The One with the WHOOPS

My Roommates are Idiots
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Hanbin tiredly jammed his key into the door and turned the knob, walking into the sharehouse with as stiff a face as ever. As usual, the youngest was sprawled across the couch with his eyes glued to his phone screen and the pretty boy was in the kitchen, poring over his iPad screen, which was set to a new recipe he wanted to try. Hanbin didn’t think they were close enough to feel obligated to greet them, so he just walked by them towards the room he shared with the American kid.

But halfway down the hall, a door upstairs swung open and not too long afterwards, the loudmouth with blond hair was skipping down the stairs with what appeared to be a ream of paper in his arms. And unlike all other times Hanbin had seen him, he was grinning.

“Oh, hey, Hanbin hyung,” he greeted with a gusto that had never been seen before. Hanbin only stared at him dully. “Check these out; I just made them”

Hanbin reluctantly accepted one of the fliers Junhoe had in his direction and frowned at the clearly-amateur graphic art project. What the…?

“It’s for a prank we’re gonna play,” Junhoe explained vaguely, and Hanbin raised an eyebrow. “We’re gonna pretend to lease out a room in the sharehouse and see what kind of interested weirdos call in.” Junhoe’s expression made it look like he was expecting some kind of eager reaction from Hanbin, but all he did was stare at him with evident boredom.

If this is his idea of fun, then I’m never going anywhere with him.

Eventually, Junhoe figured out that Hanbin had no interest in participating and grumbled as he snatched the flier out of his hand again. “Whatever. Nobody said you have to be a part of it.” He hopped down the rest of the stairs with a miffed air, and he began shouting for Donghyuk and Chanwoo.

Rolling his eyes, Hanbin disappeared into his room, which was thankfully empty. It seemed the American kid was either out or in the bathroom. He got his answer when the door of their shared room opened, and a half- Bobby strode in wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and no shirt. Hanbin looked away distastefully and opened his laptop to continue the composition that he’d gotten a promising start on while at school.

“Yo, d’you hear what Junhoe’s planning?” Bobby asked without much color to his tone, and Hanbin grunted in confirmation. “Crazy kid.”

At least I’m not the only one who thinks so, Hanbin thought.

Outside, in the living room, Chanwoo and Donghyuk were poring over the unskillfully thrown-together flier with a mix of terror and fascination; it was subpar quality, the colors not very eye-catching, which Donghyuk personally thought was best for all of them “Whose number is that?” Donghyuk asked, pointing at the phone number that had been listed as contact info.

“Oh,” Junhoe grinned sheepishly. “I couldn’t think of a number that we all shared since we don’t have a landline, so…I just put down Bobby hyung’s.”

Chanwoo and Donghyuk exchanged incredulous looks. “And he was okay with that?” Chanwoo asked skeptically.

To their disbelief, Junhoe shrugged. “He doesn’t know.”

A sense of foreboding dawned on the other two, and Donghyuk gulped. There is no way this will end well for any of us.

Chanwoo tried handing his share of the fliers back. “You know, I really don’t think this is a good ide—”

“Oh, no you don’t!” Junhoe exclaimed. “You accepted it! Now, spread them far and wide! Tape them all over town; bulletin boards, announcement walls, telephone poles, everywhere! I want to explore the world with these fliers!”

“You’re gonna end up regretting this so badly,” Donghyuk muttered, tucking his stack of fliers under his arm nonetheless; what other choice did he have? It looked like Junhoe couldn’t be talked out of this, and he had this strange ability to make others do his bidding. Maybe it was his contagious excitement, but Donghyuk was curious as to how this would end as well.

“At least he’s not trying to con people out of real money,” Chanwoo said like it was a real silver lining.

“No, but he’s definitely a piece of ,” Donghyuk muttered just loudly enough for Chanwoo to hear, and he snickered in agreement.

Despite still being on tense terms with Lydia—this was the longest Lydia had gone without caving for one of their arguments, and Anna was in equal parts impressed and disappointed—Anna had started the week off rather optimistic. The summer was still young, and there had to be a couple more places around the area that were offering places to stay. If necessary, she was even willing to get a room at a study motel for students. She’d gotten ready every morning (without Lydia, who habitually took all-day hiking trips when she was upset to try and relieve herself of negative energy,) and gone out in search of a new place to live for the summer.

Never did she even expect to turn up empty-handed by the end of five and a half days.

Exasperated and so close to losing hope entirely, she collapsed into the seat outside a convenience store and wiped the sweat from her temple on the back of her arm. The humidity and intense heat of the summer months were also not being very helpful in keeping Anna’s hopes (and spirits) up. She was crabby and unsuccessful in her pursuit of a new apartment. What is with this summer?! I didn’t expect it to be so difficult to find living space in Seoul! Then she realized how ridiculous she sounded. Who am I kidding? It’s summer, and it’s Seoul, one of the fastest-expanding cities in the world. Of course there’s no place to stay.

Groaning, she buried her head in her arms and agitatedly ran her hands repeatedly through her hair until it was rumpled and standing up in all sorts of directions. I’m screwed. I’m gonna have to spend this entire summer putting up with Matthew Kim and his disgu

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kiarrahmah #1
Just came back from a really long hiatus. I really miss iKon. Gonna catch up with your awesome story here.
Marimaru #2
Chapter 13: Wow, loving the story!! (First time comenting??) I like how you wrote it naturally. I almost can see me and my friend​s when we were Freshmen. It feels good to read.
About your piercing, I had one in my ear since I was little. When I get my second itbwasn't as bad as I thought. Now I get my third, one month ago, and my father hadn't even noticed it ??
Chapter 13: Hanbin's ringtone as 'Cheer Up' XD
Chapter 13: I loved that drunken people scene hahaha reminds me of the time when I was a freshman in med school when my friends and I were drinking ((my friend made me recite the Krebs cycle to prove myself I was just tipsy and not yet drunk lol)) :))) But it was nice that they had a sort of bonding time, they finally get to share albeit a little stuff about each other. And I can't wait to see how Hanbin handles them
Chapter 13: Ayeeee one of my friends got some mad piercings without telling her parents too xD it didn't turn out that bad tho, she survived! Haha but OMG WHY IS ANNA SUCH A CUTE DRUNK?!!! She's so adorable omg TT
Chapter 12: omg!! congrats on your research paper!!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Congratulations on the research paper!! <3
And I can't wait for Hanbin to actually interact with them and stuff.

And yeah I wasn't big on ikon's releases this year too but oh well, it happens. I just don't understand all the hate they're getting recently? (or has it been there for quite some time idk i've been out of the loop since last school year and just waiting for releases and stuff ((mostly day6)))

And my faves would be "airplane"/"apology"/"long time no see" from ikon, "empty"/"color ring"/"tonight" from winner and "stay" from blackpink
Chapter 11: You updated! And she finally but not officially met Hanbin!

Good luck on working your way to med school! Sincerely, from a sleep-deprived med school sophomore <3
Chapter 11: Reached this chapter! Gotten too attached with this fic~
My dream job? An artist; someone who paints a lot, or maybe an idol(?) haha~ i don't know honestly~
Fighting author nim! Thanks for this update <3