Morning with the Bestie

Mixing Up Ms. Mundane
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High school

H i g h   s c h o o l

We all know what it's like..unfortunately

The stress, cliques, judging eyes, rude classmates, it’s something every student has experienced.

Of course there were the good parts, for example; friends, having the opportunity to reach life goals, lunch, friends, friendsಠ_ಠ  etc. etc.


Except..Park Joohae really forgot about all of those positive aspects when the first day rolled around.

Joohae sluggishly opened her eyes and kinda stumbled out of bed. With one look in the mirror, she sighed and turned around in disgust. She honestly didn’t know how she could face her future husband in the mornings if she got married.


She sat down at the table just to see her brother and mom already leaving out the door. “Mehrongggg, when does your school start again?” Joohae teased.

“7:30 a- oh shut up noona I’m almost in highschool now, I’ll be going to school at 8:30 pretty soon too so Mehhrrooonng back,” her brother, Seojun retorted.


“Alright, Alright that’s enough,” her mom snapped as she quickly glanced at the clock. “Joohae-ah, make sure you don’t miss your bus and lock the front door arasseo?”


“Neh, Neh,” Joohae turned around to start eating her cereal.


After freaking out about her hair and mentally dying, she quickly stepped outside of her flat and frowned when she realized her trip to school would be lonely without her one and only prince.


*Nah who am I kidding, Jungkook is no where near to being a prince* Joohae thought as she walked off the elevator.


*Man my heart's pounding again*


The thought of a new school, especially one where everyone was apparently a genius made her hands feel sweaty.

Just as she left the building and started thinking quite hard about Kyungnam HIgh, she felt the absolute worse pain ever


A freaking TAsE


“JUNGKOOK, I KNEW YOU WOULDN’T DITCH ME ON THE FIRST DAY,” Joohae yelled as she held her sides

(for those of you who don’t know, a tase is when someone jabs you on both sides at the waist, for ticklish people it’s deadly)


Jungkook shoved his hands in his pockets and shot Joohae a sly look, “Eh, I felt like giving you a memorable first morning.”


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