Chapter 2 Stolen plushie and a Deal

Make a wish

The next day, i woke up with toughts about Donghae. I was thinking how can i make him fall in love with me? What should i do? Yes i always loved Donghae, but never realized until yesterday night. When he looked at me with his beautiful eyes, something inside me moved and i couldn't hold it back anymore. I decided to take a shower and came up with a brilliant idea how to make him mine. Today we have a practice so i will make sure he will see my hot dance that's only or him. Just wait Hae a little while i'm sure you won't resist me or i hope. When i finished taking a shower, I went to the kitchen.

Just when i stepped in, i was welcomed by Hae in a strawberry apron, cooking breakfast. It was a sight i could never forget, never. I almost couldn't hold myself,, i wanted to jump at him at that moment, but Leeteuk hyung, Kangin hyung, Heechul hyung and Kyuhyun were sitting at the table so i couldn't do anything and i'm glad for that because i might ruined everything if they weren't there. I sat beside Kyuhyun. I shouldn't do that. I had a clear view at Donghae in his apron and i started to get hard, oh what i should do now? Just then i heard Kyu whisper to me with his smirk "Hyung, what are you so excited about? You know he is only at apron, you have to get a hold of yourself." Crap, he noticed. "What are you talking about?" I tried to sound as innocent as i can. "Hyung, everyone here can see how you are looking at Hae, like if he was your prey, you didn't look away from him all the time you are here and don't try to deny it." "I'm not denying anything. I will go prepare my things for today's practice" I said and went to my room.

"Ah, stupid Kyuhyun." I want to kill him, but he was right, Hae looked so hot in the apron, I could see his , since he didn't wear a shirt. I have to compose myself and think about everything throughly. Ah, i was still hard, i had to take a cold shower. When i stepped out of the shower, i heard a knock on my door. "Hyukiee can i come in?" It was Hae and he was crying. I swear that whoever made him cry will pay for this. "Hae what happend? Why are you crying?" "Heechul hyung stole my plushie." Hae said and I coudn't believe it. "Hae why are you crying over a plushie you can buy another one" i said to him. "But Hyukiee that plushie was a gift from you I want it back." "Hae you know I can buy you another one, but if you want that one back, do you want me to get it back?" i asked him, i wanted to get it for him even though he acts like a little child, but he loves that plushie. "Yes Hyuk pkease get it back." "Okay okay just wait here i will come soon."

I went to the living room where i saw Heechul hyung was sitting. I approached him "Hyung can you give me back the plushie you stole from Hae?" "Why would i give it to you?" Heechul hyung smirked "What do you want from me? I wil do it if you give me back the plushie." i said to him. "You would do anything you say?" "Yes why? What do you want?" "Let's help each other." Huh? i didn't know what he was talking about, but i listened to him. "I know you love Hae and that you want him and i want Kyuhyun." "And why do you need my help?" "Because Hae and Kyu are nowdays always together and it will be easier to approach them, so what do you say will you help me with Kyu? And i help you with Hae?" "Deal" i said. "Now give me back the plushie" he handed me the plushie i went back to my room.

"Hyuk do you have the plushie?" "Yes i have it Hae here you go." i handed him the plushie and he smiled so brightly that my heart skipped a beat."Thank you so much Hyuk, you are the best." Hae said and hugged me. I froze a bit but then responded to the hug. Then he went out to his room to take his things to the practice and we headed out. I guess that the deal with Heechul hyung will be successful.


So this is another chapter in the next you can expect hot dance moves from our Hyuk and a devil plan our Heechul and Hyukjae made. please comment and subscribe if you liked it.

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Chapter 5: Cute^^
Though I wish to see more specific progress in their relationship.. but it's still good :)
samira1 #2
Chapter 5: omg it was so cute *O*
gin-san #3
Can't wait to read hyuk's method to get hae as his..kkkk
Update soon..:-D