Life Bites
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"Dad... why is mom sleeping so much?" asked Myungdae.

His father only sighed as he clasped his wife's lifeless hand. "

Myung Dae-ah..." he called for his 6-year-old son.

"Yes, dad," he asked hopeful to get an answer from his father.

"She's just really tired okay? Why don't we leave her be huh?" he slightly smiled. Myung Dae looked at his father confused. His mother was sleeping in bed for the past week now. Was she really that tired to not even wake up? Did she not have to go to the bathroom? Something was definitely wrong with his mother but his father wasn't about to tell him what it was. He knew that much...

"Tired? B-But... she's hasn't even woken up in a week!" he protested. His father only sighed further as he looked at his wife with tearful eyes.

"I-I know... come on. I'll buy you some ice cream okay?" he gently squeezed her hand before gently placing it back by her side. He pushed himself up and looked down at her. She truly was beautiful. One of the many reasons he fell deep in love with her.

"B-But... what about Umma?" Myung Dae looked at his mother.

"We'll get her some too. We'll just have to save it in the freezer for when she wakes up," he slightly smiled for the sake of his son.

"O-Okay," he grabbed his father's hand and left his mother's room.

They walked down the long hallway of the mansion towards the staircase. Once they reached the first floor they ran into one of his aunts. "Soo Young-sshi," his father said avoiding her intense gaze.

"Lighten up," she breathed. His father looked at her, as if glaring at her, but what Myung Dae wondered was why he was glaring at her. His father let go of his hand to only cover his eyes.

He tried hearing but he was too young to even try using the super-hearing each Vampire is born with. He glanced between his father and his Aunt Soo Young and it looked as if they were arguing. Before long, Myunghae was being yanked away by his father towards the front door.


"YES!" his father snapped at him as they stopped on the porch. His father took a deep breathe as he closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry Myung Dae..." his father sighed as he regained his composure. "What is it?"

"I-I was just trying to say it hurts," he said glancing at the grip that his father had on his hand.

"Oh... oh I'm sorry," he said loosening his grip on his son's tiny hand. "Let's go get that ice cream shall we?" he smiled towards his son.



245 years later...

Myung Dae's POV

"Dad," called Myung Dae as he walked into the house. 


"I bought some food, did you want some?"

"Sure why not," smiled his father as he set down the newspaper he was reading. He stood up and went over to the dining table as Myung Dae placed the bowls of food onto the table.

The both of them sat at the table as they quietly ate, but Myung Dae couldn't help but to wonder what it would be like to sit at a table with his mother. Would it be different? If so... how different would it actually be?

"Dad..." he said as he chewed on his rice.

"Yes," his father answered as he continued to eat without even looking at him.

"I was wondering..." His father raised his head to look at his son as he rose his eyebrows waiting for Myung Dae to continue.

"What... was mom like?" though his father told him countless times to never mention his mother, he just couldn't help it. He was curious, he wanted to know more about his mother whom he didn't have any memory of.

His father sighed as he set down his chopsticks and looked at him.

"Haven't I already told you before?" he asked calmly.

"Y-Yes..." Myung Dae hung his head low waiting for his father to scold him.

"Look... Myung Dae, all I can actually tell you is that she was a nice woman and she loved you very much,"

"Was? So like..." He paused as he set his chopsticks down to look at his father. "Is she dead?"

"That I don't know," his father picked up his chopsticks and continued eating. Myung Dae only looked his father even more confused with more questions, but he knew that he shouldn't ask because that would only upset his father even more. He decided to just keep quiet and eat his food. Though he didn't get much out of his father, he did get something out of him; even if it wasn't much information, but it was still something. He was content because he was finally able to get through to his dad, maybe just maybe he can get more out of him over time.


After eating, Myung Dae went back to his room to read some books. He was really into the history of Vampires and the Supernatural world; it was his passion, his past time, his everything. He basically lived and breathed history. Whatever chance he got, he would brush up on his history of not just the Supernatural world but also the human world.

Though he did lack basic knowledge of Vampire customs and culture, he did know their origins. How Vampires came to be, though there wasn't a clear answer as to why they drink blood and crave it so much. That was something he was trying to figure out. One thing he knew for sure is the fact that human blood is a lot stronger and benefits a Vampire more than drinking animal blood. Fresh human blood, meaning drinking directly from the body, is the best kind of blood because of the warmth of it and how everything is so pure.

Surprising he never had the craving for blood which really baffled him. He wanted to know what made a Vampire crave blood, what exactly triggered it and why he wasn't thirsting for blood like a lot of the Vampires in his neighborhood. He wondered if he needed to taste blood to enable his cravings, but he knew that would be further reading and research.

Every now and then he would get so deep and lost into his reading and researching that he would lose track of time, before he would know it, it would be already sunrise.

His father on the other hand, wasn't much into the history of the Supernatural. He wasn't into keeping customs and traditions alive either. His father didn't really care for Vampirism or the Supernatural. He just got by in the human world; ironically his father follows more the Joseon way than the actual Vampire way. That was something Myung Dae would never understand, but his father must have a reason, he just had to find out why.

Myung Dae decided to continue reading and researching as much as he could. The few friends that his father actually had would always bring Myung Dae a new book or recently written scroll just for him to read. So he never got bored, he really enjoyed reading. He didn't like going outside and walking around like a lot of the other people around. They lived in a Vampire community because it was too risky to live among humans even if his father didn't follow customs.

He went through the different scrolls and books that were on his desk and decided to open one of many scrolls that were gifted to him. As he opened it and read through it, he realized it was about the Royal Family. How after the Great War, affected the Royal Family and how the community was in a period of turmoil. In the human world the Great War was something that wasn't as significant as it was in the Supernatural world, but enough to mark history, it also marked a period of turmoil in Chinese history.

Intrigued Myung Dae kept reading; both the King and Queen died in the Great War and so did one of their daughters. Later on one of the Kings younger brothers took the throne because the one that was actually next in line, declined it because he felt that he wasn't fit enough to serve as king.

Just when Myung Dae was going to read more about the Royal Family because he honestly didn't know much about them and wanted to know more, his father slid his door open and poked his head inside.

"Myung Dae time for bed,"

He sighed as he pulled the scroll back together and set it aside.

"You were reading again huh?" his father smiled.


"Good. I want you to go to a good school later on," his father smiled.

"Hey dad,"


Myung Dae thought about what he should say or ask but decided to let it go.


His father looked at him before just chuckling a little.

"Go to bed. Good night," he slid the door closed and walked down the hall to his own room.

Myung Dae sighed before getting up and walked towards the wardrobe and pulled out his mattress and blankets. He set them down and rolled them out, he then blow out the candle that was lighting his room and went to sleep.


6 year-old Myung Dae...

Walking around in the mansion was getting pretty boring. There wasn't anyone to play with and all the adults were either outside or somewhere in town. Though it was already getting late, the mansion was rather empty. Myung Dae wanted no more than to just play around but he was told to stay inside the mansion.

Even his mother said it was 'too dangerous' for him to be outside, but how can it be dangerous outside in the vast yards of the mansion? When there was so much security around the mansion? He just didn't understand at all. Maybe because he was six years old and of course could only think about playing.

He had cousins, but they were much older than him. They didn't want to play with him, they had better things to do. They were actually out walking around town because the weather was really nice and everyone thought being outside enjoying some fresh air would be nice, except for Myung Dae. He wanted to enjoy the fresh air like everyone else instead of being cooped up inside the big boring mansion.

One of the maids was passing by when he got an idea.

"Excuse me," he said. The maid stopped and turned to look at him waiting for him to speak.

"Yes young master," she said as she bowed slightly.

"Do you want to play with me?" he asked innocently. Her eyes bulged at his request.

"P-Pardon me?" she asked nervously. He didn't know it but the maids and butlers were only there to do their jobs, which was to serve the Royal family, but of course the Cha siblings never really treated them as just the maids and butlers but as actual beings. Which Myung Dae caught on to rather quickly. Maybe she was bored herself, so that's why he had asked her. Hoping that she would agree, at least with her the time would probably go must faster.

"Do you want to play with me?" he repeated as he batted his eyelashes at her.


"Ji Hyun," the head maid came over suddenly. She bowed towards Myung Dae

"Young Master," she looked at him as he simply looked at her back as well.


"What's the matter?" the head maid asked raising an eyebrow at the younger maid.

"W-Well young master asked me if I wanted to play with him, but I don't know if I should or can? I don't want to break any of the rules," she nervously said as she glanced at Myung Dae who only looked at her confused. He wasn't aware at that fact they have rules to follow. He just thought that they were to do what they were told to do by the Royal Family.

"Well playing with the young master isn't breaking any rules," the head maid said nodding her head.

"Go ahead,"

Ji Hyun bowed deeply and the Head maid went on with her business.

"What did you want to do?" she asked him.

"Hmm can you just read for me for now? Until I think of something to actually do," he said embarrassed that he asked her to play with her but he didn't have a clue of what to do.

Ji Hyun laughed as she simply nodded. He grabbed her hand and they went back to his room. Once at his room he picked out a book and handed it to her.

They got comfortable on the floor and she started reading for him. As she continued reading, loud screams were heard from outside shocking the both of them. Ji Hyun got up and went over to the wi

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Hopefully I will be able to get back to this... I'm having some writers block.


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