
I Need You



You both safely made it back to your rundown, one-room house.


“Jungkook! Are you ready?” You shouted from the bathroom.




It was a routine that you get the bath ready for Jungkook after your nightly walks. Some might find it weird and disturbing that you still have to help Jungkook wash. But you never minded-he was your younger brother afterall. You were never disturbed by the fact that you had to stand in the bathroom when Jungkook washed. Jungkook, on the other hand, was slightly embarrassed. He hated that he was an 18 year old that couldn’t even wash without the help of his older sister. But he was thankful and he appreciated the fact that he had a sister like you. He’d always seen younger brothers be annoyed and ignored by older sisters, but he’d never seen a sister like you-a sister that loves her younger brother more than she loves her own life. He felt bad because it seemed to him that he was stopping you from living your own life. He wanted to change that. He always told himself that he’d wish you would go out and have some fun and maybe even start dating, but he’s always been the overprotective type.


“Jungkook, stop staring off into space and let’s move,” he heard you say as you placed your arm around his waist.

Lifting him up to his feet, you helped him waddle into the bathroom.


You carefully ed his shirt and slid it off him.

“Noona, you can turn around now,” Jungkook demanded.

You chuckled and faced the door as he rid the rest of his clothing and slid himself into the tub. On top of the tub, you had a wooden plank in place to cover him up since he insisted his privacy.


Jungkook sighed.

“It’s warm enough right?” You asked.

“Mhm, it’s perfect,” he replied in delight making you smile.


Grabbing the bottle of shampoo, you squeezed some onto your small hands and spread it into his head.


“Oh, Jungkook.”

“Hmm?” He didn’t even bother to open his eyes.


“I scheduled an appointment with a hospital in Seoul for tomorrow. They have a doctor who said he’d be willing to give you a thorough check up. I took a leave on work so we’ll leave as soon as we get up, okay?”


Jungkook was silent. After a few seconds, he brought his hands to his face, “Noona, the doctors here in Busan gave me checkups, too. What difference is it going to make by going all the way to Seoul?”


“The hospital up there has more advanced technology than the hospitals we have here in the rural Busan..”


Jungkook quietly nodded his head, knowing that you were doing this for him.

“How are we going to get up there?”


“By taxi,” you simply stated.

“But that’s going to be so expensive!” Jungkook looked at you with a shocked expression.


You smiled and patted his soapy head, “If they tell me they can help my little brother, I’d give up anything to get to them. Even if it means it’ll cost a lot. Besides, you do not need to worry about money, mister.”


“Still… We should take the bus. It’ll be chea-”


“-Cheaper but longer,” you finished for him. “It’ll take four hours just getting there by car. Imagine if we took the bus… It’ll be a lot of switching buses and waiting in lines… We are taking the taxi.”


“You are just as stubborn as me, noona,” Jungkook shook his head.


You finished up washing his hair and his upper body, and you waited for him facing the door while he finished everything else. After drying him down, you helped dress him and then heaved him out the door.


Jungkook sat on the floor as he finished buttoning up the last of his pajama shirt. He carefully watched as you brought down the blanket and pillows to make the bed.


“Noona, you’re going to stay with me today, right?”


“Of course I am. I always do,” you looked at your younger brother oddly.


“Sometimes you leave.. I know it, noona.”


“What are you talking about..?”


“Nevermind,” he mumbled as he looked away.


You looked at him for a while and wondered if he knew about your night shift.

Shaking the thought away, “Jungkook. C’mon, let’s get some sleep. We’re going to have to go far tomorrow.”


Jungkook pulled himself onto the sheets and lied down beside you. He stared up to the ceiling.


A few minutes later, he heard your breathing get deeper and heavier. Turning over to his side, he looked at your sleeping face and smiled.


“I thank the Heavens for giving me you as my noona,” he whispered. “I’m really sorry. If only I wasn’t born… Then you could’ve used all the money you worked for so hard for yourself instead of my hospital bills.. I wish I could do something for you. For my most beautiful noona in this world.”


Jungkook felt his eyes start to water. Painfully closing his eyes, he snuggled up closer to your petite body. “I love you so much, noona. More than anything in this world. If you weren’t here, I would’ve ended my life already.. Stop this pain, but I know if I do, I’d be killing you as well. Even if I have to live like this forever, I’ll do my best to keep you happy.”


He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him. His side of the small mattress was always warmer than yours because you were able to buy a heater for him but not yourself. Digging his face into your hair, he started to get drowsy. Ever since he was a child, being in your embrace with your familiar scent had him feeling safe and relaxed. He could only sleep when he knew you were with him.


He was so dependent on you. So much.. So much that he hated himself for it.


“Jeon Jungkook! Wake up!”


You sighed as you shook your younger brother for the nth time that morning. This was the hard task of every day.. Getting Jungkook to wake up from his deep slumber.


“Mhmmhm~” Jungkook shook your hand off of his shoulder.


“Jungkook, I need you to wake up. We have to get ready by 8!”


“Mhmhmmm. Just five more minutes,” he whined as he shivered against the cold when you pulled the covers off of him. He wrapped his arms around his shaking body and cringed into a fetal position, making you smile at his adorableness.


“No, Jungkook. I would let you sleep in any other day, but it’s already 7!”


Jungkook shook you away once again and faced the other way.


“Jeon Jungkook.. I’m warning you. You better wake up before I pull my secret weapon on you,” you gave him your serious voice but he only smiled groggily.


“Noona, that won’t work. No matter what you do, I’m still stronger than you,” he replied sleepily.


“You asked for it Jungkook,” you warned him.


He didn’t reply.


Waiting a few more seconds, you jumped onto his sleeping body and attached your hands onto his sides.


Jungkook laughed in shock and tried to squirm his way out of your embrace, but you kept tickling him.


“No..Noona! Noon--noona stop it tickles!”


“Then wake up!”


Jungkook grabbed your wrists and held them off to the side as he sighed and sat up.

“Okay, you win. I’m awake now.”


“Good,” you patted his head. “I have the breakfast ready for you.”


He looked over to the side and saw the small table set for him. His eyes landed on the one pair of utensils.


“Aren’t you going to eat?”

You stood up and shook of his question with a simple, “I have to get ready.”


Jungkook looked up at you as you walked over to the kitchen.







“I told yo-”

“With me.”

“Oh.. Uh.”

“Even if you won’t touch any of your food. I want you to sit with me when I eat… Please?” He looked up at you hopefully.


You could reject those eyes of his and finally sighed after a couple of minutes of silence. He was right… You hardly sat down with him when he ate because you needed to get ready beforehand so that you can help him later. You never had the time to sit down and stay with him because you needed to get his clothes and the water to wash him ready. And on top of that… If you also ate, that would mean that you would have to spend more money on food. If you spent more on food, you were sure both of you would have to eat less. You wanted him to eat as much as he could.


“Okay, Jungkook. C’mon, let’s eat.” You couldn’t hold in the chuckle that left your lips when you saw his whole face light up at your words.


Jungkook got himself ready at the table and watched as you sat down in front of him. It was all he wanted-- sure he spends almost all of his time with you, but he wanted more. Having you just sit with him when eating was only one of the things he wanted.


“Why do you want to eat with me so much?” You chuckled.


“Cause I get to spend more time with you then.”


You smiled.

“--And you hardly eat. You’re too skinny noona. I need you to eat.”


You smile fell.

“I eat Jungkook.”


“Hmm,” he nodded as he placed some food in his mouth, “but not in front of me.”


You watched as he continued to eat. You guys talked about this and that but you hardly touched your food. You wanted to save it up for him later that night. But Jungkook wouldn’t have of it.


Halfway through the meal, Jungkook grabbed his food and brought it right up to your lips.


He forced it into your mouth and smiled with satisfaction when he saw you swallow. He reached over and ruffled your hair, shocking you. “There we go! Was that so hard to swallow?” He said in a bright, playful tone meaning that he was in a good mood.


After doing the dishes and running around the small one-room ‘house’ getting ready, you were able to get Jungkook into a clean shirt just in time.


You buttoned the last one of his shirt and firmly patted his shoulders, “Mhm! There we go! Done! Let’s head out to the main street and see if I can hail down a taxi fast enough.”


Jungkook smiled as he wrapped his arm around you and slightly leaned against your body. Stepping out of the front door, you made sure you had locked it before starting to head down the street with Jungkook clinging onto your body.


Just then..




You turned around as you unconsciously pushed Jungkook over to the more inner side of the sidewalk.


“Get in the car!!”


You squinted and recognized the familiar face.


“... Is that…? Hyunjoo? Hyunjoo unnie?”


Hyunjoo smiled at you and motioned for you to get into her car.


“You know her?” Jungkook tugged onto your hand.

You nodded your head as you held Jungkook tightly and walked a few steps back to the car.


“She is Mr. Kang’s first daughter. I saw her a couple of times at the cafe.. She’s a wonderful lady.”


“Is she going to give us a ride?” Jungkook questioned as he limped alongside you.


“I’m not sure, I would feel bad so I’m going to reject.”


“Junghee! Hey!” Hyunjoo smiled at you guys. “Oh! And that must your dear brother!”


You smiled and nodded, “Yes. What brings you here today?”


Hyunjoo leaned over to the back of the car and moved some of the magazines from the seats. “Well, I heard from my dad that you were heading to Seoul with your brother. And as you know, my dad thinks of you as his third daughter.. I’m heading to Seoul right now to run a few errands for my company and my dad wanted me to drop you guys off at the hospital.”


“Oh, thank you so much! But it’s fine, really. We can ge-”


“-nope! I need to take you guys to Seoul or else my dad’s going to kill me alive. Don’t feel bad about it. I’m heading for Seoul anyways, why not go together and keep me company while I get there? We’re heading the same direction anyways.”


You shook your head, feeling quite burdened, but before you could completely reject, Jungkook smiled and grabbed onto the car door handle.


“Thank you,” he said as he opened the door and lightly pushed you forward. “We are very thankful your dad suggested you give us a ride. And we are even more thankful that you are willing to give us a ride up there.”


Hyunjoo waved it off, “No problem. That’s what friends are for! Wow, Junghee, your brother is way less stubborn than you are.”


Jungkook sat down next to you and you made sure he was comfortable for the four hour long ride.


Hyunjoo looked through the mirror, “So! This is your younger brother… How old?”


“18,” Jungkook replied with a smile.


Hyunjoo’s eyes widened, “WOW. I can’t believe you’re ten years younger than me… How old were you again?” She asked you.


Before you answered, Jungkook beat you to it, “She’s 24.”


“Oh yeah! I remember! You’re the same age as my younger sister Hyuna!”

“Yup,” you replied.


“You guys are probably the world’s most gorgeous siblings ever. Like seriously, how can you look so outstandingly beautiful and your brother look just as outstandingly handsome as you!?”


You shook your head, “Please, you and Hyuna are beautiful too! I’ve seen many photos in Mr. Kang’s room.”


The rest of the ride went by like that.


“Here you are, Seoul National University Hospital,” Hyunjoo announced as she pulled up in front of the big white building.


You looked down at Jungkook who had his face on your shoulder, completely asleep.

“Jungkook,” you said as you shook him. “It’s time to wake up.”


“Thanks, for the ride. I honestly don’t know how much a taxi would’ve charged, but here’s 50 for the ride,” you handed her your money, but she pushed your hand away.


“No, Junghee, I’m not taking that. Why would I take money from my dad’s most favorite worker?” She looked at you with an empathetic look, “Junghee, I know your brother’s condition and how hard you work for him. I don’t need this money. Just go get your brother a full checkup and find out a way to cure the poor, little guy. Use the money for his hospital bills or something. I most definitely do not need the money, so don’t worry about paying me back.”


Saying your farewells to Hyunjoo, you dragged Jungkook with you in to the hospital. As you walked through the entrance doors of the famous university hospital, you prayed.

Please let there be answers to my questions. Solutions to Jungkook’s problem at this hospital. Please. Oh, please!









A/N: Double update! ENjoy!!!!!!!! :)

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Jeonfarah #1
Chapter 3: Im hoping for the next chapter soon
Minouch551 #2
I'm so excited for the next chapter...
stephbaozi #3
Chapter 1: Oh thank you for the thanx haha & so sad ;-; poor kookie