part 1

Across the Universe (Between You and I)

a/n: please listen to baek yerin's across the universe while reading this fic. this chapter is from yoongi's point of view.

crossposted to ao3, livejournal, tumblr

Yoongi and Jimin are two different persons. Very different. Yoongi is quiet, Jimin is loud. Yoongi is lethargic, Jimin is hyper. Yoongi loves music, Jimin loves dancing. They are very different, really different, and it feels like they live in their own worlds. They never knew each other, nor did they knew each other's existence.

But then one day their lifes crossed paths, and it happened when Jimin passed by the music room. He noticed a guy with mint-green hair playing a piano and unconsciously, he entered the room – because he wanted to enjoy more – but in the end the piano guy said get out with a cold and stoic face expression to Jimin. But he didn’t know that Jimin didn’t regret it at all, instead he kept trying to get closer to the piano guy.


Yoongi doesn’t like when his alone time gets intruded by the other students, especially a certain guy with bright orange hair named Park Jimin. He thinks Jimin is very annoying. Jimin does aegyo, clings, and also whines at the same time and it’s annoying, really annoying. And he does it every day.

“Yoongi, don’t look at me with that cold face! I hate that!”

“I don’t ing care, Park Jimin.” he spat without looking at Jimin’s face. “Just get the out of here. You’re annoying.”

Jimin is not angry at Yoongi’s harsh words, instead he smiles and sits closer to Yoongi on the small piano chair and it’s very uncomfortable for Yoongi. He isn't used to gaining people’s attention, he isn't used to skinships and he isn't used to people’s affection. He always sat by himself in class, he always did everything by himself – even though the other students tried to get closer to him, he always pulled on a cold and stoic expression and in the end, they didn’t want to get closer to him because they thought he was scary. Yes, he’s scary because he’s cold and he’s the smartest student in music major – and all of a sudden, he’s showered with lots of affection and it feels so weird and overwhelming and deep down inside, he started to love the affections. But Min Yoongi is always alone and without realizing, he ends up denying himself.

“Park Jimin, get the out of here. You’re very annoying and I hate you so much so please don’t come over to this place again because I don’t want to see your face and your presence. I hate everything about you. Get the out!”

And it’s the first time Yoongi saw a bead of tear falling on Jimin’s smiling face and he doesn’t know why a pang of guilt hit him hard in his chest.


One month passed and Yoongi misses those affections. Yoongi misses those smiles. Yoongi misses everything about him. He feels empty and winter without Jimin feels even colder than usual. And all the songs he composed is about Jimin, Jimin, and Jimin. His songs scream Jimin. His heart screams that he needs Jimin’s affection, Jimin’s love. Everything screams Jimin and Yoongi can’t forget Jimin’s tears at all. That sweet eye-smile cried because of him and it’s weird for Yoongi. He's already used to Jimin’s presence and all of a sudden a big space between them was created by Yoongi. It feels like they’re in their own worlds again and the space between their worlds is just too big, as big as a universe. How could he overcome that universe?

He’s afraid. He’s afraid but he has to take one step to cross the universe between them. Yeah, maybe he could cross the universe between them.


It’s already dark and all students had already gone home. But Yoongi knows Jimin always stays up late in the practice room to make sure his dance routine is perfect. Jimin’s a perfectionist and Yoongi wonders why he knows that. Is it because he misses Jimin? Or is it because they spent a lot of time together?

He opens the practice room quietly and he’s glad because there’s only Jimin inside the room, at least no one can ruin his apology to the orange haired guy. He bit his lower lip while looking down, not wanting to see Jimin in the face because he knows he’s wrong. He even can’t come closer to Jimin.


He looks up at Jimin with a very guilty expression on his face and he still can’t come closer to Jimin as if his legs stuck into the floor. But Jimin’s smile is so wide and warm and he feels a weird feeling inside his stomach. He doesn’t know what it is.

Jimin smiled as if nothing had happened between them and Yoongi just wants to cry but Min Yoongi doesn’t cry. But that , his face is already wet with his tears. And Jimin does nothing but continues to smile so warmly at Yoongi.

“I’m so sorry, Jimin.”

“Where have you been, Yoongi?”

Yoongi can’t stop his tears, but Jimin is still standing in front of him with his warm and stupid smile with his arms wide open at him as if he’s welcoming Yoongi. And all his words are so warm to him. Very warm.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Yoongi.” Yoongi feels warmth, it really is warm and it’s an overwhelming feeling to him. “Yoongi, come over to me.”

He runs to Jimin, hugging him tight and he did it. He came across the universe between him. He hugs him tight, very tight. He doesn’t want to let Jimin go anymore.

He looks up at Jimin and the younger says nothing but just continues to smile at him as his thumb’s busy getting rid of the tears on Yoongi’s face. 

“It’s okay.

With that, Jimin closes the remaining distance between them by pressing his lips against Yoongi’s. Their lips move slowly and carefully as if it’s a first kiss and Yoongi wonders is this how first kiss feels like.

Yoongi’s world was dark and lonely while Jimin’s world was bright and crowded but he came across that universe and he liked the feeling when their different worlds collided together into one. He became one with Jimin and he didn’t regret it at all.

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