Untitled, 2014 pt.III(End)

Queen of ing Everything
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Untitled, 2014 pt. III END

Happy Together with GDYB
2017 ; a month after his M.O.T.T.E. World Tour

YJS-     Yoo Jae Suk
KSY-    Kim Shin Young


GD:     To be honest, Untitled, 2014 is a personal song. There was a condition I made to myself. 

YJS:     Oh, what condition GD-ssi?

GD:       YG-hyung begged me to release it. . . But I said no. I made a promise to myself that only if this song reaches her heart, I would release it. 

YJS:     Wow! G-Dragon is surely the King of Romance!

KSY:     The girl is lucky. Imagine G-DRAGON dedicating a song only for her to listen. She must be really special.

GD:       Yes, she really is special to me, noona.

YJS:       Then what happened next? You were able to release it then I assumed, the song reached her heart? 

GD:       It took two years, hyung.  I patiently waited for her to come to me first but she didn't. I was losing hope and getting tired, too. Thankfully, our friends brought us back together. I manned up and I approached her first. . . So yeah, we made up. This woman and I found love in each other's arms again when we thought we won't happen anymore.

YJS:     So did you just confirm that you're not single?

GD:     Y-yes. For my fans, it's obvious that I'm not single. Please don't get worried. I am very happy. I'm very happy to live as myself.  We are very happy as of now, and we hope someday, we could share these happiness to our— my fans. Someday."

KSY:    Uh-huh! We got you there, GD-ssi! Our fans? You mean you are both idols? Or she's an actress?

GD:     Hey, I didn't say anything like that. I said my not our. Please don't make a story. ㅠ__ㅠ


Instead of backing up his friend, Youngbae added fuel to the fire.



YB:      You know her, Shinyoung-noona. You know her very well.

KSY:     Really? I'm curious, Youngbae-ssi. Can you give us a hint?

YJS:      Is she someone I know too?

YB:       She's...



Youngbae's voice trailed off as he looked at his best friend sending him threatening death glares.



YB:        GD is going to kill me later, hyung and noona.


His words earned laughters to the DJs.


YJS:     C'mon! He's your best friend. I'm sure he'll forgive you later.

YB:     I know.


The three chortled except Jiyong.


GD:     Youngbae!

KSY:     Proceed, Youngbae-ssi. Don't mind GD-ssi.


Jiyong was biting his lower lip while mentally killing Youngbae. 


YB:     She's a K.


GD:     Youngbae, YAH!


YJS:    A K? 


KSY:    K. The girl whom GD-ssi dedicated his song Untitled, 2014 is a K. . .


KSY wasn't surprised because she knew about Jiyong and Taeyeon's relationship. She is close to Taeyeon and the latter is very open to her.



YB:      Ki... Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... 



Youngbae glanced at his best friend then shifted his eyes to the DJs.



YB:       Ki...




Jiyong covered Youngbae's mouth completely, preventing him from spilling his secret.



KSY:       Okay enough teasing! GD-ssi is blushing. For now, let's just call her Ki. Now isn't the right time for them to be revealed, right GD-ssi?


GD:           I didn't guest on this show to be roasted like this, hyung, unnie, and YB!



Jiyong sulked but still kept his cool while the other three laughed their asses off.



YJS:        ㅋㅋㅋ... Let's stop teasing GD-ssi now. Whoever you are Ki, hello to you if you're watching!

KSY:       So that's your first official confirmed relationship. . . Last question GD-ssi. Why was it titled as Untitled, 2014?

GD:         Why Untitled, 2014? *laughs  All I could say is I was a total jerk that time. That's all. That's for you to think of and to speculate.



[52,429, -35,195] Ki? Kiko Mizuhara? Not really shocking. Our GD really can't move on to her huh? What's with her that other girls don't have? She's ing lucky! Almost all of GD's songs are dedicated for her. He's head over heels for her since 2010. 7 years WOW. I'm expecting wedding bells soon. Chukahae!



1 month after Taeyeon and Youngbae's encounter at GDA...

The door opened, revealing a man with a bouquet of red roses on his one hand. Jessica smiled. The person she's been waiting for finally came. 



"Youngbae said he found a new love."


As Taeyeon was drown in tears because of her emotional distress, she didn't notice someone had entered the room.


"Who says I found a new love?"



Startled, Taeyeon's tearful eyes shifted to the man standing before them.


"W...W-What are you—"


"What am I doing here?"


"Jess, what's happening?"


"Sort things out, you two!  I know you still love each other. Don't it up this time, okay? I'll leave you here. Hey Ji, bring her home, hmm... I don't want to see a crying Taeyeon and Jiyong anymore so you guys should end your pain right now right at this place, arasseo?"


"Yes, Miss Jung. Thank you so much!"


Jiyong bid a goodbye to Jessica while Taeyeon was still dumbfounded on her seat. As soon as Jessica was out of eyeshot, he started talking.



"Hi, this is for you," greeted Jiyong as he handed her the fresh bouquet of red roses he bought but Taeyeon was frozen to her spot, still confused. 


"Hey," he whispered.


"W-What are you doing here?"



"I'm here to take my woman back, Taeyeon. I learned from a friend that this woman still loves me and I was like an idiot waiting for her to come to me first, but she didn't appear, even her shadow. So I came here to end our pain."



Jiyong answered straightforwardly.



My woman?

"I don't... I don't understand."


"I love you, Taeyeon."

"What is this, Jiyong? Are you playing with me again?!"


"Playing what? No! Of course not! I did it once but I'm sure I won't do the same mistake anymore. I swear, I love you so god damn much, Taeyeon."

Taeyeon's inside was celebrating but then Youngbae's "Jiyong-has-moved-on-and-he-found-a-new-love" crossed her mind. It was like Youngbae's words reminded her that Jiyong wasn't a free man. Again, tears started to brim in her eyes. 


"Youngbae says you found a new love! Stop playing with me! You know what, Jiyong? I don't want this kind of setup again! I don't want to be a mistress or a side chick or. . . It's better for us to not see each other because you have a girlfrie—"



Jiyong put his finger to her lips to shut her up as he laughed.


"You will not be my mistress or a side chick. That was a part of our plan, Taeyeon. I don't have a girlfriend. I don't have anyone else but you."


"Excuse me?"

"Youngbae lied."

Her j

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missadel #1
Chapter 10: Waaa TwT my gtae heart :'')
kendalljennyy #2
Chapter 10: Onggvv. Finally they are getting back together❤️ This story is amazing
beautae_ss #3
Chapter 10: Ahh my heart
Chapter 10: My heart please this is so beautiful and my eyes got teary kekeke thank you for this and keep up your great work:))
fuchaoife #5
Chapter 9: owww that teaser saved my heart! thank youuu
firstblessing #6
Chapter 9: The last remark in the teaser is really something ayyeee~
BarcAsih #7
Chapter 9: "Who says I found a new love?"
Yes Ji, You can't find a new Love cause Tae is your greatest Love.
Please Just come back to each other....
Tiatioot #8
Chapter 9: What a tease youngbae, tsk tsk..
Chapter 9: I know who you're referring to. :)