
I Must Be Crazy

Dahyun gazed at herself in the mirror as she applied the eyelid tape and blink few times.

“Wow” she mumbled, admiring her new look. So this is what she looks like if she have double eyelid. Her eyes look bigger and lovely.

She grabs her memo pad where she noted the list of traits that Jungkook is looking for a girl so she won’t forget it.

"Double eyelid check!" her face puckered as she reads the next trait.

Tall girls.

She put an x mark as it is an impossible goal.


Dahyun stood up from the chair and check at her whole body in the mirror. She rolled up her shirt into a half top to see her belly. It's not bad she has nice curves. Then why Taehyung keep calling you fat? Well she has a little bit of belly fat maybe because of eating too much chocolate. She really needs to stop eating sweets and have a daily exercise to make her look slimmer.

After creating another list for her diet, Dahyun proceeds to the third trait.

Good at cooking.

Well she doesn’t even know how to cook rice but for the sake of her love to Jungkook she will try her best to become a good cook even without any innate talent.

Dahyun excitedly headed to the kitchen and gathered all the ingredients she bought yesterday at the local supermarket. She put on her favorite snoopy apron and tied up her hair. I’m ready! She had never really baked before and this is her first attempt that is why she is a little bit nervous. All she needs to do is to follow what exactly is written in the book and she will get the result per her expectation.

Dahyun inhaled deeply closing her eyes for a moment. She was reading the book while baking. She smiled as she drops spoonful of cookie dough onto a pre-greased baking sheet and placed the dough into the oven. This should taste good!

Dahyun chose to bake cookie as she imagine herself offering it Jungkook and after taking a bite he will suddenly fell in love with her and ask her to make more cookies for him everyday. She giggles, and shakes her head until she sniffed and saw smoke coming from the oven. “Oh no!” she pulled out a tray of burnt cookies and slammed the baker close. Dahyun groaned as she waved the smoke from the burning batch of cookies. Had she really been daydreaming too long?!

“What’s that burning smell?”

Dahyun startled when she heard Taehyung’s voice. She quickly covered the burnt cookies with a plate and faced him. “Jaebum-oppa is not here.”

“What were you up to?” Taehyung asked tilting his head peering at her through the kitchen door frame.

“Nothing..” She answered, trying to hide the tray at her back. Taehyung narrowed his eyes and began to move toward her. Dahyun tried to push him away but he still successfully reached her burnt cookies.

“Seriously, is this a charcoal?” Taehyung laughed uncontrollably. “You’re a girl but can’t even bake a decent cookie? You are hopeless.”

Dahyun attempt to kick his shin but he moved back quickly. “You’re talking as if you know how to bake. Go away!”

“How many times I told you that I’m good at everything.” He uttered, giving her a teasing smile.

Dahyun folded her arms across her chest.”Then prove it.”

They exchanged looks. “Sure” He said, puckered his lips. Taehyung stood at the counter and did some stretching before he starts to bake. Is that even needed? Dahyun leaned against the counter and looked at his every move.

“TaeTae Special Cookie!” Taehyung smile was a mile wide. “Why don’t you try it?” He asked, wiggling his brows at her.  

Dahyun smelt the fresh aroma of cookies that seems delicious from the looks of it.

Impressive. Dahyun immediately grabbed a small cookie and place it into . Taehyung was staring at her intensely, waiting for her response.

“How was it?”

“Too salty” She commented after a moment of silence.

Taehyung frowned. “Huh?” he grabbed a cookie and also took bite.”It wasn’t salty.”

“It is! Now go, before I throw these salty cookies at you.” She snorted and pushed Taehyung out the kitchen.

“Aish!” Taehyung hissed. “You’re in denial! Why don’t you accept the fact that my cookie tasted and looked better than your burnt cookies!”

Taehyung argued but was cut when his phone rang. He glares at her as he answered the call and walks out the house. Dahyun sighed and started to clean the kitchen which turns into a disaster zone before her mom sees it.

Taehyung’s cookies were actually taste good but of course she's never going to admit that in front of him as he will start to act cocky again.

Dahyun wiped the sweat off her forehead with her sleeve when she’s done cleaning the kitchen. She never thought that baking on her own will make the kitchen into a total chaos.

She heard the loud rumble of her stomach as her eyes landed at the cookies made by Taehyung. She grabbed a cookie and eats until there’s no more left.

“I thought it’s too salty?”

Dahyun suddenly chocked when she saw Taehyung leaning against the door frame. She started to cough, both hands clutched to .

“Dahyun!” Taehyung started to panic and rush toward her giving her a glass of water. She took a long swig of water and exhales slowly as she feels completely relieved.

“Are you okay now?” Taehyung sounded worried.

Dahyun hastily turned her head to him but only to find out that his face was too close to her. She can almost feel his breath to her cheek. Their eyes locked for about seconds, both of them froze and no one dares to look away.

They both backs off quickly when they heard the door slammed shut.

"Dude!" Jaebum exclaimed as he enters the kitchen.

Dahyun walked out but then stopped when Taehyung called her name.

"What?" she raised a brow.

"I'm just wondering, are you wearing eyelid tape?" 

Jaebum also gazed at her and chortled behind his hand. "What the heck." then they both laugh at her in sync.

Dahyun stamped her brother's foot in annoyance and runs upstairs.

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kdahminn #1
Chapter 19: Update T-T
kdahminn #2
Chapter 19: Update T-T
iLoveTwiceSoMuch #3
Chapter 1: Hello anyone having problem with not being able to read some chapters? it says like 961 words for chapter 1 but it’s not showing anything same goes to chapter 2 but then chapter 3 i’m able to read. been having the same problem with other story as well pls Help :((
Chapter 19: I need a update author-nim! Pleaseeee pleaseeee and i need jungkook to fight for dahyunnn~ pleaseeee
Chapter 19: Ok, the moment i started reading this, i just can't stop.
Now i am so conflicted whether to ship dahyun with jungkook or with v.
Damn, the story is getting more interesting, can't wait to read more,.
Hope you update soon
Chapter 19: This is so cuuuuuuuuuuute! Why author-nim, why do this to me? hahahahaha <3
louieistrash #7
Chapter 19: Awwww. This was so cute and nice! I wish it was longer though. Please continue writing! Thank you!
Authornimmmm update juseyo T.T
Kat2601 #9
Chapter 19: this is so cute!
mariatiarap #10
Chapter 19: Oh so wow...