
strange love

"When are you going to stop accepting his stupid 'I know everything' excuse?" Jungkook says as soon as I hang up after 47 minutes of talking. "There's obviously something he knows that you don't."

Almost completely disregarding his undeniably true statement, I shrug and snuggle into my comforter. A smile finds its way to my face. "He told me good night," I say softly, and my heartbeat speeds up slightly.

It's silent for a while. "I'm so happy for you, hyung," he says it with such sincerity and genuineness that I don't know what to reply. He scoots over to my side, and he's smiling too. "Good night," he says, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Good night, Kookie."


"Kim Seokjin is dating the half-American girl?!"

Immediately, my eyes dart open and I sit up. "What?!"

"Just kidding, I knew that would wake you up," Jungkook cackles obnoxiously before I huff and notice that he's all dressed up.

"You're going to class today?"

"Yes, and you should, too. You've been skipping too much lately," he says, and though his back is facing me, I can tell just by the tone of his voice that he's concerned. "I want you to graduate, hyung."

"I don't like that place, Kookie," I sigh, lying back down on my bed. "It's boring and full of work."

"I know that's not the only reason," he says blankly, turning to face me. "Please go? Just for this week? It's only Wednesday. Just three days and then the weekend."


The look in his eyes were desperate; almost pleading, and I heard myself say "okay".



Great. Brilliant. Just the person I wanted to see. In fact, I wanted to see this person so much that I avoided every corner she turned and hid behind Jungkook every time she passed by.

"Taehyung, wait." A grip on my wrist and I yank it away, turning to face her. "Don't—"

"We have to go, hyung," Jungkook mumbles, pulling me away to a series of directions and I'm just moving, my feet following but my eyes never do. Jungkook stops walking and I realize it's quiet.

"Where are we?" I ask him, but he's silent until I look up and see a crowd of people with amused smiles on their faces and my stomach sinks and my vision blurs.

Oh no.

"I'm sorry, hyung," he says, voice breaking in the middle. "I'm so sorry."

I don't have time to register anymore before I'm thrown against the wall and my head is buzzing, ears ringing, heart pounding. Punch. Kick. Stomp. Hit. Kick. Kick. Kick.

What breaks my heart is not the words they spout at me or the blood they cause me to shed or the bruises that form on my skin. It's when I crack open an eye and see Jungkook, watching, unable to do anything. He walks away when our eyes meet.

"He's coming!"

"... Everybody..."

"Tell someone... kill you."

Dark. It's dark in here. My temples are throbbing and I can't hear a sound and my muscles strain when I move.

"Don't get up yet," a hushed, feminine voice says and I recognize it immediately. "Does it still hurt?"

I only whimper as a reply.

"Shh... It's okay." There's cold pressure against my sides. "You were beat up pretty badly."

I groan.

"Sorry, I forgot you can't talk," she says. "I tried to stop you in the hallway, but I guess he got to you first."

Taking my silence as an opportunity to continue speaking, she begins, "Look... I knew they were going to do that. Why do you think Jungkook made you go with him all of a sudden if he knows how badly you get treated there? But listen. He didn't want that to happen to you, Taehyung. He had no choice."

Yes, he did. He had a choice.

"The same way I did that to you."


"You know that none of us want you to get hurt."

Yeah, right.

"And I'm sorry. For all the times I lied to you so that they could hurt you. I'm really sorry."

No, you're not.

I bring my hand up to silence her. "Phone," I croak, sitting up slowly. She sighs.

13 unread messages from Seokjin.

Good morning <3

Are you busy? It's okay if you are.

We'll be practicing for about an hour so just message me anytime you can, alright? I hope you're okay. 


We just finished practicing. Are you okay?

Please tell me you're alright.


I tried reaching Jungkook but he's not picking up and I'm worried. For both of you.

Taehyung? I'm really worried now. It's been half a day and I know that's not really a long time but you're usually here whatever time it is.

Taehuyng are you okay? Please tell me if something is bothering you

Are my messages annoying? I'm sorry

I'll give you space for now. Talk to me when you can, okay? I'll assume something is wrong if you don't reply until tomorrow.

Please be okay.

Why is he squeezing time for me in the middle of his schedule, anyway? Why did he choose to visit my blog, make an effort to get my number, know personal details about me? I deserve none of the attention and concern he's giving me.

And yet I keep coming back every time.

hey. i'm sorry about that.

You have NO idea how relieved I was to see it was you.

Are you okay? What happened?

a lot of bad things

do you have skype? can we call each other tonight?


i'll just walk home for a while :-) i'll tell you everything later.

Okay. Be safe and take care.

"I'm going home," I announce, ignoring Jiyeol's protests and the pain that shoots up my entire body. I'll be okay.

i'm home <3

I'm glad you're home safe. Make sure to rest okay? We can just talk tomorrow if you're tired.

no, no it's okay i WANT to talk to you

Alright. What's your username?

ok.... don't laugh i made it a year ago


Is it bad that I laughed?


Just kidding. It's cute.

I'm calling now. 

As if on cue, my laptop started playing the (mildly horrifying) Skype ringtone (is that what it's called?) and I answer it. It seems that God is on my side this time because instead of greeting one another by screaming "Can you hear me" and "I can't see you", his face is actually clear and I can hear him say hi a few times.

"Hi," I say awkwardly, hearing my voice echo on the other end. "My voice isn't really... I mean, my throat hurts, so my voice is all scratchy and ugly. Sorry about that. Did I scare you?"

He laughs. "No, it's still nice to listen to," he says. I smile as he continue. "Why isn't your camera on?"

"I'm..." I bite my lip. "I look a little terrible."

"No, I'm sure you don't."

"Yes, I do."

"I'm sweaty and squished in Yoongi's bunk bed."

"Still hot."

"Just show me your face, please? You don't look terrible."

"My left cheek is purple and my lower lip is busted, Seokjin. I do look terrible."

He sits up, concern in his features. "What?"

I turn the camera on.

"Oh, no, Taehyung... What happened?"

"A lot of things went down. So, you know how I only went to school that Sunday? It's because most of the people I'm trying to avoid aren't there during Sundays."

"Who are you trying to avoid?"


"Why? Why did they do this to you?"

"I don't know, Seokjin. One minute I was fine and people respected me and the next Jungkook turned his back and everyone hated me. I don't know what I did."

He's speechless, brows furrowed in thought and I take this as an opportunity to keep talking. "I thought I was gonna die back there, you know? Jungkook knows how terribly they treat me—even the teachers look down on me—and he still decided to bring me with him and for what reason? So they could beat me up and call me things I'm not. They hate me, Seokjin, all of them. Even the one person I thought who would be there for me no matter what eventually turned against me."

I sigh. "I didn't mean to rant. I'm sorry about that."

"I'm willing to listen to you talk about anything, Taehyung, you know that. I want you to get everything that's heavy off your chest."

"Thank you," I say softly, a smile forming on my lips. Smiling isn't difficult to do whenever Seokjin is around.

"Just remember that I'm always here for you. I'm only a text away."

"Right," I laugh.

"Put cold compress on the bruise on your cheek, okay? Don't move too much or you'll hurt yourself. And don't go to school for a while. I don't want you anywhere near that place."

"I'll take care of myself," I say, smiling.

"Who's that?" I hear the unmistakable voice of Namjoon in the background and he gets closer. Help. Help me. Please help. I'm not ready.

"Oh, you must be Taehyung! I've heard a lot of things about you and they all come from Jin-hyung's mouth," flashing a smile that showed his dimples. His very flawless dimples.

"Really? I'm flattered," I laugh.

"Shut up."

"Hyung, you stink," Namjoon comments and my laugh only grows louder.

"Hoseok is taking too long in the shower," Seokjin pouts.

"Should I be glad I can't smell you from the camera?"

"Yes, you should," Namjoon nods. "I like him."

"Me too," Seokjin rolls his eyes. "Now can you please leave or I'm throwing all your underwear out the window, I bet the ARMYs would love that."

I'm still grinning, amused.

"Who on earth would want a pair of my underwear?" Namjoon mutters, sitting beside Seokjin on the bed.

"Me," I say quietly and Seokjin just bursts into laughter, the one where it produces the same sound effect as when you're trying to scrub dirt off the windshield. It's very adorable.

"So, we'll see you at the concert in a week, right?" Namjoon asks.

"Yes, you will. If Seokjin doesn't introduce me, I will shrink his shoulders."

"I want you to join the group. Now," Namjoon says jokingly and Seokjin pushes him off the bed. "What was that for?"

"Yoongi! Throw all of his underwear out!"

"Hoseok's done in the shower," I hear Yoongi say in the background.

"It's getting late. I'll just take a shower, okay? You should hang up now and go to sleep."

"You can always just take me with you in the shower, you know," I exaggerate a wink. 

"Nice try," he smirks.

End me now. Right now. Remember when I said I was really dead? I was lying. Now I'm dead.

"Alright, alright. But before I hang up, I just want to say thank you," I say, sitting up. "You've helped me a lot."

"Don't worry about it," he smiles.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay? Bye."

"Good night. Take care of yourself. Sleep well," he waves one last time and the call ends.

i'll explain everything tomorrow.


i feel like i dragged this chapter longer than necessary ?? sorry about that. i hope you enjoyed and i'm sorry this took so long again! ;-; hopefully this made up for it. thank you for all the comments and thank you for reading <3

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Chapter 28: I just found this fic and I'm in love ?
And even that it's not the end, I still like the way it is!
I love taejin so much it hurts
Sunnyjoon #2
Chapter 7: Still I wouldn't be so fast to jump back into a friendship with Jungkook, no matter the circumstances. It seems like this doesn't take bullying or physical violence seriously.
Chapter 28: I love this story D:
I remember squealing with every new update on this story. Even if it's unfinished, this fic is ome my fave taejin fics here in aff! I will never get tired of reading it over and over ❤️
seohyunnie_snsd #5
Chapter 28: Ahh i love this story xD please update soon?
Chapter 28: First, I stumbled here and fell in love so hard.
Second, I am in the middle of exam week but I read thise instead of my books so thank you very much
Third, this is beautiful. Dont stop
DerpyHooves #7
Chapter 28: Plz tell me this is not the end °^°
This is the best fanfic I hace ever read!!!!
I love this so much!!!
U really got Jin and V's characters on POINT!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
exoooo12 #8
Chapter 28: askqoajsj this is so beautiful! please update soon, we'll be waiting patiently though! Fighting!