The Arrival

Welcome To Fleire


Writer POV


Kringg!! The alarm ringing indicates the school has ended. Hankyung grab his swimming suit and go to the school swimming pool to practice. He was one of the school swimming team and they will have swimming competition next month. As he move along the swimming pool, his leg slipped and he fall into the pool. He tries to swim toward the surface, but he couldn’t as his body can’t move. He saw a light then everything was black.


He regains his conscious in a large room. The room looks so majestic. The window show that it is already night. He remembers that he fall into the swimming pool and wonders if he were saved.


“You are awake” said someone. Hankyung search where the voice come from and apparently the voice come from a girl about his age.


“Who are you?” asked Hankyung.


“I’m Leeteuk. I was asked to look for you as the guardian went to see the king” she answered.


“Guardian? King? Where am I? I’m Hankyung by the way” Hankyung started to get confused.


“Honestly, I also don’t know. I just arrive here a few days before you did. You are the latest person to arrive here. A few person arrive before you did.” explain Leeteuk. She went to the door and scream “Heechul, Kyuhyun, Donghae, come here! He is awake!”


Shortly, two girls and a boy come into the room. The boy was playing PSP. One of the girls attracts his attention. She looks so beautiful. Her skin looks like a milk color, her eye was lovely and she looks angelic.


The girl that caught Hankyung attention spoke “Teukie, why do you call us? I was looking at my mirror thinking how to marry myself. You are disturbing my precious time!”


Leeteuk says “I just want to introduce you to Hankyung, Chullie. He just arrived here. Please be nice to him.  Especially you Kyuhyun! Hankyung, This arrogant girl is Heechul. You can call her Chullie. This boy is Kyuhyun and that pretty girl over there is Donghae”


Donghae smile and greet him nicely “I’m Donghae. Nice to meet you” Heechul just roll her eye.


“I’m Kyuhyun” the boy never looks at him and still playing his PSP.


“Hankyung, we better go. You should rest now and this is getting late. Goodnight. See you tomorrow” Leeteuk say.


“Goodnight. Thanks for taking care of me” Hankyung say. Leeteuk just smile and pull Heechul, Donghae and Kyuhyun out of the room.


Hankyung went to bed after they left. But after a few minutes, he still can’t sleep. He keep wondering how the hell he was trapped here. As he were driven to the dreamland, he thought “This place is not bad at all”




Hankyung POV


When I wake up, my eye is dazzled by the sunlight come in from the window. Someone knock my door. It is Donghae. “Hankyung, Leeteuk asked me to wake you, but apparently you already wake up. He asked you to come with me to the hall. Three other people came when you are asleep. The guardian will be there too.”


“Okay, let me wash myself first.” I say


(a few minutes later)


I follow Donghae to the hall. There is Kyunhyun, Leeteuk, Heechul, another three boy and two girls that I didn’t recognize.


As I settle down, Leeteuk say “Okay. Everyone is here. That boy is Hankyung and the girl is Donghae. Now, we need an explanation”


One of the boys stands up and say “Let me introduce myself first. My name is Kangin and I am your guardian. I’m 18 years old.  Yesung here is also your guardian. He is 17 years old. That boy over there is Eunhyuk and the girls are Ryeowook and Sungmin.” he point every person as he introduce their name.


“Guardian? Aren’t you too young to be our guardian?” Kyuhyun asked


“Yes, we are too young to be your guardian. But this is asked by the king himself. Maybe he chooses us because we are the best student at the academy.” explained Yesung.


“What academy? And where are we actually?” asked Eunhyuk


“This will be explained by the king himself. All of us will have lunch with the king today. For the time being, get to know among yourself. We have something to do. Please excuse us” Kangin and Yesung stand up and in a blink of eye, they are gone.


“Where did they go? Aish, never mind.  I think we need to have our introduction again. My name is Leeteuk but you can call me Teukie.  I’m 17 years old. I’m an art student at my school” Leeteuk say.


Heechul continue “My name is Heechul and you can call me Chullie. I’m 17 years old, same as Leeteuk. As you can see by my beautiful face, I study fashion and part-time model.”


“She is really have that diva-disease “I though


“My name is Sungmin and I’m 15. You can call me Minnie though. I study fashion and I love pink!” The new arrival girl says. She sure is covered with a lot of pink stuff.


Donghae say “I’m Donghae, 16. I’m a dancer and currently study dancing”


“Hey, I’m a dancer too. I’m Eunhyuk, 16. We have the same age too!” exclaim Eunhyuk.


The girl beside him spoke “My name is Ryeowook and I prefer to be called Wookie. I’m 15 years old and study cuisine. And yes, I’m a great chef”


“I’m Kyunhyun. 14. Study computer programmer.” He says calmly


My turn “My name is Hankyung, 18 years old. Study sport and focusing in swimming right now”


Yesung and Kangin appear.


“Seems that you all have known each other. Please get ready for the lunch today. We will go to the palace in 30 minutes." Yesung say.


Heechul POV


We arrived at the palace. It is decorated in red color. Great. My favorite color.


When we arrived to the dining hall, we all were seated according to our ages. Only the head of the table is empty. Someone appear and it looks like it is the stupid king that make all of us to be here instead of our own places


“I’m sorry for the trouble that you have encountered. My name is Siwon, and this is my country, The Fleire country. My queen will arrive in a few minutes and we will start eating after she arrived. For now, you can ask me anything” King Siwon says.


“First of all, where are we? Yesung and Kangin says that you will explains everything to us” Leeteuk says. He always have the aura of a leader. No wonder he can adapt himself in any condition.


“All of us were in other dimension. Different from your Earth dimension. Each of you had been bring here because of one reason. To help us fighting human” explain King Siwon.


“Fighting human? Aren’t we human? Why we would fight ourselves? This is ridiculous. All of you are an idiot to bring all of us here! Stupid!“ Kyuhyun started to get angry. But I think it is affected by his PSP that has run out of batteries.


“Kyuhyun, calm down. There must be a charger anywhere here.” Donghae started to calm angered game maniac.


“I’m not angry because of my PSP!” yelled Kyuhyun.


“No, you are lying. And I warn you to behave in my country. I will tear you to pieces if I hear you swearing again. I don’t care even you are the most well-behave king before.”




sorry for random thing..

i'm sorry that i'm writing this all over again..

i just think that my chapters are all way too short..

i'm currently wringting my next chapter.

it'll be up today if i have time.

now my subscriber time!


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elf_shawol_sayA_sone #1
Continue!! Dont delete. Pleaase pleaaase we will wait!!
Eunhae123689 #2
Chapter 6: Continue I love this fic so i'll be patient ^_^
Chapter 6: hi new reader .... please continue this story ... i will wait for you to update ....

Chapter 6: I will wait so please don't delete this story!
don't delete it, i'll wait patiently :D
Continue!!!! please don't delete it
Love-rocks #7
Don't delete...I just read your story..I don't want you to delete it...
Min_Chan_lover6612 #8
In-completion #9
Continue!!!!!! Never delete!!!!!