonight." Soohyun sighed in disappointment. "Wae? What have do you have to do tonight?" Soohyun asked me with a agitated face. "Wae? It's none of your business..." I simply said crossing my arms and walking the other way. "How is it none of my business? I thought we were friends!!!!" Soohyun, of course, followed me out my bedroom door.

     "Who invited you in here anyways? My Eomma and Appa aren't even home yet!" I said a little confused, and also because I was trying to get him to forget about the recent subject. "I know where your family hides the spare key." Soohyun smiled proudly. "Wow... Looks like we need to find another hiding spot." I said looking at him. "So where are you really going tonight??" Dang, I thought he would have forgotten. Guess he's actually deciding to pay attention to conversations now. "None of your business." I said to him again. I took out my phone to look at my clock. It was only 4:30... Just one hour and thirty minutes till our date. "Yah, Soohyun, since your here and I'm free right now you wanna play games?" Soohyun nodded and I grabbed two controllers. "One hour and thirty minutes to go..." I mumbled under my breath. Soohyun turned his head to look at me. "Did you say something?" He asked me. "Oh me? I was telling you my best record on this game in 1.30 seconds!" "That's impossible!" Soohyun said punching my arm in disbelief. "Nothing's impossible for me!" I said coolly lying and turned my head back to the TV screen.

~ Jae Jung's Point Of View ~

     This is it... In just two minutes, Dongho will be knocking on my door. I felt like my stomach was going to burst any minute because of the swarm of butterflies  that wouldn't stop flying in my stomach. After every minute Dongho was sweet enough to tell me how far he was from my house, he finally texted that he was just thirty seconds away. I started pacing and finally fell to the ground and put my head into my knees, I just couldn't take how nervous I was. And finally, Dongho rang my doorbell. Instantly I jumped up from my spot and started fixing my bangs and blouse. I opened the door to see Dongho standing in front of me smiling. "Annyeong Jae Jung! Are you ready for our date?" Dongho asked me. Instantly my face turned red from the word 'Date'. "Ne! Let's go!" I said Turning around slipping on my light pink flats. We walked out of my house and onto the sidewalk. "You look nice today!" Dongho said to me. I looked down at my clothes, it wasn't anything fancy, just a light pink blouse, white shorts, and light pink shoes. "Ghansamnida~" I said to him. "You look... cute today." I managed to say hiding my blazing pink face. "Really?" Dongho said. I nodded, "So, where are we going on our date? You know your supposed to tell your date where were going." Dongho laughed. "Well, I wanted to have a... you can say a spontaneous date." Dongho said to me looking straight ahead, I was so curious now that the day has finally come.

     "Well... You tell me where to walk." I said to him, since I had no idea as to where we were going. Dongho grabbed my shoulders and turned me to the left and we kept walking. "Of course, Since you don't know where were going." I laughed as he kept turning me when corners hit our way. Finally after a short walk we ended up at a small plaza. "I didn't want to do anything fancy because... It's not my thing, Your all right with that right?" I nodded happily. "Anyah, this is perfect!" I looked around and we landed in an arcade. I looked around to see what games we should play. I pointed at a zombie shooting game, I had to admit, I was bad at this game, but I really liked playing things like this. "Lets play this one!" I said with a smile. "Shocked you picked that." "Wae? We've been to an arcade together, I thought the shock was over and done with." Dongho laughed and put coins in and we began playing. "AH!" I said as a zombie popped into my screen now and then. Dongho would always laugh when I made random squeals. "Yay! I've never lasted this long!" I said to Dongho pointing my gun to the screen quickly taking a look at him. "Wow! Really? This game is so easy!" Dongho said laughing. "Well, it's still challenging and i at this game either way!" Randomly the game started and we started shooting. About one second into the game I lost leaving only Dongho.

     "You lucky! I only lasted One second!!!" I said watching his screen. "You want to help me play?" I gave him a confused look. "How am I going to help?" I said letting out a small laugh. Dongho got behind me and put my hands on the toy gun, he put his hands over mine. "Like this!" I couldn't help but blush like crazy. "Shoot them Jae Jung!!!" Dongho said randomly, I laughed again and started shooting them, but occasionally I let him press my finger with his hands if I didn't feel like pressing it. We finally called it quits on the game and went to another one, this time it was a dance dance revolution game. I jumped onto the game stage and looked over Dongho seeing what songs were there to dance to. "OMO! DONGHO CAN YOU PICK THAT ONE!" I said pointing at one of the song frantically. "What this one? B2ST Shock?" He asked me looking at me. I nodded. "Ne! I like this song! Let's pick it!" Dongho laughed at me. "Araso Araso" He picked the song and I quickly went to my side of the game. Finally the game started "Watch me win!!!" I said happily as the game started. "Everyday I shock! SHOCK! Every night I Shock! SHOCK!" I sang to the lyrics stepping on the right arrows as they came onto the screen. "HAH! I WIN! I WIN!" I said pointing at my score. Dongho came over and hugged me. "Yeah you won!" He said taking my hand and moving me off the game.

     We walked around the arcade for a second seeing if their was anything else to play. I stopped at a crane game and looked at the small Rikkumma plushies that laid in there. "Dongho!" I said turning to him. "Hm?" "Can you try and win me this?" I asked him pointing to the game, he looked at it and gave me a smile. "Of course!" He put in coins and the game started. I watched him smoothly move the crane around from side to side, he finally dropped it down and was able to get me the plushie that I wanted, it fell into the drop box and he got it out for me. He handed it to me with a smile. "A memory from our first date! Don't lose it!" Dongho said laughing I nodded my head and hugged my new Rikkumma plushie. "I won't! I promise! It does even top my big Domo that lays in my room!" I gave him a thumbs up and continued looking at the plushie. Dongho turned his head and looked at a Cue Photo Booths that were across the street he pointed towards them and I looked over at them. "Lets take pictures?" I nodded and smiled, we went over to the photo booths. "Pick a booth and booth!" I said to him. He tapped his finger on his chin. "I choose... The Yellow one!" He said pointing at it i nodded in approval. "Good choice!" I said. We walked into the bright photo booth.

      "Wow! These are so cool!" I said looking around on the inside of it, the green screen behind us and the great amount of light. "You've never been here before?" Dongho asked me. i shook my head. "Anyah... I've heard about it but I never had someone to take me." I said waiting for it to start. Finally it started and I looked at the screen. "Pick whichever backgrounds you want!" Dongho said, I looked at them, with only a limited amount of time I ended up choosing random background that were cute to me. Finally we started putting up V signs, making funny faces and hugging each other for pictures. "Last one! We get to pick one last background!" I picked a White and Pink background. "3....2.....1!" It said, as One hit I kissed Dongho's cheek and the booth took the picture. I smiled at him. "So what do we do now?" I asked him. "Now we have to edit the pictures!" He and I walked out to the editing screen. He grabbed a pink pen and handed it to me, he grabbed the other one. Finally our pictures showed up. We started decorating them only having about five to seven minutes to do so. Finally we finished and we were waiting for our pictures. "That was fun!!!" I said to him while listening to the up beat music in the background. "It was!" Dongho replied back to me. "Lets take these  type of pictures again?" I asked him. "Yes we should! Soon?" "Ne!" I said. At that moment the pictures came out, I reached for them and took another look at them. I split them in half at the crease they had on it and handed the other copy to Dongho.

     "Another memory of our first date! Don't lose it! Araso Dongho??" I said mimicking what he had told me earlier. He smiled. "I won't ever! You won't lose it either right?" "No! I won't ever lose it!" Dongho and I walked out holding hands and went into the busy sidewalks, we grabbed something to eat and went to find something else to do. By now it was only eight o'clock. "What are we planning to do next?" I asked him as he led me to somewhere else. "Let's go see a movie?" He said. I smiled and nodded. "Sure! Sounds like a plan!" I replied back to him looking down at our hands joined together. 'This date is so fun, I don't want it to end anytime soon!' We reached the movie and we ended up picking an action movie that we both have been wanting to see. An hour later we walked out of the movie theater talking about what parts we liked the most about the movie. "I guess I should take you home now, it's ten and your parents are probably wondering where you are." Dongho said rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I guess I have to... Even though I don't want to..." I admitted. We walked away from the plaza, as we walked to my house Dongho and I kept brushing our hands again each other. "Well.... This is my stop." I said pointing at my house. I my heels and looked at him. He smiled. "I had fun today." "I did to! Jae Jung..." He said. "Hm?" I simply replied back to him slightly putting my head up looking at the sky. "Would you like to go out with me again?" I smiled once again and turned a bright red color on my cheeks. "Yeah, I would like that!" I said. i waved at him and turned around.

     "Jae Jung!" Dongho said again, I turned around to see him walking up to me. He kissed my cheek. "I'll see you later!" He waved at me again. "Go inside! It's cold!" I nodded and walked into my house. I smiled once I got in and looked at the things that were in my hands, my Rikkumma plushie, pictures with Dongho, and a ticket stub to the movie. These memories, I will keep forever. I ran up to my room and closed my door and sat at my desk looking at the pictures I smiled and set them on my desk, I taped the ticket stub onto the wall next to random pictures of me, Hyo, and other families, I finished putting it on there and I looked at my wall. "I hope I'll have more good memories with Dongho.." I said to myself smiling. But still. I got into my PJ's and went into bed with a smile on my face. 'Today was the best day ever...' I thought and slowly drifted to sleep.


Annyeong Kiss Me's!!!!

Chesoamnida for the late add! I've been studying and trying to get back with school.

How did you like this chapter?! AW DONGHO AND JAE JUNG'S FIRST DATE!!!!

Yay 700 views!! Ghansamnida!! //Bows/ I am really grateful that you all are still reading!!






Have a great day/night you all~~




Mianhae, but i really have to focus on my studies


Chapters will start flooding in on January 19-22,2012! Be Excited Kiss Me's :)

See you all January 19! I hope you'll still be with me till then! :)) I love you all!


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UPDATE 4/16/12: Mianhae Kiss Me's for no post yet! I have my chapter on paper, will have your chapter out all ready by tomorrow! Please be patient!!! :)


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Please updateeeeeee~
IAmMeMyself #2
Waaaaaaaaah~~~~~~~~update update update update soon pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaassssseeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0.0
Naomiixx #3
YoJelly #4
Dongho Dongho Dongho dongho dongho dongho dongho<3 thank yooouuuu!!! I look everywhere for a story about him.. But this is the first and only one I found! Thank yooouuuu !!
Naomiixx #5
Naomiixx #6
I love ur story so much its soo cute!!!>_< Lol it was worth waiting for thank u!!^.^
Naomiixx #8