Slam Dunk!


Minhyuk’s first mistake was to take interest in one Mr. Yoon Jeonghan as his victim to burden with the question he wasn’t able to answer. Of course, the pretty young man just had to show he was capable, answering the question in a beat.

His second mistake was to whisper to Shownu to pick Seungkwan, who was apparently the top ace of the rival group.

And his third, most grave mistake was to find himself garnering a greater interest for Jeonghan.

Despite what his incredibly pretty apperance would typically say, the young man was indeed a man. He showed skill in the sport, and prowess in the match. Minhyuk watched him carefully---the supposed pecularity of the sight intruiged him. Though, to be honest, that was just a lame excuse for his simple, plain interest for the man who was exceedingly beautiful. A sudden 'waaah!' from his fellow members made him snap back to reality, and once Minhyuk realized that Wonho miraculously scored, he wobbled to him for a hug.

Then, it was Jeonghan's turn again. He already missed his first one, and Minhyuk's eyes were still glued to him. Despite his being an ace, Jeonghan does not score, whining and jumping around afterwards. The senior immediately feels a twinge of fondness for what he thought was an adorable show of frustration. In a discreet show of support, Minhyuk claps his hands.

Surprisingly, Minhyuk's team won! While Wonho, Kihyun, Seungcheol and Dokyeom were busying themselves with the camera, he was trailing behind and playing basketball with Jeonghan. The long haired man greatly intruiged him---but why? Minhyuk simply found himself drawn to Jeonghan. 

He was just a tad disappointed when their little backstage recording was coming to an end. 

"Minhyuk! Let's go!" Shownu called, and before Minhyuk could walk to his leader, he felt an arm clasp around his shoulder, and a sturdy chest press against his side. "Mr. Minhyuk!" Jeonghan called, in mock imitation of what the elder called him. Surprised Minhyuk blinked and gaped a bit at the pretty boy, before breaking into a grin. At the acceptance, Jeonghan's face practically lit up with his own smile, and his poor senior did all he could to not blush or let out a completely out-of-character squeal from the sight. "Good luck out there, alright?" Jeonghan continued, his pearly smile not fading as he gripped his senior in a firm side hug. The latter was a bit dumbfounded from the abrupt angel-hug, but his brain managed to command out a simple smile and nod of his thanks, giving Jeonghan a light squeeze of a hug before jogging towards his waiting members. 

"What took you so lo---" Shownu began, then stopped as he noticed his friend's rather flushed face. "...You alright?" he asks, concern tinging his voice. Minhyuk was startled by the question, and began to ungracefully dodge the question. "A-ha! Shownu, w-what makes you think I'm not? Ahahaha! Ha!" Minhyuk proclaims, the rest of the members painfully aware of his embarrassment. 

The blonde vocal  just decides to march on ahead of the group, an obvious spring in his step as he tries to contain his giddiness. Meanwhile, his worried and confused members were quickly shuffling behind him.







A/N: Alright! was a pretty short and crappy piece....but I promise to do better next time! I'd also like to thank N.J.Phoenix KpopLover's sub of the two groups' basketball match, which can be be found here:! Reviews would be much appreciated. Thank you again!

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