
You and Me and Song of us

Youngjae’s POV

        After he finished his song, silence consumed us. I stared at him. He stared at me. Wordless. I found sadness in his eyes and I knew that he want to tell me something.

        “Hyung, why did you sing that song?” –I asked, broke the silence.

        “Why? You didn’t like it?” –He asked me back. I shook my head, no.

        “No. I like your song. But, that song was so sad. It’s about breaking up. Did you remember when the first time I heard that song? I cried because the lyric was so deep. And I kept thinking that maybe you really fell in love with Song Hayoon noona.” –I answered him, seriously.

        “No. Stupid!” –He said, flicked my forehead. I groaned in pain.

        “Hyu~ng… it hurts.” –I whined. He stared at me blankly and just mumbling, “Yes. It hurts so much.”


        “What?” –he asked.

        “What did hurt? Why, hyung?” –I asked him back, worry.

        “Oh. No. Nothing. Hey, why don’t you sing for me again?” –he avoided my question. I rolled my eyed, pouting.

        “Come on, Jae… I want to hear your voice more. Hm?” –he said, clutching my arms, cutely. I laughed at his sudden aegyo.

        “Okay. Okay. But, what should I sing?” –I asked him.

        “Hm… anything. I just want to hear your voice. If you don’t feel like singing, just keep talking to me. I want to hear your voice.” –he kept replaying that he wanted to hear my voice. He was odd.

        “Okay, here we go….” I’ve already took my breath as someone opened the door suddenly. It was manager hyung. He said that we would have a sudden meeting in the dorm. This was weird. Not only because of the sudden meeting, but also because of the way manager hyung looked at us. I couldn’t figure out what kind expression he has, but he surely was weird.

        “What’s with him now, hyung? Manager hyung was weird, don’t you think so?” –I asked JB hyung. But, he just ignored me. Instead he grabbed my hands and helped me stand up and walked outside. We walked to the dorm in silence. JB hyung kept his hand on mine.

        When we arrived at the dorm, the other members have gathered around. They kept chatting while eating chicken.

        “Oh, Youngjae, JB hyung! You came! Hurry or you won’t get any piece of chicken.” Jackson called us. I directly ran to them, sat down, and began munching the chicken. Soon, JB hyung sat beside me and began eating too.

        “Hey, hyung.” –I called. He turned to me.

        “You have this.” –I said as I picked chicken’s piece on his lip side. I smiled at him and continue eating. But, JB hyung kept staring hard at me.

        “Youngjae…” –he called. When I turned around, I met with his eyes. He stared hard just like he did in the vocal room before. I just wished that he wouldn’t do something stupid like kis-

        Suddenly, I felt his lips on my cheek again. He smiled and said, “Thank you.” The members all were saying “eww~” in unison and then burst out laughing. I felt my face was burning, but when I wanted to stand up to go to the bathroom, our manager hyung came. So, I sat back.

        “Kids, I have important announcement. Since tomorrow is our day-off, I wanted us to rearrange and cleaning our dorm. And I want you also to change your room, switch between members to be your roommate.” –manager hyung announced. I shocked. Everyone did.

        “Why suddenly, hyung?” –I asked him.

        “Don’t you feel bored with your room and roommate? Don’t you want to know other members well? Youngjae?” –he stared hard at me, like boring to my soul. And I timidly said “I don’t feel bored with JB hyung even I want to know others.”

        He just shook his head. “This is my decision. JB, you are rooming with Bambam. Youngjae, you are rooming with Mark. Jackson and Junior and Yugyeom can have that room.” –he said as he pointed out to Yugyeom and Bambam’s room.

        “But, hyung…” –Junior hyung tried to say only to have manager hyung cut his word.

        “No, buts. It’s final. Now, go to sleep, all of you. We’ll be working hard tomorrow morning.” Manager hyung went to his room. Meeting ended, but all of us were still staying at our place, not moved even a single bit. Everyone looked busy with their own thoughts. Then, I felt someone squished my hand. I looked at JB hyung. He looked troubled.

        “Let’s go to our room, hyung. We need our energy for tomorrow.” –I said as I took his hand and lead him to our shared-room. Knowing better that he needed to talk to me.


        In our room…

        “Youngjae…” –he called me.

        “What is it, hyung? You can tell me now. I know that you know something. Our manager hyung wasn’t the type of person who would act without thinking or even gathering us any sudden like this.” JB hyung kept silent. I sighed.

        “Hyung. For god’s sake, just tell me what’s wrong? I could tell something wrong happened ever since you met PD-nim.” I forced him to look at me in the eyes. Then, suddenly, he cried. I shocked so I pulled him into my embrace.

        “Hyung…. Shhh… shhh… It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me. Don’t force yourself. I’m sorry that I nearly yelled at you.” –I said as shooting his back.

        “Th-they kn-knew, Yo-youngjae. Th-they kn-knew.” –he said between the cry. At first, I didn’t understand. Then, suddenly, it hit me. They knew about our relationship. Oh my god! I broke the hug to look at him.

        “Hyung, do you mean…?” he nodded. I felt my legs weakens that I fell on the floor. We were in silence. Long pass silent.

        Now, we sat on JB hyung’s bed. He told me everything about the meeting. I suddenly felt dizzy. He kept asking me, “What should I do, Youngjae-ah? What should we do?” I laid down on his bed. He laid next to me.

        “Baby…” –he called me with that nickname again. I looked at him.

        “Can I ask for one thing?” I nodded.

        “Just for tonight, let’s sleep together. I want to sleep with you, baby. Hm?” I nodded, snuggled closer to him. He kept me in his arms, embrace me tightly. I guessed I felt too tired to think anymore. So, I just fell asleep, not before I slightly felt lips on mine again. I guessed he really wanted me to kiss him back, but I was so tired.


Members’ POV

        “They are asleep. You are right about the relationship, Mark.” –Jinyoung said as he sat down again in the living room after peeping in the 2Jae’s room.

        “Why?” –Jackson asked.

        “JB hyung kissed Youngjae. And this room rearrangement was because of them. this my first time saw JB hyung cried. He always looks so strong in front of us. But, I don’t know he can be weak like this. I pity them.” –Jinyoung explained.

        “It must be hard for them.” –Bambam said as everyone nodded.

        “I know that there must be something between them since it was so obvious, right? I guessed most of our fans have been caught it too. I honestly, don’t feel like disgusting or something. I want to cheer them, because their happiness is our joy.” –Mark said just like the oldest.

        “Me too. Maybe we could help them to speak to PD-nim?” –Jackson asked.

        “Are you really brave enough to beg to PD-nim for giving 2Jae some space? Jackson?” –Jinyoung asked, half joking half serious.

        “Well… uhm… not really, if I am alone. But, if we go together, call!” –Jackson stated, make everyone laughed.

        “Then, what should we do for them, hyung?” –Yugyeom asked, concern.

        “Nothing. Just make sure that we act normal around them. Don’t make any more trouble for them, especially JB hyung. You know how he got if he lose his temper, right?” –Jinyoung explained, everyone understood him.

        “Now, let’s go to sleep.” They all go to their current room.


The next day…

       Youngjae and Jaebum was the last person who woke up. When they came to the living room, obviously, they’ve been crying all night long. Their eyes were swollen. But, as promised, the other members didn’t question it.

        This day went quickly as they kept working on moving and tidying their belonging in their new room. And night was falling once again. That was their first night with new roommate. The five of them were chatting and joking around in the living room, while the other two were staying in the room did something no one knew.

        “They looked terrible.” –Yugyeom started.

        “Yeah. I saw it.” –Bambam added.

        As they began talking about how terrible Youngjae and Jaebum’s life was, they didn’t pay any attention that manager hyung watched and heard everything.


On one night, on the dance practice room…

        GOT7 were practicing for their If You Do choreography. They’ve been practicing non-stop for five hours. Everyone has muttered that they’ve been so damn tired, but JB kept force them to keep practicing. No one dare to talk back to him. They just let him be because they were more than know that JB was broken hearted, so he got easily angry.

Actually, there was one member who could calm him down, Youngjae. But, Youngjae was afraid to interfering his (ex) boyfriend. Their relationship was hanging around. They couldn’t say goodbye to each other because that would make things more awkward than the way it is before. But, they also couldn’t continue their love as their manager kept sticking around them to interfering them whenever he felt that both of them would be together again. The manager kept saying that it was for the best, for both of them, for both of their carrier.

“Hyung, let take a rest. I felt like throwing up.” –Yugyeom complained.

“No. Keep practicing. We should practice hard if we want to be a great boy group.” –JB insisted.

“But, hyung… look at them, look at you. We are all tired from this practicing, nonstop. We’ve been-“ –Jinyoung’s words cut off by a loud tug. They all looked at the corner, staying in their own place, processing what was happening, until they heard JB scream, “Youngjae!”

Youngjae was fainted. JB ran to him. He took his body closer to him, hugging him.

“Youngjae-ah… wake up… help me!” All the members quickly gathered around.

“Hyung, let’s took him to the dorm. And, Jackson hyung, please call manager hyung.” –Bambam said. Not too long, the manager came. They brought Youngjae to the dorm. A doctor came to examine him.

“He fainted because he’s been exhausted and probably stressed out. Let him rest. And keep him company. Don’t make him overthinking something. He should take a good rest for tonight, at least.” –the doctor explained. After they all thanked the doctor, they returned to Mark and Youngjae’s room to find JB who didn’t move even slightly from Youngjae’s side. JB held Youngjae’s hand and kept muttering “I’m sorry.”

The manager couldn’t help but shaken up watching how deep JB’s love for Youngjae.

“Jaebum-ah…” –he tapped JB’s shoulder. JB didn’t move. Before the manager would say something, JB’s interrupted him.

“No, hyung. Please, just tonight, let me take care of him. I caused this. I make him exhausted. I forced him, and the members. Please, hyung, just one night. Let me stay by his side.” –JB pleaded, his voice was quivering.

“Okay.” –manager hyung just nodded, then left the room.


Jaebum’s POV

        I sat on the edge of Youngjae’s bed. Seeing him sleeping while obviously holding in pain with the irregular breaths that seen from his chest’s movement, I felt like a crap, a jerk. What did I do to my lover? I caused him fainted and thinking so much. I knew he always pretend that he was strong while I knew better that he was crumbling inside.

        While staying to take care of him, I remembered our conversation before practicing this morning. I really didn’t know what possessed me as I kept forcing him and pulling him around. I fell so deep with him. I couldn’t deny it. I was stressing so much about this relationship-banned.

        I left from the dorm early in the morning to begin practicing earlier like usual. Just like our routine, I would take vocal lesson first before started dancing practice. I walked to the vocal room downstairs and suddenly felt too emotional as I heard Youngjae’s voice inside, playing piano.  So, I leaned on the wall, listening to him. I really miss him so much that tears began to collect as I kept listening to his song. I’ve heard him sang this song. It’s called Sarang-two (Love two) by Yoon Dohyun subaenim.

On my day, you are quietly running. 
Your face disappears in the dim moonlight. 
I remain alone on the side street with my shy feelings.

When I'm in pain, I quietly hold you. 
After my crying time, always you are there. 
Your warm hand reaches out to my wounded soul.

At first I only knew you as a friend. 
But this is a colorless relationship. 
Again and again I didn't cry out my love for you. 
It makes me happy when you are without pain.

If I meet you, it will be without words. 
Also, like me, it will be peaceful 
If I meet you, you will see my pure face, 
just like a child who has forgotten.

You are very important to me. 
Be very happy for me.


        As he finished his song, I didn’t really know what I did. The next thing I knew, I was hugging him really tight as I kept saying “I miss you so much. I miss you. I miss you,” nearly crying again. He looked shocked because he didn’t hug me back, but eventually he hugged me back after a while. He drew a circle on my back, trying to comfort me, I guessed.

        Long time has passed. I broke the hug, looking straight to his brown eyes. God, I miss him so bad. I miss looking into his eyes and stay so close like this.

        “Hyung…” –he opened his lips. I kept staring his lips. I wanted to kiss him so bad. I missed him. I was missing him.

        “Hyung…” –he tried to call me again. I really wanted to hear his voice more. So, I just stood there in the silence.

        “Hyung, what brought you here?” –he asked. I still have my eyes on him. Word less. Then, suddenly, I didn’t know what possessed me. I leaned in to him more and captured his lips on mine. I kissed him slowly. As he didn’t move, I deepened the kiss more, feeling the little breath and cute voice of his on my lips. He didn’t kiss me back. Then, I felt his hand on my chest trying to push me. He broke the kiss.

        “Why?” –I asked him, trying to kiss him again, but he blocked me.

        “Youngjae-ah… baby…” –I didn’t understand why he did this to me. Did he know how much I was longing for him?

        “Hyung… we can’t. Just stop it. I’m tired of all these things. Let’s stop here.” –he said, voice was trembling, he kept holding back his tears. I could tell all of that. I’ve been known him for long enough.

        “What? Did you want to give up?” –he nodded, timidly. Suddenly, I felt my anger rising. Did I heard wrong?

        “Yah! Are you really want to give up?” –I yelled. Anger took over me. I fell to deep for him. I couldn’t just give up on this relationship. Not when I finally found someone that I could lean on. I couldn’t believe it. I looked at him. And I knew that he was lying to me.

        “No. You are lying to me now, right? Tell me, Youngjae!”

        “No, hyung. I’m not lying. I’m tired. I wanna stop this. I’m really tired that we fight for nothing.” –I thought that I must heard him wrong. Fought for nothing?

        “Youngjae-ah… you know that I couldn’t just let you go. I love you so much more than you know. I love you and you are the only one person that can make me laugh. Now, why did you say this ? Why?”

        “Stop it, hyung! Just stop. I hurt so much. It’s so hurt. I can’t continue this. I’m sorry, hyung. Please forgive me.” –his words stabbed me so bad. He must be kidding me. After all of this, after causing so much pain to me, he was just saying sorry?

        “Haha.. Don’t you say sorry, Youngjae. Hearing you said this, honestly make me thinking again... what did I do till now? I think, I am who fight for nothing. I’m so…. I’m so…. I don’t know.” Then I left him alone, feeling so broken than ever. I felt like he betrayed me and it hurted so much.

I leaned in the wall outside the vocal room, holding back my tears. I kept saying that I wouldn’t cry again. I must not be crying. But, I lost the battle. I fell on the floor, clutching my chest, poured down my tears. Between my crying, I heard another crying voice and I knew it was Youngjae. He kept saying “I’m sorry, hyung. I’m sorry. I love you. I’m too in love with you. Forgive me….”

After crying outside the vocal room, I walked to the practicing room. Dancing like crazy person, trying to kept my mind on the other line. I kept forcing my members to dancing hard. I forced them. I forced him. I forced myself. Until, I realized that I caused so many damages when I heard a loud tug and I saw Youngjae fainted. My world was crushing once more.


Now, I kept staying beside him, holding his hand, removing his strain of hair from his forehead. He was beautiful. So beautiful. I didn’t want to lose him. Never. Even he gave up. I won’t. I would fight for my love, for our love.

After a while, I laid down beside him. Put my head over my hand. I faced his side, watching his beautiful face. God, I was so deep in love with him. Help us. I ran my finger around his cheek then he moved his body just with a little touch. I chuckled. He was so cute.

“Youngjae-ah… I’m sorry. I caused so much pain on you. Forgive me, babe. But, I promised that I would never give up. I’m sorry.” –I whispered to him. Suddenly, he opened his eyes. I left myself up to sit up beside him.

“Youngjae-ah… babe… are you okay?”

“Hyung… why did you here?” –he asked me and the familiar feeling came to me. I tried to hold it.

“I’m sorry. You fainted in the practice room. Sorry, I got you so many troubles. How are you feeling now?”

“I’m better, I guessed, just got a little headache.” –I nodded, staring at him. He kept his eyes away from me.

“Youngjae-ah…” –I really wanted to talk about our fight earlier, but I didn’t know how.

“You want to talk about the event this morning, right, hyung?” –I nodded he caught me off guard since that was what I was thinking just now. He sighed then continued.

“I mean it, hyung. We should stop.”


“Hyung, it caused so much pain for both of us. We are hurting each other so much. And did you know how did I feel when I saw you begging to PD-nim and manager hyung to let us alone? I don’t like it, hyung. I don’t like it when you throwing your pride away just like that. I hate myself so much because I was the reason of you doing that. I hate myself… I hate this relationship…” –he began crying again. I just sat in silence. I held his hand and squished it, but he kept blabbering… So, I hugged him.

“I hate it… I hate it… I hate it… I hate you… I hate you… I love you… I love you… I love you… why am I so weak? I love you, hyung…” –he cried on my chest, poured his heart out. Hearing that words, lighten my little stupid heart again. I couldn’t hold back my tears.

“I love you too, more than you know. And I really want to fight for it.” –I said, kept hugging him as tears kept pouring down. We cried for a while until we asleep still hugging. I miss him.


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The link for Youngjae's cover of "I love you by Sweet Sorrow" :


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fg #1
Chapter 11: Waaaaahh. It's so cute. I need more.. more lol.. 2jae is love. Thank you for the feels author-nim
RubiKgreen #2
Chapter 11: Oh my godddddddddd 2Jae is Love!!!! So cute and cheesy!!!!!! I loved it ♡ it was such an awesome story ♡ Thank you so much author-nim
Jia_Lie #3
Chapter 11: Kyaaa~~~
Finally, happy ending.
I love it
Thanks for this story hehe
CalamitousKing #4

I'm laughing when the others got caught lmao, Jaebum smooth asf
hunhan_chunjoe #5
Chapter 11: -cries out of happiness- wish that was me T^T Okeh no
I have a Senpai myself :P
Guess all the good things has an ending ;^;;
Can't wait for more from you >,<
Hwating! <3
hunhan_chunjoe #6
Chapter 9: Now I feel relaxed. Double update = more 2jae
Ah~ JB is just a cheese ball and youngjae being....youngjae >,<
Luv it luv it luv it -heart eyes- I saw the episode where
Jackson tricked youngjae, poor him. But the good
Thing that JB was clinging to him throughout the whole thing
Now that I call special-love-from-my-hyung. JB doesn't know
How to hide zeeegayyyyy XD .
Came back from school to see a wonderful double update
Am really satisfied, thanks -bows- ^3^
Jia_Lie #7
Chapter 9: What should I say???

It's really cute...
poor my heart~

Thanks for writing this hehe
hunhan_chunjoe #8
Chapter 7: My 2jae heart is beating fast as your heart ;;^;; now I don't have
To worry about any 3rd wheels. I can't wait for the date
It will be a highlight of the day for me if you updated within this week
I have term2 exams and I hate myself during these days >,<
Thank you soooo much. Hope this fanfic is not getting in your way (life).
Until next update <3 <3
Jia_Lie #9
Chapter 7: Poor my heart~
You make me smile tonight because of upur writing...
kyaa~ 2Jae... wkwkw
Oh yeahhh of course, I àm interested to wait for your next chapter hehe.. fighting ^^