KILLER Pt. 1 : Werewolf's Section

I found myself opened my mouth too wide and maybe a little watering. I entered this massive garage beside the main house and greeted by seven y sport cars, fancy, too fancy. Were they some kind of werewolf mafia or something? Because they were just freaking rich men. They were really living everyone's dream. I touched the very first car, which was my brother's, the Aston Martin. I kept my eyes roaming the garage before Namjoon's loud cough surprised me.

He was grinning proudly from ear to ear, "Seokjin will buy you one so make sure to save him, okay?"

I gasped, "Even if he won't buy me a car, I'll still save him!"

"Good girl." Taehyung tapped my head as he walked passing me, tossed his car key to the air heading to his blue Volvo XC90.

"So you do the drive, right?" Namjoon asked me again.

I nodded, "But I don't have a license yet."

"Forget about the license, as long as you can control yourself and the car once those skinny legs landed on the gas pedal, that's enough."

I looked down on my legs, "They aren't too skinny!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, they're y." Jimin nugged my elbow as he walked heading to his white Jaguar F-Type.

I found myself blushed a little as I saw Namjoon also walked toward his fancy car, the silver Mercedes Benz S-Class Coupe. Damn, they were like five times hotter in my eyes.

"Since you don't have a car yet, take a pick." Namjoon nugged his chin toward the remaining four cars.

"Do I have to drive too? Taehyung oppa's car even fit for four."

"It would be more efficient to have just two people in one car. Part of the plan." Namjoon sighed.

"Well if that the case, I choose-" My eyes roamed once again over the remaining four cars. There were my brother's Aston Martin, Jungkook's Ferrari, a silver Bentley Flying Spur, and a red Ferrari 488 GTB. Too hot but I chose Jungkook's car eventually, since I didn't want to ride the unknown car and my brother's car, maybe that was too precious for him.

"Any reason for choosing Jungkook's?" Jimin teased me.

"Do you miss him?" Taehyung followed.

"Oh, shut up." I smirked as I caught the car key from Namjoon, "Where we heading to?" I asked before entering the car.

"The earlier castle." Namjoon answered.

"But it almost dark."

"Perfect time for fight." Taehyung winked.


I could write down about how I feel when I grabbed Ferrari's steering wheel into two books at once. I felt literally everything and the funny thing was my hand felt itchy immediately and my feet felt numb. That what I actually felt for the first 10 minutes of driving this crazy hot car belongs to my smokin hot- okay better for me to stop that right here. So, after having an overly excited feeling drove this car, my mind fixed on the remaining four of my team. I knew they were all alive but I couldn't make sure they were fine.

I had Namjoon's car in front of me while the other two followed me behind, being guardians for me, they said. We drove in one line for 30 minutes before we parked under the nearest snowy hill. We got out from the car as I could see a big castle was standing gallantly in the middle of mountain. We had to walk there for almost 15 minutes and we could reach the main gate.

We called it a castle because it was too big to be called a house. Strangely, the front side of the castle was empty and we could see the previous arena where the four of us was claimed death. The blood scent grew stronger as we stepped inside the castle, we followed the smell which lead us to the basement, on level above the dungeon. We bent down so no one could see us, thankfully I was the shortest so it was easy for me to hide behind Namjoon's tall body.

Namjoon glanced over the bows and arrows which hanging freely on the wall. He told us to take each one for our weapon, since transform would produce a quite too much noises. Swung the arrows behind my back, we ducked down walking toward the basement. We stopped behind the wall when we saw through a hole a bunch of wolves at the big hall at the center of thr basement. I held myself to not cough because it was too many blood scent, you have no idea, it just too much bloody scented everywhere, and actually held back my cough was too much to do.

At the end of the hall there were one long table filled with nine people, the only group of people in the hall whom I easily recognize, my professors, specially Kyungsoo looked horrible. I must beat him real bad. I smiled to myself silently before Namjoon broke my happiness moment.

"Aim the nine." Namjoon whispered.

"That's ridiculous." Jimin spatted whispering.

"Aim the nine, I said. And focus." Namjoon insisted.

Without gave myself a second thought, I aimed my arrow through the hole and immediately understand Jimin's ridiculous statement. It was hard to not shoot without getting one innocent wolf injured or else killed. Hard to aim through a bunch of wolf's heads.

"It's hard." I sighed whispering.

"Butthead." Jimin chuckled, "I already said it ridiculous."

"Trying won't hurt." I said flatly.

"Just focuse. You all need more focus." Namjoon said as he put his arrow and ready to shoot, we did the same.

I aimed for Chanyeol. His handsome face was no longer attractive to me knowing that his mask was falling over. Someone said that sometimes it wasn't the person who changed but their mask was fell over, and that truly happened to Chanyeol. I felt a drop of sweat on my forehead as I pulled my bow further back, ready to launch its arrow in the speed of light.

"If I count down, would it be ruin your focus?" Taehyung asked whispering.

"Yes." Jimin, Namjoon, and I answered in unison without took a glance over Taehyung who just sighed and closed one of his eyes.

I aimed for Chanyeol's chest. Knowing that a werewolf could die if we shot right to its heart. Another dropped of sweat. I tried to focus, whinced I closing one of my eyes, before breathing heavily.

One... Two...

I counted down myself and when my head said 'three', without hesitant I released the arrow followed by Namjoon, Jimin, and Taehyung. Neither of us was missed, amazing! My arrow landed right on Chanyeol's chest as he growled in pain as well as Minseok, Joonmyeon, and Sehun the three whom Namjoon, Jimin, and Taehyung aimed. The whole quiet hall turned into a rumble as the familiar four werewolves turnes themselves back to its human form. Meanwhile the remaining five out of nine enemies aimed their revolvers toward us. The wolves were growling, the situation became a mess when the eight of us made our way out from the castle with the five enemies tailed up behind.

"Where did you park the car?" Yoongi asked between running.

"Near the hill." I answered panting but kept on running.

"Quickly!" Namjoon commanded.

"No one bring my car?" Seokjin exclaimed when we reach the place where we parked the cars.

"None. I know the car too precious for you." I answered him as I hurriedly pulled out Jungkook's car key.

"No, I mean there are revolvers and-"

"I brought them." Taehyung pulled out a bag filled with five revolvers.

"Dude, we could use that instead this ancient bow and arrow." Namjoon threw the weapon down the ground.

Taehyung shrugged, "You didn't tell me we'll use a weapon."

"Forget it. Each grab one, quick!" Namjoon yelled.

Seokjin, Jungkook, Yoongi, and Hoseok grabbed each one revolver while Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin, and I grabbed the steering wheel. I naturally slided down myself inside Jungkook's car as Jungkook made his revolver ready while sat down on the passenger seat.

"You better be not giving my Melissa a slight of scar." Jungkook said as he put on his seatbelt.

I did the smooth maneuver and pressed the gas pedal harder in order to keep in the same pace with Namjoon's car at front, "Who's the hell Melissa?"

"My car." Jungkook faced me grinning.

I sighed, "You should get another manly name instead of Melissa."

"I should've name it Yumi. So I could proudly say, I'm riding Yumi." He grinnes again, "Drive well okay?" He winked before he took off his seatbelt, pulled down the car window, and to my surprise Jungkook let his upper body out from the car. He literally sat down on the window car facing a car behind us.

"What the hell are you doing, Jungkook?!" I yelled but still be able to control the steering wheel.

"I said, drive well!" He yelled back as he aimed his revolver.


"What the hell?!" I exclaimed again, shocking by the sudden of sound the revolver.

"Drive well!" He yelled again.

I tried as hard as possible to ignore the loud sound from Jungkook's revlolver. It was my very first time being in the middle of shootout situation. I wanted to cry but I held back. I wanted to yell but I didn't know why. I wanted to just dissappear but I didn't know how. So I just pushed myself to drive as fast as I could, took a very deep breath in every blink of eyes.

"Oh my God, my God. Please help us, God." I mumbling as I speed up the car.

Jungkook heard me mumbled suddenly got down to back to his seat, pressed down the window button so it was rolled up. Passed Namjoon's car and I could see my brother was at the same position as Jungkook earlier. Suddenly, Jungkook kissed my cheek, not literally my cheek but the down side near the side of my lips. Shocked, but I couldn't bring myself to stare at his gaze.

"Drive well, and don't give my Melissa a scar."


To be continued



(A/N): I can't help myself to not update this chapter for this day. I hope you really enjoy this story and feel free to comment it, subscribe it, and upvote it. I'll take a quick rest before update the next chapter because I honestly don't want to make you guys waiting too long. Anyway wait, for my next update. Thank you and have a good day, everyone <3

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 21: Love it!
Chapter 12: Ilikeit
Lofera #3
Chapter 5: Kyah!! Mikook moments there... I cant wait to read the next chp...
Chapter 21: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~!!!!! Mansae mansae mansae!! Yeah!!!!
Chapter 19: Omg!!!! Now I should tell you... You're my inspiration.... I really loved this story... And I really loved your way of writing... Keep writing <3
Chapter 16: Yoohoo... Jisoo <3
Chapter 14: No!! No no no!!! Don't die...
Chapter 10: Omg!!! EXO as enemy??? Wow
Chapter 8: I want Yoongi oppa as my brother... He's caring and cool.., has swag :P
Chapter 6: Woah.... Seokjin oppa~~~