Baby Hyukkie


So techincally this story can stand alone, BUT it is a....sequel? To the fic False Alarm

Just another normal day being Mrs.Han and playing with your kid


You were awoken slightly by a presence in the room. You could feel whoever it was staring at you. If you held still, if you didn’t move, then maybe they would leave your room and leave you alone.


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bibibelle #1
Chapter 1: I loved this story...
I enjoyed to read your story as much as I think Thats really a great idea, nothing feel strange even taekwoon and hakyeon be together and decide to adoptep a daughter for them.. (ㅏinstead make one of them pregnant) *no offend* :)
Nikkichan96 #2
Chapter 1: OMG NEO AND RABEAN AND KEN AND HYUKKIE AND BABIES! IS IT MY BIRTHDAY OR SOMETHING???? *rolls on floor* Thank you for this sequel you made my day!!
DesdemonaDeLaMort #3
Chapter 1: Wow I wasn't expecting a sequel. This was unexpected and awesome! I like how you portray them years later still as VIXX but with kids and married. It's so cute ><
I really enjoyed this! Thanks for writing ^-^