장 5

Fairytale Feeling

I don’t know why I felt so protected with Junmyeon. He said that he felt like I was his little sister that he must treat well. Maybe that’s the reason why I felt that way. Only child is not that fun.

My phone started ringing when I left the store. It’s my mom calling. What is it now?

            “Hello, Mom.”

            “Will you go straight here after work?”

            “Office? Yeah, sure. Why? Is there any problem with the company?”

            “Nothing’s wrong, Sweetie. We just need to talk about some stuffs.” Stuffs, huh?

Since she didn’t asked me to go there before 7 I’ve decided not to grab a taxi and enjoy the night as I pass the glowing streetlights. I have felt the urge to enjoy my time before going there. Who knows what will happen when I got there.

            “Goodevening, Miss Seojin. Your parents are waiting for you in their office.” My mom’s secretary said.

            “Hey! What’s up?”

            “Hey, Sweetie.” Mom hugged me.

            “What stuffs?”

            “So eager for information, Little Princess.” Dad hugged me too. I’m starting to have doubt for coming here.

            “Promise me you won’t get mad.” Mom holds my hands. “We’ve decided to set you up together.”

            “Together?! What do you mean by that? What are you talking about?” I removed my mom’s hands on me. Seojin, calm down.

            “You and Baekhyun.” Dad tries not to spill more details.

            “Am I missing something here? I don’t know what you guys are talking about. You must be kidding me, right?” Wait for them to talk, Seojin! Shut your mouth.

            We discussed it before. A long time ago.” Mom tries to hold me again.

            “You know how close our family to them.”

            “No.” My voice is low.


            “No! Just, no! It feels like you’re selling me!”

            “Calm down, Baby...”

            “Calm down? How am I supposed to calm knowing my parents is now giving me to be with the person I don’t know!”

            “Don’t get the wrong idea, Seojin.” I can see Mom is in the verge of crying.

            “SEOJIN!” Dad shouted. I’ve never seen him like this before.


            “This is also for your sake.”

            “No, Dad. It’s not for me.” I’m starting to cry. Please, no. “This is for your company’s sake!"

I left their office and I can hear my mom blaming herself for agreeing to do this. I’m in the elevator trying to calm my breathing so I’m not going to cry. But when I got home, I locked myself in my room and I can’t stop thinking about our conversation earlier and I started to cry. I started punching my bed’s headboard even though it really hurts. Threw my pillows on the floor so no one will hear me. I need to do this to withdraw all the confusions and feelings inside me. I hate this. I hate the fact that they’re doing this to me. I hate that it’s my parents I’m dealing with. I hate this deal. UGH!!


I don’t want to attend my class today. I haven’t seen my parents since Saturday night and its Monday already. I keep on staying inside my room all the time trying to avoid them. I’m still not yet ready to face them after what I’ve done. I realized that I acted wrong. I should have respect them.

I’ve been avoiding Sera’s intuitions but she’s powerful enough for me to scape. I know by how the way she looks at me, she’s studying my face.

            “I know. I look beaten and wasted.”

            “I haven’t said anything.” She looks away.

            “You sure not going to ask me why?”

            “I just felt that you want to keep it a secret.” I look at her and she looks serious.

            “Of course not.” I hug her tight and suddenly cry.

            “Hey! Don’t cry! You’re going to ooze mucus on my blouse!” That made me laugh.

            “Sorry…” I covered my face and she wipes my face with her handkerchief.

            “Okay. Tell me what makes my sister cry, hmm?”

Sera and I never had a serious conversation like this because we never had any problems like this before. We do cry when something’s really bothering us. When my dog died, Sera’s with me. When Sera’s having a long-distance-relationship with her parents for a month, she stayed at my place. Those times, we felt like we’re really sisters. We’re always here for each other.

            “You know what, Bruce Lee. This is why I hate being rich. Your parents will decide what will happen to your future.”

            “But your parents are not like that. And, why Bruce Lee?”

            “I’m saying that to make you feel better. Don’t open up anything about me. I’m trying to be on your situation. Bruce Lee, because you have bruises on your hand.”

            “That’s not funny!” I stare outside the window. “I hope I can have a boyfriend, the one I really like. The one I’m going to marry.”

            “This is not a fairytale. And I think Baekhyun’s not that bad. He’s good-looking, good in academics –“

            “I thought you want me to feel better? Why do I feel like you’re selling Baekhyun to me and forcing me to buy him?”

I didn’t pay attention to my teacher’s lecture the whole morning. Looking back over my notes, I had to think for a moment to remember which topic does the teacher discussed.


I didn’t expect to see them sitting on our usual spot. They already bought their lunch and busy talking to each other. Sera approached them first knowing that I’m still not on the right state of mind. Unfortunately, we need to eat lunch with them again. Does Baekhyun know about the arrangement? How about the others? In addition to all of the above. Baekhyun doesn’t act strange. That is, if that was even possible.

            “Seojin, please eat. You barely touched your food.” Sera whispered.

            “Is there something with Seojin?” Junmyeon asked Sera.

            “Nothing. I just don’t have appetite.”

I’ve decided not to go to work. I think I can’t handle myself, I might collapse. By the night, I was exhausted. Doesn’t have enough sleep and food. Gayoung Unnie brought me a dinner. She sat on my bed and stares at me.

            “What should I do?”

            “I’m not in the right place to tell you what to do, Seojin. But, I have something to tell you. Do what you think is right.” She rarely calls me Seojin. She’s one of my best adviser since I grew up with her.

Now… I have decided.

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Chapter 11: Omo kissed. Yayyy
hana1029 #2
Chapter 11: This is interesting
Chapter 9: Yayyy love your story so much. Hehehe
Fribal #4
I like your story, because it takes so many unpredictable turns.
Please update soon, if you have time.
Mendaooo99 #5
Chapter 7: I love this story ! update soon
lovelyme_a #6
Chapter 7: please update soon author-nim. I'm so anticipating to your story ;)
Chapter 3: I like to read your story, xD
please update soon and can make next chapter with a long one? hehehe
Chapter 2: Thanks for update Authornim ^^
excited for their next dinner, what will happen between seojin and misterious boy? xD
Chapter 1: update soon Authornim xD