Amusement Park (Jungkook)

The most beautiful moment

"Moooom!? Where are my white shorts??" You scream scattering the contents of your closet around the room.

"Maybe it would be easier for you to find it if you cleaned a bit here .." mom sighed, "just put on something else".

"No! Only those fit with my new top!!" You respond stressed.

"As usual, on the last moment .. let me search for it", she says entering the room and begins to collect clothes exposing the furry white carpet.While you quickly run to the bathroom. The reflection in the mirror doesn't help you, there're 20min left to go out and your hair is still so wet. You start drying it with a hair dryer.

"Okay the rest will dry on the way!", You say to yourself putting down the hair dryer and begin to fix your face. Only light make up. You usually dont put on too much so this time also you don't want to overdo it. Especially since it's your first date with Jungkookie!

Okay, not really. Your bestfriend invited you and your older brother Jin on a trip to an amusement park. Today's her birthday. Joy had a crush on SeokJin for some time now. Since Jin got his driving license, and I, as his sweet little sister asked him for a favor, he couldn't refuse. Knowing that I also like her brother, Joy too forced Kookie to come along.

"You have 5min left!!" mom shouts hurrying you.

"Did you find them ?!" you scream running out of the bathroom.

Your mom stands holding a pair of white shorts.

"Thank you !!", you hug her quickly and grab the shorts to put them on.

"You dress up so much just to meet with Joy ..?", Your mom asks suspicious.

"Maybe we'll pick up some handsome guys",you answer half jokingly.

"Or maye not", Jin says coming out from the kitchen.

You turn around instinctively lifting your head up. Your brother isn't a short one. He carelessly swings with the car keys with his long fingers.


"Ready?", he asks, looking at you.

"Can't you see?!", you answer irritated.

"Okay, okay," he says petting yuo on the head., knowing how much you hate it.

"Yah!", you shout.

"Yah? Do you prefer to go alone?" Jin reminds you of your favor.

"Oppa! Saranghae! <3", you quickly change your attitude and hug him.

"I made a few snacks", Jin says, lifting a big container.

"Your definition of "few" sure is different..", you comment.

" Are you my brother or my mom?"

"Today I am your LOVELY BROTHER", he replies teasing with a wink.

You both put on shoes and say goodbye to your mom as you half run towards the car.

In the car, Jin asks you who else is coming.

"Only you ,me, Joy and Jungkook",you answer calmly hiding your inner happiness.

"Jungkook?! You never said anything about boys!", Jin bursts out surprised and gives you a look.

"It's just her brother, mom, calm down" ,you reply teasing.

"Dear brother", Jin reminds you also teasing.

One more time and I'll turn back home!", He warns.

"No, no, I'll be nice! Oppa!"

Arriving by Joys house you see your friend already waiting outside, beside her Kookie. Your heart starts pounding faster and you try to get a hold of yourself not wanting to greet him looking like a tomato.

"Happy Birthday!!" , you scream happily as you rush out from the car and hug your bestie.

"Ow, you're choking me!", she laughs and whispers: "today I have to live ..!".

You end hugging and smile at each other brightly. Then you turn to Jungkook.

"Hi ..", that's all you can say as you look at this guys handsome face.

"Hey", he answers, a little awkwardly.

You're not that close with each other yet, you only see him when you're at Joys place, and even then you only greet him.

"Are you guys done? We have to go!", Jin hurries from the car.

You take the place in front together with your brother, and Joy sits down behind you with Kookie beside her.

"Happy Birthday", says Jin when he greets Joy in the car. Surprised she blushes but before Jin noticed it he already turned away starting the car.

On the way the only thing you thought about was "behave normally". However, the atmosphere was still a bit awkward. From time to time your eyes wandered towards Jungkook, but never met his. After an hour of listening to the radio, singing and talking you finally arrived.

After parking and buying the tickets at last you are in the amusement park.

"Wow," you say, amazed by the size of the rides.

"This Park really is bigger than the one back home!", Jungkook says after looking around.

"Oh! They have a Haunted House here!" ,Joy screams cheerfully pointing at the map we got at the entrance.

Joy loves horror, and since she's the birthday girl, the first aim was officially the haunted house.

On the way, Joy describes her plan to you. After entering the house you're going to separate leaving Joy alone with Jin and you with Jungkook.

The door behind you closes with a noise as you entered the house. Now as you stand in the middle of a dark corridor, you remember how much you're afraid of such places.

"Waaaah!", Jin Shouts when a man dressed as some bloody zombie touches his broad shoulder. Frightened he quickly grabs the person closest to him. Joy.


He let's go embarrassed, whereupon Joy Happily grabs his hand and takes him deeper into the house.

According to the plan you were left alone with your Kookie. At least so you thought. After looking around, you find out hes gone too.

"J-joy ..? Oppa ..?", You call walking down the dark corridor barely seeing your own legs.

After turning around the corner you hear some sort of lullaby. It comes from a stroller placed in the middle of a big room . You need to pass around it to get to the other side of the room. Slowly approaching the stroller, you prepare that something will pop up from it, to your surprise, nothing happened. Relieved you continue walking and open the door that's supposed to lead you closer to the exit. As you open a woman dressed in a long white dress and long black hair welcomes you. Frightened you scream and run away. As you turn left in the corridor you meet something again. Without looking who or what that is you scream even louder and run away again. This time you hear the creature is following you so you speed up even more but your feet get tangled up by fear. You stumble and crawl to the corner weeping in fear as you see the shadow approaching you.

"Help!", You scream begging for someone to come and save you from this nightmare.

"(Your name)! I was looking for you everywhere!", Jungkook squats in front of you holding you steadly by the shoulders.

"You ran away so fast I barely caught up with you! I didn't mean to  scare you ..", he says worried.

Before the words reach you, you're already hugging him tightly.

Surprised he hugs you back and pets you calmingly on the head.

"I didn't think you'll be this scared, you looked quite confident when we entered.. I went to take a closer look at one of the corpses and when I returned you weren't there anymore!", He explains.

"Let's get outta here, okay?" He asks. You nod, expecting him to grab your wrist now but to your surprise he puts his arm around you, pulling you closer to him.

Outside the house he lets go of you.

"Feeling okay now?" He asks still worried.

"Yes..Thank you.. " you say not sure how to behave.

"Joy doesn't pick up .. it seems that we're left by ourselves", he says after he unsuccessfully tried to call his sister.

"My sister really is crazy! Hyung didn't have a chance!", he laughs.

Remembering the situation from a few minutes ago, you also start giggling. After a moment, you meet his smiling face and blush. He also stops laughing and blushes slightly. He covers his face with his hand and turns away.

"Let's go play something!", He says then grabs your hand and leads you toward the game zone.

After some time of playing it's no longer so awkward. You spot a really cute teddy bear. Seeing how much you like it he decides to play that game, soon returning to you with his trophy.

"Wow! Thank you !!", happily you squeeze the teddy bear which is almost as big as you..

"Cute..", he says.

You look at him confused.

"The teddy bear?", You ask.

"No, you ..", he says with a grin, slightly blushing. Quickly he changes the topic by pointing at the ice cream stand.

As the sun sets, you sit together on a bench, tired from all the rides. You hold the bear which Jungkook won for you.

"You know .." Kookie starts.

"I've liked you for a long time ..", he says Looking ahead then turns to your direction.

You look at him surprised not knowing what to say.

And you don't have to, because Jungkook's already approaching you, gently putting his hand on your cheek and kisses you. The kiss that lasts a few seconds feels like forever. 

The rigning phone interrupts you, it's Jin.

"Where are you !? I left the phone in the car and Joy kept on taking me on rides!"

"We are sitting on a bench near the fountain", you respond happy.

"We?! With Jungkook ?!", he bursts out.

"Yes, at least he didnt leave me like my LOVELY BROTHER!",you burst out.

"... oh right .. We will meet by the entrance!", Jin says and ends the call.

When you meet, Jin is apparently ashamed of the hantued house incident, because he doesn't talk much. Jungkook's also quiet, denying his inner happiness.

On the way to the car Joy gives you smile which confirms that she succeed with Jin. You also respond with a shy smile.



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