
You and Me and Song of us

Last Chapter Part 2


Jaebum's POV


I walked hand in hand with Youngjae, just enjoying the view in the flowers garden, taking some pictures again. When I was about going to t
he bathroom with Youngjae, I heard a familiar voice, Jackson’s voice. At first, I thought that it was just my hallucination since they mocked me in the dorm, but there was another familiar voice joined him, Jinyoung. I looked around and found the duo dressed in the strange way. Suddenly it hit me. So, this was what they meant in the dorm before. They were following me and Youngjae to Amusement Park.
Youngjae still didn’t aware about the situation and I thought it better be. I knew Youngjae, if he saw the duo, he would asked them to join us and the chance they would crash my date and my plan was increasing. I couldn’t risk that. I just wanted some quality times with my baby.
If the duo were here, that meant the trio were also here. And there they were. Hiding behind the tree where I sat on its bench before. They dressed and actioned just like a paparazzi. I muffled a giggle with my free hand. Youngjae questioned me. I shook my head and continue to enter the bathroom.
In the bathroom, I tried to find a way to escape from them. Then an idea popped out. So, I called Youngjae out and told him to wait me in the parking area. He asked why, but I assured him that I needed to get r.id of something. When I found the five stick close together, I paid a little kid to shout out loud to them, “Wow! It’s GOT7! It’s GOT7!” I could see their dumbfounded face before everyone circled him. I met with Mark eyes and mouthed, “Sorry” before I walked to the parking area.
Youngjae was waiting for me in the car, playing games. When I entered the car, he put away his device and looked at me.
“Where have you been, babe?” I told him the story and as expected, Youngjae hit my arms telling me that I was a cruel leader because I abandoned my members.
“It’s not like that, babe. I just want to make sure that today is ours. I don’t want anyone to disturb us because I’ve-“ –when I realized I almost spilled out my plan, I covered my mouth.
“You’ve what? Baby?” 
“No. Nothing. Forget it.” –I said as I the car and sped up to the destination place.
“Where are we heading to, baby?” –he asked, curious and a bit suspicious.
“Dinner.” – I simply answerd.
“Are you kidding me? Dinner at 5pm?”
“Why? Don’t want to? Then let’s grab ice cream first or shopping.”
There was no a good silent in the car because Youngjae kept telling me some stories that he heard recently and about the nightmare he had last night. This was one of the reasons I fell in love with him. He could make me laugh so much, even in my hardest time he never fail to lift my mood up.
Before I met Youngjae, I was just a boy who chased his dream. I rarely talked about my problems or get along with others trainee, except Jinyoung who has been like my brother. But, even with Jinyoung, I couldn’t laugh as much as I was with Youngjae. It’s not I compared them. I also didn’t know why. During JJ Project era, Jinyoung was a bright kid and always love to do something cute to me, but it didn’t really work. Sure, he was cute, but maybe it’s just my personality.
However, since Youngjae came, I was changed so much. Everyone told me so. I be a brighter boy and I be more open with other people and I laughed so much. I would admit it that I have a soft spot for Youngjae ever since his first come. Maybe it was because he resembled me a lot during my high school time. Maybe it was because he came from far away and he was still young and submissive and innocent that I felt I have to be with him and protected him.
Honestly, if it wasn’t for Jinyoung and hyungs in the company, I wouldn’t realize my feeling towards him. Jinyoung always said that I smiled and laughed more often whenever Youngjae was around. He even said in front of the fans, right before my confession, that the only thing that could make me feeling better was Youngjae’s aegyo. I couldn’t say no to that. And the hyungs said that my temper became more stable when I saw Youngjae that’s why I always run to Youngjae whenever I have a bad mood. He could lift my mood and pressed my anger. It’s weird, right?
I was such a submissive coward actually because it took me long enough to confess my feeling for him and I did it in the fan café. I couldn’t believe that I just did my confession. Thanks God he found it cute although he was a bit hesitant before saying “yes”. My mind was reminiscing a beautiful memory of me and Youngjae, again and again. So, we arrived at the Youngjae’s favorite ice cream shop. We ordered two ice cream, strawberry ice cream and chocolate.
Youngjae was enjoying his ice cream so much. He really loved ice cream. We all did. But, it’s always cute watching him eating ice cream like a baby. He got a stain of ice cream in the corner of his lip. I leaned in to it, but before I could move any further, Youngjae’s finger was on my lips, preventing me to be nearer again.
“Sst. We are in public place, remember.” –he mumbled want to whip away the ice cream stain with his hand, but I grabbed his hand and whipping it with my hand.  Grinned at him, the stain on my hand.
“Strawberry. Hm, yummy.” –I said. Youngjae sighed. We finished eating ice cream quickly because I didn’t want us to be late. Immediately I headed to the next destination, restaurant. We took our dinner there.
“Baby, you’ve ever said to me that you want to learn how to skate, right? After dinner, I’ll take you to the skate ring. How?” –I casually asked.
“Yes, I’d love to!” –he exclaimed. Watching his reaction made me glad. I excuse myself to the bathroom where I dialed some number again, asking if everything was up to the plan. When I heard the okay on the line, I said that I’m on my way to the final destination.


We arrived at the ice skating ring on 8.10pm. Ten minutes passed from the schedule. I started to be nervous and unciously mumbled all the lyrics that I have remembered.
“Hyung…” –Youngjae called me. I walked to him and helping him with his skating gear.
“Thanks.” –he kissed my cheek as I finished helping him. I was blushing and suddenly my heartbeat was beating so fast. I took a deep breath and let it out. I did it more than once, trying to calm myself.
When Youngjae was on the ring, I came to the front office to meet with the man on the phone.
“Is everything ok?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“So, this is the CD. Please play it on my clue. When I clap once, please turn on the light of the ring and when I clap twice, play the music. Okay?”
“Yes. I got it, Sir. And this is your mic. Good luck, Sir.”
“Thank you.” I left the front office and walked to Youngjae, saying that I was suddenly had the urge to go to the bathroom.
Youngjae was enjoying learning how to skate. I taught him what I know. Holding his hands and helping him to skate properly and preventing him to not fall down. I took a glance on my wacth, it read 8.50pm. Ten minutes more and I became more nervous that I didn’t hear Youngjae called my name until I felt a light tap on my shoulder.
“Hyung, are you okay?”
“Huh? Yes, I’m okay. Why?”
“I asked you, why this place was so quiet and empty, no one here except us? It’s a beautiful place, so it’s a bit strange and creepy that no one here.” –Youngjae said, locking his arms with mine, clinging to me. I took his hand and said, “This place was empty because I rent this place just for the two of us.” –I smiled seeing his shocked face.
“Oh my God! That must be expensive, hyung!” –he exclaimed.
“I have no regret to spend my money on you.” –I assured him.
“Sst. Come with me.” –I placed a finger to seal his lips. Then I took his hand, covering his eyes and helping him standing on the right place. I clapped my hand once as a clue, then suddenly all of the Sakura trees that circling the ice skate ring light up in white, make the ring sparkling. It was such a beautiful view. Then, I clapped my hands twice and the music started.
“Open your eyes, baby. This song is for you.” –I said, more like whispering. Youngjae carefully opened his eyes and seeing the beautiful view surrounded him, his mouth was hanging open. I smiled to that, receiving some courage and strength to do my best. I started to sing.


Every day, every night
what would live be without you
To you that always did everything for me
you who always there beside me
I’m so thankful, so thankful
I can’t put it into words
How the time I spend with you
Is that happiest time
the time that we are together
means the most to me
Baby I love you
Every day I think or seeing you
Every day my heart skips a beat
Please always stay with me
Every day I wonder
What I did to deserve
You who always takes my side
You who supports me when I’m crippled
To you who gave me strength when I didn’t have any
I’m so thankful, so so thankful
I can laugh thanks to you
All these things I couldn’t say to you before
Through this song I’ll speak
Thank you for making me happy
I want to make you smile every day every night
I’ll always be by your side So don’t worry,
I promise I’ll always be your baby
and you have to be my baby
I just wanna stay like this so don’t leave me
Whatever hardships there are
With you, I can fight through them all
(Everyday by JB GOT7)


I sang the song, poured my heart in to it, spoke the words that has been stuck for this while, tried to deliver my heart to him. As I finished my song, I opened my eyes, seeing the beautiful yet cute boy that I loved so much, I started to walked to him, trembling, but couldn’t hide my nervousness even after the performance.
As I was in front of Youngjae, I noticed his eyes were watery. He was crying.
“T-that was so beautiful, hyung. B-baby… Thank y-you so much. I’ve so touched.” –he kept crying, voice trembling. I pulled him in to my embrace. Hugged him tight for a while before looking in to his eyes, whipping the tears away, caressing his cheeks, I cupped his face and leaned in to kiss his pink lips. It was a sweet kiss that melt me away. I said “I love you” between the kiss and he said it back. We smiled in to the kiss. When we broke the kiss, I took him to sit under the brightest Sakura tree.
“That was my present for you. Remember when I said that I work on my project that you’ll be the first one to know? I was working on a song and PD-nim helped me a lot during that time.” –I paused. “I know it.” I heard Youngjae mumbled.
“What?! You know it?!” –I shocked because I thought that I’ve been so careful to not let him or other members know.
“Well, I found some note scratch in your room on the day of our previous date.” –he smiled, apologetic, before quickly added, “I only read one part tho, baby. I still don’t know the whole song.” I hang lowered my head and face-palmed myself. How could I didn’t know it when Youngjae hummed the song at that time.
“It’s okay. You don’t know the full song yet, right?” –I lift up my head, trying to look positive. “Hm, at least, please pretend that you don’t know this song.” –I added. “I didn’t pretend because I really don’t know it.” 
“Baby, thanks again. I was so touched. That was the best present ever. I could feel your heart in it and your effort to make it. That song was so sweet and I really loved the lyrics. No wonder PD-nim complemented you.” –he said. Then, I told him that he was my muse and inspiration when I wrote the lyrics. He couldn’t believe me when I said I finished the lyrics just 30 minutes with his sleeping body next to me.
“Well, yeah… I can be awesome, sometimes.” –he said, proud of what he heard.
“Yeah, you are awesome and I love you so much.”
“Ugh, you are being cheesy again. No need to confess to me again, babe. I’ve already know.”
“I know. But, I’ll tell you how much I love you every day, every night.” –I smirked, taking his hand. He rested his head on my shoulder. Suddenly I remembered that I have another present for him.
“Hey, I have another present for you.” –I grabbed my bag and search for the small box. He confuse for a second, watching me kneeled down in front of him.
I opened the box and revealed the content that contain two couple rings and a couple of earring that Youngjae wanted so much.
“Baby, how you-?” –he gasped, shocked.
“Choi Youngjae, would you like to spend your life with me?” –I asked him, a bit groggy.
“What would I say? Yes, I will.” I took the ring and slid it to his ring finger and he did the same to me. I gave him the earrings.
“How could you know I want this earring so much?”-he asked, amazed.
“I made it. Joking. I ordered it in the jewel shop in the mall.” –I explained to him, helping him to wear the earring.
“Thank you. God, you did so much for me. But, I didn’t do anything. What should I do?”
“Hm, sing! Sing that song for me again.”
“What song? Your song? No! I can’t.”
“I have the guide with me. Come on, Babe. Sing to me that song again. Every day!” –I excitedly said.
“Every day? You want me to sing it every day?” –he question it.
“No, I mean the title is Every day.” –I smiled, giving him the mic and the guide then clapping my hands twice. The music started. Youngjae started to sing. He got it right for the first attempt. As expected from main vocal and genius Youngjae. I smiled at him, enjoying his voice so much.


From now on, Youngjae and I will always stay together. Nothing can separated us. I promise to him that I’ll aways stay with him and protect him. I love you so much, My sunshine, Choi Youngjae. <3


~o~ END ~o~


A/N: Yes, finally I finished this story. Thanks to the three days-off. Haha.

I really hope you enjoy reading this story. At first I only wanted to do it in two or three chapter, but look at ther result? 11 CHAPTERS!! WOW!!


And big big thanks to all of my subribers, upvoters, and commentors. And also to my silent reader.

I really hope you can give me a feedback so I can improved my writing skill more. Thank you and Thank and Thank you and Love you!

Let's spread 2Jae love! Have a good day and see you on the other story! ^^

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The link for Youngjae's cover of "I love you by Sweet Sorrow" : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35Kbublf5_Q


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fg #1
Chapter 11: Waaaaahh. It's so cute. I need more.. more lol.. 2jae is love. Thank you for the feels author-nim
RubiKgreen #2
Chapter 11: Oh my godddddddddd 2Jae is Love!!!! So cute and cheesy!!!!!! I loved it ♡ it was such an awesome story ♡ Thank you so much author-nim
Jia_Lie #3
Chapter 11: Kyaaa~~~
Finally, happy ending.
I love it
Thanks for this story hehe
CalamitousKing #4

I'm laughing when the others got caught lmao, Jaebum smooth asf
hunhan_chunjoe #5
Chapter 11: -cries out of happiness- wish that was me T^T Okeh no
I have a Senpai myself :P
Guess all the good things has an ending ;^;;
Can't wait for more from you >,<
Hwating! <3
hunhan_chunjoe #6
Chapter 9: Now I feel relaxed. Double update = more 2jae
Ah~ JB is just a cheese ball and youngjae being....youngjae >,<
Luv it luv it luv it -heart eyes- I saw the episode where
Jackson tricked youngjae, poor him. But the good
Thing that JB was clinging to him throughout the whole thing
Now that I call special-love-from-my-hyung. JB doesn't know
How to hide zeeegayyyyy XD .
Came back from school to see a wonderful double update
Am really satisfied, thanks -bows- ^3^
Jia_Lie #7
Chapter 9: What should I say???

It's really cute...
poor my heart~

Thanks for writing this hehe
hunhan_chunjoe #8
Chapter 7: My 2jae heart is beating fast as your heart ;;^;; now I don't have
To worry about any 3rd wheels. I can't wait for the date
It will be a highlight of the day for me if you updated within this week
I have term2 exams and I hate myself during these days >,<
Thank you soooo much. Hope this fanfic is not getting in your way (life).
Until next update <3 <3
Jia_Lie #9
Chapter 7: Poor my heart~
You make me smile tonight because of upur writing...
kyaa~ 2Jae... wkwkw
Oh yeahhh of course, I àm interested to wait for your next chapter hehe.. fighting ^^