Chapter 1

Blood Is Thicker Than Water [A BTS/Yoongi/Hoseok Fanfiction]

It was a brisk afternoon in the Grove as Tessa sprinted down dark alleys with pockets full of gold pennies. The frigid air whipped across her face as the sounds of the guards pursuing her grew faint. She turned into an unfamiliar alley, slowing to catch her breath. This was a common occurrence in Tessa’s life. Her family was one of the many Red bloodlines that “plagued society”. That’s how the Silvers viewed it anyways. Reds and Silvers led completely different lives, one filled with poverty and despair, the other with riches and caviar. Reds were herded into dirty communities, like the Grove, by the ruling Silvers, the only difference between the two was the color of their blood. Silvers bled silver, as the name would suggest. They were born with godly powers that established their dominance over the Reds. Reds made up the majority of the world and were easily trumped because of their normal blood and lack of abilities. Tessa’s family lived in poverty, everyday scraping by on the pennies and bread she managed to acquire from her daily runs. She rarely pickpocketed without the company of her best friend Jungkook. With what Jungkook lacked in skill, he made up for in power, often fighting his way into a spare piece of bread or an extra ration of  ox bone stew. This was daily life for the Reds that couldn’t manage to find a job, and these days, hardly anyone could find a job. Those who weren’t employed on their eighteenth birthday were enlisted into the military to fight in a violent war waged by the Silvers that had been going on for the past century. Those who were willing to gamble their life to escape mandatory service joined the Scarlet Guard, an organization led by Reds that fought for the equality of Reds and Silvers. Tessa had first hand knowledge of the Scarlet Guard as a result of her older brother, Jimin. Several months before he turned eighteen, he ran from home to join the Scarlet Guard. After that day, Tessa was left to merely hope for his survival in the resistance.     It had been approximately two years since she had any contact with him. Since Jimin’s disappearance, Jungkook was left to pick up the pieces, watching over her as her own brother was meant to do. Tessa had grown up with Jungkook by her side, always managing to get into trouble with him. The two were practically inseparable, that is until Jungkook’s impeding enlistment. Jungkook was a few months older than Tessa and his eighteenth birthday was quickly approaching. He repeatedly discussed joining the Scarlet Guard with Tessa, much to her dismay. After the Scarlet Guard took her brother away, Tessa felt nothing but distrust for the organization. The thought of Jungkook being taken by the same group that had stolen her brother was enough to drive Tessa mad. Each time Jungkook brought up the Scarlet Guard, the conversation would only end harsh words spat from both sides. He was the closes thing to a brother Tessa had left. 

    The sound of approaching footsteps pulled Tessa out of her thoughts. She looked over her shoulder to find the two guards that had been chasing her, barreling towards her. She quickly acted, dodging the clumsy grasps of the larger guard. She sidestepped left, narrowly escaping the reach of the second guard. Tessa then bolted out of the alley and down the street , swiftly avoiding the food carts that had been set out by the inhabitants of the Grove. Several sharp turns later she had lost the guards in the crowded streets and made her way back to the shack she and her family called home. Her eyes immediately fell upon her best friend as he rushed over, a look of guilt and shame written on his face. 


    Layla was awoken by a loud bang coming from downstairs. Seconds later she heard the booming voice of her father, yelling at the attendants for God knows what. The next thing she knew, her older brother, Namjoon, was rushing through her bedroom door, quickly making his way to her bed. He grasped the corner of the comforter Layla was hiding under and in one swift motion, yanked the top off her warm cocoon. 

    “It’s time to get up, chicken .” his deep voice bellowed. “Dad’s not happy with you.”

    “What did I do this time?” Layla responded.

    “He found out about the extra rations you signed off on.” Namjoon responded, angrily. Namjoon always had a way of treating Layla like a child. He was only twenty, three years older than Layla, however he acted as if he was her father, not that she had much of one to begin with. Layla and Namjoon were Silvers born to the Kim family, a wealthy and powerful bloodline that ran the North sector of villages. Their father was in charge of the sixteen villages found in this sector. The only family with more power than them being the Min bloodline. The Min were known as the royal family. For centuries their blood has run pure silver with zero discrepancies.

     Namjoon and Layla lived in a palace of sorts in the center of the largest village, the Grove. Their family’s home was surrounded by diamond-glass walls made with the mixture molten diamond with various metals. They lived in a fortress that was practically impenetrable with all of the luxuries a person could ask for, however, Namjoon and Layla were not content with this way of life.

    Before she had passed, Namjoon and Layla’s mother had taught the siblings the importance of kindness. She stressed the equality of Reds and Silvers with the hopes of raising children that would one day rule with kindness and end the violent resistance by uniting the Reds and Silvers once and for all. Ever since their mother died of cancer, Namjoon and Layla vowed to do everything they could to achieve equality of Reds and Silvers. Their mother was always a strong woman and refused the help of Silver meds. One of the luxuries of Silvers was the access healers, a special kind of Silver that had the power to heal any wound and any illness. 

    The sensation of unbearable heat against her arm snapped Layla out of her thoughts. She looked up from her lap to find her brother’s fiery grasp on her forearm. Layla immediately screamed in pain and quickly retracted her arm from his hold. Namjoon was what she liked to call a silver pyro. He was born with the power to produce and control fire. Having the most destructive of all powers, earned Namjoon the reputation of damaging things really easily. Layla tenderly rubbed the wound wishing she had been trained in healing. Unlike Namjoon, Layla was born with an extremely rare power. She was what was known as a Copycat. She was not limited to one power like all other Silvers. She could take on any power she desired through proper training. Her childhood was spent mastering common Silver powers such as telekinesis, cloning, and pyrokinesis. 

    “What they hell was that for?” Layla barked, snapping back to reality. 

    “You spaced out again. Listen Layla, I know you want to help the Reds but-“

    “But what?” Layla interrupted. “I thought we were in this together, Joonie. All I did was tell the guards to give extra rations this month. The Reds have been starved all winter. They deserve more than that.” She continued.

    “We are in this together.” he replied, softly. “But, what you did was irresponsible. The Min family got word of what you’ve done and—”

    Suddenly, Namjoon was interrupted by a deafening voice. “Were you the one behind this?” Layla’s father demanded. “The Min family is up my for the extra rations. I could lose my job. Is this what you want for us?” he continued.

    “Daddy, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Layla replied.

    “Oh save the act. I know it was you. The Mins will have my head for this! How could you be so irresponsible?” he yelled. 

    “I’ve seen the state of the Reds, daddy. They don’t deserve to starve like this.” Layla fired back, finally rising from her spot on the bed. 

    “That is not for you to decide.” Layla’s father screamed. “That decision will be made by the Min family. All we can do is follow the orders given to us.”

    “How can you stand by a man that urges you to blindly follow orders?” Layla retaliated.

    “Not another word.” her father spat, strictly. “You will not leave this house until I say you can. Got it?”. With that, her father stomped out of the room, positively fuming. He believed that was the end of it. He would carry out the punishment given to him by the Mins and regain order of his sector. Unlike their father, Layla and Namjoon knew this was nowhere near the end. The Scarlet Guard was rising and they were determined to join in the fight.

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97wolves #1
Chapter 3: Yaay! J-Hope has assembled! Thank you for updating. ;)