Part II

100 voicemails

(So... I've finally brought the second part of the story. Sorry for making you all wait this long:$

Oh... And one more thing! The role of Chanwoo... Don't get the wrong idea, I like him very much, such as the other members, but he's the new guy so ended this way><)

Voicemail sent on 25 March 2015 at 1:34p.m.

„Hi, Bobby. So, everything’s still bad here. Mom still hasn’t found an apartment yet and I know she can’t afford a fancy one with her salary. Dad hasn’t been home all day and he hardly ever talks to anyone. This really . I miss you.”

He sighed before he chuckled a little. It sounded a bit forced, like he wanted to do anything to distract himself from his situation.

„You remember when you used to force me to watch Vines whenever I was feeling down. I really used to enjoy those, so this morning I tried watching them. For some reason, even though I was laughing, I didn’t really feel any lighter… Maybe because I kept remembering your laugh.”

Voicemail sent on 26 March 2015 at 11:35a.m.

„Hey, Bobby. So I think that Mom finally decided on an apartment and she told me to start packing. That’s what I’m going to be doing for the rest of the day so I just wanted tol et you know. As usual, Dad isn’t at home yet and I think that he’s really mad at me… I mean, I’m the one who screwed their relationship up. Why wouldn’t he hat eme now? Oh God, I feel terrible…”

Voicemail sent on 27 March 2015 at 9:46p.m.

„Hey. I just went and saw the apartment with Mom and it’s fine. She made a big deal about it being all roomy and spacious but I didn’t really give a damn. I hate this. I hate that they’re separating. I hate the fact that it’s all happening because of me. I hate that you’re not here. I hate the fact that I leave you voicemails everyday and I hate it even more that you never respond! I hate everything!”

Voicemail sent on 28 March 2015 at 5:41p.m.


He paused as if he was at a loss for words and the voicemail ended.

Voicemail sent on 29 March 2015 at 11:52p.m.

„Hey, how are you? I haven’t seen you in a while. I’ve stopped going over to your parents as well. I haven’t even been going to school regularly. Well…we will move int he new place tomorrow and I’ll send you a voicemail from there. Anyway, bye.”

He sounded so tired from everything and my heart yearned for him.

Voicemail sent on 30 March 2015 at 8:06p.m.

„Hi, so I’m at the new apartment right now, in my new bedroom. Mom and I will finish unpacking tomorrow. And before leaving the old place, I thought that Dad wouldn’t show up even to say goodbye but he did come. Bobby, he was crying. My Dad was actually crying. Can you imagine…I just…it was hard not to cry in front of him and I ended u pin tears as well. I already miss him…”

Voicemail sent on 31 March 2015 at 4:47p.m.

„Bobby, I don’t like my new bedroom at all. I mean, the window’s too small and there’s not enough room to walk around. Plus, there’s cobwebs ont he ceilings. Cobwebs! I’m not even joking right now. Ugh. Anyway, gotta go and help Mom now. Will talk to you tomorrow. I mean, uh…well, I’ll leave a voicemail tomorrow. Bye.”

Voicemail sent on 1 April 2015 at 1:34p.m.

„Hi, I’m so exhausted. Mom and I were up all night and thankfully, we’re all done now. No more unpacking. I have to start going to school from tomorrow and I’m not looking forward to that, heh. But anyways, I’ll come visit you soon.”

Voicemail sent on 2 April 2015 at 6:45p.m.

„wow. I didn’t even realize that April had already started. I found out in school and I was like wow. Can you believe, it, Bobby? It’s been two months since you’ve been in a coma. It feels so much longer than just two months. So much has changed…”

Voicemail sent on 3 April 2015 at 8:47p.m.

„Hi. Just came back from the hospital. I visited you like I promised and you were so cold, Bobby. I wondered for a minute whether you were even alive. The nurse assured me you were but I don’t trust the hospital staff at all. How can they say you’re making progress when you’ve seemed to have grown so thin since the last time I saw you. Your skin is really pale. I’m worried about you. A lot. I just wish you’d wake up. I can’t trust anyone who says you’re well. I need to hear it from you. Are you okay, Bobby?”

Voicemail sent on 4 April 2015 at7:09a.m.

„Hi, so I’m probably gonna be late for school while doing this but I’m never been good at making wise decisions.”

He laughed a little and I realized that it had been a while since I’d heard that sweet sound. I had missed his laughter.

„So, anyway just wanted to say hi before leaving and yeah, that’s it. Wish me luck because I’m gonna need it. God knows, people can be so annoying and nosy. Bye.”

Voicemail sent on 5 April 2015 at 5:47p.m.

„Ugh, you remember Mrs. Annie, the Math teacher? Yeah, she dumped loads of homework on me and on top of that, I need to catch up on things that I missed since I was absent. Uh, my mind is so ed up right now. I’ve been working for more than three hours and it’s killing me. Anyway, I’m probably gonna take a nap now. Bye.”

Voicemail sent on 6 April 2015 at 6:45p.m.

„Hey, Bobby. So Jinhwan and the others guessed about my parent’s divorce. They were really sorry. Well, at last they said that they were.”

He sighed deeply, sounding so drained out of energy.

„I’m sorry, I know I probably sound moody and cynical but I can’t help it. It’s like I’ve changed drastically since these few months. I don’t know what to do.”

Voicemail sent on 7 April 2015 5:47p.m.

„So, Dad dropped by earlier and thank God, Mom wasn’t home. Actually, I think that he knew she was out working so he came and handed me an entire bag full of junk food. Can you believe it, Bobby?”

Even though, he sounded incredulous, there was a hint of rare happiness in his voice and I found myself smiling at that.

„Anyway, we talked for a bit before he left and I realized just how much I missed him in these couple of days. I miss you, too.”

Voicemail sent on 8 April 2015 at 3:34p.m.

„Hi! Guess what day after tomorrow is? Yay, it’s my birthday. I’ll be officially seventeen ont he tenth. And I’ll be celebrating it with you. Jinhwan and the guys wanted to be there too but I told them that I intended itt o be strictly for two people. You and me.”

My hand went up to my heart and it ached a little. He was going to celebrate his birthday with an unconscious person.

„So, I better get going and pick an outfit for our little date. Of course, I can’t make much noise in your room, the nurses will freak out so it’ll be quiet. Anyway, bye!”

Voicemail sent on 9 April 2015 9:48p.m.

„Omg, I’m so excited for tomorrow. I wanted to buy a brand new dress but I decidedto wear my white my white suit. You remember that one, don’t you? You laughed at me and said that that dress was only for s since it was so pure. When I told you that I was a , your mouth had dropped open.”

He laughed.

„It was priceless. Anyway, I’ll be wearing that tomorrow so I’ll see you soon.”

Voicemail sent on 10 April 2015 at 8:56p.m.

„Hey, so I’m recording this voicemail from the hospital, Bobby. Funny, right? I’m sending you a voicemail even when I’m sitting right next to you, haha. So, I just cut the cake few seconds ago and made a wish. You wanna know what it was? Well, too bad. You’ll have to guess. Okay, I gotta go now. The doctors don’t appreciate me eating my cake with a patient. God, they . Bye.”

I didn’t need to think so hard about what Junhoe wished for. I was certain that it had been for me to wake up soon…

Voicemail sent on 11 April 2015 at 3:05p.m.

„So, last night was…well, it was good and peaceful. Being there with you. I talked to you. I wonder if you could hear and understand me.”

After a slight pause he continued.

„I did the stupidest thing imaginable. Believe i tor not, I actually kissed you hoping that you’d wake up that way. What is this, a remake of the Sleeping Beauty? Haha, and of course you didn’t wake up. I know you’ll probably laugh when you know all this.”

Voicemail sent on 12 April 2015 at 6:57p.m.

„Hi, it’s been a long day today. I just feel so drained out all of a sudden. I dunno what’s wrong with me. Some days, I feel good and light while other days just completely . Am I bipolar or something? I can’t seem to make up my mind on being happy or sad…”

Voicemail sent on 13 April 2015 at 4:58p.m.

„Bobby? How long are you gonna be like this? When are you going to wake up? I’m so fed up. I can’t take it sometimes. I just…”

I closed my eyes and envisioned him. A lonely boy in his room, with his parents recently divorced while he was desperately holding ontom e, an unconscious person who could have been with him in his time of need. I felt so helpless, so ashamed of myself.

Voicemail sent on 14 April 2015 at 6:47p.m.

„Hi. Look, I’m sorry about yesterday. I just… I really didn’t mean anything. I was just upset about…everything. Basically I’m tired and upset of this . I’m sorry…”

My eyes started to sting because he was apologizing when it should have been me.

Voicemail sent on 15 April 2015 at 2:46p.m.

„Hi, Bobby, I’v gotten into a new hobby recently. One that keeps my mind off of some things. I know you’re probably not gonna like it and neither is mom but…”

He paused as if silently debating whether or not he should share this with me and my heart sped up a little. Something was off, I felt it.

„I’ve started smoking weed.”

My stomach dropped at his words but from his tone he sounded excited.

„It’s really something. I didn’t like i tat first but after a while, you get used to it. At least it helps me clear my mind…”

Voicemail sent on 16 April at 2015 at 9:46p.m.

„You know today I met this awesome guy at school and when I went out to buy a pack of cigarettes, we ran into each other again. He’s cool and funny. But don’t you worry Bobby, he’s just a friend, okay? His name is Chanwoo and he paid for the cigarettes too…”

Voicemail sent on 17 April 2015 at 11:47p.m.

The first thing I heard was laughter and then there was music. I frowned, wondering where Junhoe is. It couldn’t be a party at someone’s house because there was just too much noise int he background – people yelling and cursing. Was Junhoe in a club or something?

„Bobbyyy! You gotta come here! The crowd is just in-sane! I mean with a freaking capital ’I’.”

He giggled and a knot tied in my stomach.

„Chanwoo’s here too and he went to get us more drinks and this is so much fuuun! Haha…for some reason, Jinhwan didn’t wanna come because he doesn’t like Chanwoo. The heck? How can you not like Chanwoo? He’s funny and tall and he buys me drinks and hey! Stop hitting my arm, dammit! Can’t you see I’m…”

Oh. No.

Voicemail sent on 18 April 2015 at 10:34a.m.

„Bobby, I messed up. I…”

He was crying and my fingers tightened around my phone, as my jaw clenched. I knew it before he even said it. Chanwoo.

„I shouldn’t ever have hung out with Chanwoo…I’m such an idiot. Jinhwan warned me and I didn’t listen…”

Voicemail sent on 19 April 2015 at 1:24p.m.

„Hi, Bobby. How are you? Me? I feel like bull… Yesterday was horrible and that Chanwoo tried to make a move on me. He even got as far as to getting me in a room but someone saw me resisting and struggling so Chanwoo left… Thankfully nothing happened, I remember that much even though I was drunk. So, yeah, I really screwed up back there hanging around with a guy like him. Anyway…I’m not gonna make that mistake again. I really miss you… I’ll come over for a visit, okay?”

I hadn’t realized that I had been holding the phone pretty hard that my knuckles had turned white.

Voicemail sent on 20 April 2015 at 8:45p.m.

Hey, Bobby. Just got home after visiting you. Mom picked me up and Dad’s coming over for dinner so this feels weird. You know, we always had dinner together, me, mom and dad but now every time the tree of us get together, it’s like a special occasion. It’s like we’re not a family anymore…well, mom and dada re separated now so obviously we’re not a family but…it just feels wrong, you knoe? Anyway, I gotta go and help mom in the kitchen, bye.”

Voicemail sent on 21 April 2015 at 11:47a.m.

„Hey… So dinner last night was pretty awkward and everyone was quiet. It was so stupid and frustrating. Why do people act like they don’t even know each other after they get a divorce? It’s stupid. All this divorce thing.”

He sighed.

„I miss you. Please come back. You’re the only one who can help me get through this time, I can’t do it alone, Bobby. I just can’t…”

Voicemail sent on 22 April 2015 at 7:46p.m.


A short greeting Not a good sign.

„Guess who rubbed it in my face about Chanwoo today? That’s right, Queen , that’s who. Gosh, why’d she even have to bring him up? I already feel bad about it without her having to remind me what could’ve happened! Geez, I’m really pissed off right now…”

Voicemail sent on 23 April 2015 at 1:35a.m.

„You know, everything’s been lately, everything. Nothing makes sense anymore. I just…I’m tired…”

Voicemail sent on 24 April 2015 at 9:09p.m.

„You know, your parents dropped by today. They looked…Bobby, I’m gonna be blunt with you. They looked , my mom looks because of the divorce, I look . Do you know why? It’s all because of you.”

The venom in his voice cut through me like blade and I was frozen. Frozen with guilt because I knew that what he was saying was true.

„It’s funny really. How one person can up so many lives.”

Voicemail sent on 25 April 2015 at 11:35p.m.

„…I’m sorry. I don’t know what got over me last night. I just…”

Voicemail sent on 26 April 2012 at 4:12p.m.

„Hi, so I’m leaving to go to a picnic with my mom. She says we need to have a bit more bonding time with each other. Seriously? Anyway, just wanted tol et you know. Not that you’d listen though…”

Voicemail sent on 27 April 2015 at 8:34a.m.

„Hey, so you’ll never believe what happened last night. We ran into dada t the convenience store when mom wanted to buy some supplies. And they just stared at each other for a second before walking opposite directions. Mom was really awkward after that. She kept fumbling with the radio in the car. She’d stutter and get annoyed easily. So in the end, we didn’t exactly bond much. . Anyway, gotta go. Bye.”

Voicemail sent on 28 April 2015 at 5:46p.m.

„So, I’m going over to visit dad since it’s been a while and honestly, I miss him. I might drop by at the hospital as well on my way back. Anyway, I’ll see you soon. Goodbye.”

Voicemail sent on 29 April 2015 at 7:58a.m.

„Hi… So, I went to see you last night like I said I would. The doctors said you were doing fine but they’re still not sure when you’ll recover… When you recover, huh? What they actually meant to say was if you’ll recover at all…”

He sighed and was quiet for a few seconds.

„…Goddamn it, Bobby! I ing hate this! I can’t…I just can’t! Damn it!”

Voicemail sent on 30 April 2015 at 3:46a.m.


He paused as if waiting for someone to reply and my stomach dropped as my eyes started to sting. He was calling out to me.

„Bobby? Please I…I need you…Please. Just one word. Please…Bobby?”

The voicemail ended.

Voicemail sent on 1 May 2015 at 3:21p.m.

„Y-you know what happened at school today?”

His voice shook as he spoke and my heart ached for him. He was crying again.

„God… That … She-she’s picking on me. S-she told me that it was hopeless. You weren’t going to wake up…ever and I just… I’m sorry… I shouldn’t let her get to me but…”

Voicemail sent on 2 May 2015 at 6:07p.m.

„…I feel … I let her get to me again. I-I cried. Jinhwan tried to cheer me up but…you know what she said to me this time? She said that you’re as good as gone… I couldn’t help it. I started crying right there… I’m sorry.”

Voicemail sent on 3 May 2015 at 7:43p.m.

„Hi, Bobby… I… I don’t know what to say… I just wish you were here…”

Voicemail sent on 4 May 2015 at 3:57p.m.

„I’ve been sick lately… I threw up last night and my mom wasn’t home neither. She was out working… I don’t even remember if she came back home last night… I feel so alone. Like nobody cares anymore. Bobby… I hate feeling like this…”

Voicemail sent on 5 May 2015 at 9:08p.m.


I heard him sigh before the voicemail ended and this time, I was the one crying out his name.


Voicemail sent on 6 May 2015 10:34p.m.

„Everyone’s being really annoying lately. Even Jinhwan. He keeps calling me and texting me. Geez, why won’t he give it a rest already? And mom? Oh, she said that I’ve ashamed her by taking drugs last night. Ashamed her?”

He paused and gave a dry chuckle and I braced myself for more.

„I’ve ashamed her? Me? I’ve… . her! everything!”

Voicemail sent on 7 May 2015 at 5:06p.m.

„… You’re never gonna wake up, are you?”

He was breaking me. With every word, he was slowly breaking me. It was the way he’d changed so drastically. He sounded like there was no hope anymore. Like he’d given up. I begged him silently to not give up.

„I’ll take that as a no. You’re already dead.”

And I did die a little as soon as I heard those words.

Voicemail sent on 8 May 2015 at 10:34a.m.

„It’s pathetic, isn’t it? Here I am, still sending voicemails to a dead person. That was right… I am pathetic…”

Voicemail sent on 9 May 2015 at 7:45p.m.

„Bobby… I’m tired. I’m so tired of waiting… I know that you’re dead but I’m still waiting, hoping for a miracle. That’s bull. Miracles don’t happen so why am I waiting? What’s the point? Nothing matters anymore. I just don’t care about anything…”

Voicemail sent on 10 May 2015 at 9:34a.m.

„Hi… I just came across this song called ’If I die young’ and I honestly couldn’t stop crying. I’ve listened to it thousand times already. It’s beautiful, Bobby. Here, listen to it.”

I heard him fumbling with something but I felt numb. Numb with fear. A woman’s voice greeted my ears.

„If I die young, bury me in satin. Lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me in the river at dawn, send me away with the words of a love song. The sharp knife of a short life…”

„I told you it’s beautiful. It’s a beautiful morning too… Too bad I don’t give a anymore…”

Voicemail sent on 11 May 2015 at 3:09a.m.

„Hi… I still can’t get that song out of my head. You know what my favourite part is? I’ll read you the lyrics.”

„And maybe then you’ll hear the words I’ve been singing… Funny when you’re dead, how people start tol isten…”

„Maybe then, they’ll all finally listen…”

Voicemail sent on 12 May 2015 at 11:34p.m.

„…I’m gonna do it. Tomorrow. At dawn. I can’t keep living like this. Everything’s and nothing makes any goddamn sense.”

I couldn’t breathe. My fingers were shaking.

„Bobby, if you ever dog et up, which is unlikely, can you send me away for once and for all with a love song? I’d like that very much. Remember the song I told you about weeks ago? Days gone by by Gavin Mikhail? Yeah, I’d like you to sing that song for me… Sing it for me nad I’ll listen to it… I’ve always loved your voice. Too bad I can’t hear it before I die…”

Voicemail sent on 13 May 2015 at 4:43a.m.

„Hi… So this is it, huh? This is our goodbye…”

I was shaking and sobbing and I didn’t realize it. I wanted to stop him but I knew that he was long gone. He was gone before I woke up, he didn’t even exist when I started listening to his voicemails. It was too late. I was too late.

„The sky looks beautiful. I can see the purple lines in the vast darkness and there’s a hint of orange too. I wish you were here with me one last time… It’s funny, really. I’m not crying. Maybe it’s because I’ve cried too much before and even last night. I just don’t feel like crying… I’m actually… I feel really light-hearted, you know?”

He took a deep breath and I held mine.

„I love you, Bobby. I alwasy have. Goodbye…”

The voicemail ended.

(Before you all starting to shout at me, there'll be an epilogue!! Kisses from me:*)


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Mutryoska #1
Chapter 3: Why?
ibobbjun #2
Chapter 3: I cant stop crying when i read this ㅜ ㅜ, so good but june omg, this is the sad story of junbob i ever read
Chapter 3: what am i doing? reading this at 5.30 am and crying. T_T
Chapter 3: hi, I just read this and idk what to say. you got me crying ㅠㅠ I love this so much. thank u for sharing<3
What the ..! I can't stop crying... gosh....
Koreanadonis #6
Chapter 3: ...bye , like no.
BbuingBbuingMaknae #7
Chapter 3: It's so beautiful I'm cryin ㅠㅠ just why;;

Thank you anyway author-nim, please write more Bobjun in the future*^*

Bai bai(/^.^/)
naunau_bb #8
Chapter 3: I'm crying right now. ..:((((
Blue82 #9
Chapter 3: No angst tag?