hide without seek

hide without seek

when awake, the human brain produces enough electricity to power a light bulb. but jungkook doesn't think this is necessarily true, because the electricity between taehyung and him could surely light up a whole city.

at least, that's how jungkook feels. when their shoulders touch by accident, or when jungkook bores holes into the other boy's back in class, one small light bulb just isn't enough to fit all of jungkook's radiated power. however, he's pretty sure taehyung doesn't even know he exists, so jungkook makes sure to create enough electricity for both of them to shine.


but when their eyes meet once during lunch, jungkook is all but shining. because strangely, taehyung has the ability to out all of his electricity and leave only an empty shell. instead, the one who's shining brighter than any star is taehyung, and jungkook wonders if he was wrong all along. maybe taehyung does know he exists. maybe he can feel it too.

but jungkook is cold, and while taehyung shoots lazer from his eyes, he looks away. he's probably just delusional, anyway.


jungkook and taehyung are parallels, in a sense. the electricity they share is never more than quick glances and shoulders touching, but never less than evident. always close by, but still out of reach. jungkook sometimes wonders if he would've liked it more if they were not parallel lines, but lines that crosses paths. even if they can only meet once, maybe the electricity they could've created during their brief time together could last a lifetime.

jungkook is conflicted, but most of all, he's lonely. and taehyung is out of reach.


but when quick glances and pink-tinted cheeks during lunch gets more frequent, jungkook starts to wonder if he was wrong once again. and he starts questioning the glory of it all; playing hide without seek is like welcoming a slow and painful death, and jungkook doesn't want to die. he just wants taehyung.

jungkook contemplates on whether or not to walk up to the other and casually start a conversation, just to get things going. but he doesn't get far, because taehyung is a tad faster. and he's shooting lazer from his eyes. and jungkook is boring holes into the ground. he can feel the other drawing closer. now, they could probably light up a whole city.



they're in the school cafeteria, and people are staring. jungkook stares at the ground. he doesn't move. doesn't utter a small "hi" in return. doesn't ask the other how it's going. doesn't smile. because if he did, the other would surely reject him right on spot and mumble something about him being a pain in the , and something about please stop staring.

jungkook is in denial, because truthfully, all of the above just happened. taehyung just rejected him. jungkook is shattered, and the electricity is gone. it's dark.


taehyung doesn't shoot lazer from his eyes anymore. they don't share electricity anymore. and jungkook doesn't smile anymore. everything has shattered, and darkness has consumed them. jungkook tells his best friend, jimin, exactly this, and jimin jokingly mutters a "how tragic". but jungkook doesn't laugh, because it's not a joke. not really. it is tragic, and jungkook thinks he might die due to his light burning out. he needs elecricity to live, but the only one who can give it to him is the one person who hates him. despices him.

jungkook cries himself to sleep that night, because indeed, how tragic.


jungkook has never thought of himself as lucky, or even close, and when the partners for their english project are announced, he's a hundred percent sure of his assumptions. he's not lucky, not the slightest. fate is cruel, and jungkook and taehyung will have to work on a project together for weeks. how convenient.

and since taehyung's back is facing the other, jungkook can see how taehyung stiffens at the announcement. though, he doesn't see how his face lights up. how a smile creeps onto his lips. and he doesn't hear taehyung's thoughts: maybe i can make things right, once and for all.


it's 5 pm, and jungkook is right outside the door to taehyung's home. he contemplates on whether or not he should ring the door bell. maybe he should just go home, call if off by faking sick or something. but the door swings open right then, and the lazer shooting from the other's eyes is back. jungkook can literally feel his light burning once again, because his skin and his insides are on fire. taehyung grabs him by the arm and drags him up the stairs, into a room that looks like it could be taehyung's, and closes the door behind them with a loud boom. he motions for the younger male to sit on the bed, and jungkook is hesitant, but he does as he's told. is taehyung mad at him?

but then, taehyung takes a seat beside him, inches too close. and all to sudden, he utters something that jungkook didn't expect, not in a thousand years.

"i'm sorry."

taehyung is looking at him, and jungkook is looking at his own feet.

"i was a douche, and i'm sorry."

jungkook knows all too well where this is going. taehyung is sorry he was rude earlier in the cafeteria, and he wants to get rid of the guilt. jungkook understands, and maybe he can accept it. maybe be can get over taehyung.

but taehyung is suddenly very, very close. and jungkook looks up with shock in his eyes. taehyung then mumbles something about being afraid, something about falling in love and getting hurt, something about past experiences. he mumbles something about a boy falling in love, falling too hard, and something about it taking years for him to rise again. but he's so, so close, and jungkook suddenly can't focus on his words anymore. his lips looks so inviting, and he swears to god he would do anything to get a taste. but taehyung is faster.

the kiss is chaste, sloppy, but it's jungkook's first, which makes it perfect nonetheless. taehyung trails his tongue along jungkook's lower lip, begging for entrance. jungkook hesitantly parts his mouth slightly, and suddenly taehyung is everywhere.

taehyung trails his hands down his sides, and then they're in his hair, but jungkook doesn't think it's too soon, because they're not strangers. not really. they've been parallels for so long now, and the electricity they have shared is enough for both of them to last a lifetime. and the electricity they're sharing right now could surely light up a whole city, if not a whole country.

taehyung pulls away, and looks jungkook straight in the eye.

"you're so, so beautiful."

jungkook flushes red. "so are you."

"i'm sorry."

"i know. i'm sorry, too."

"for what?"

"for being a coward."

they spend the night like this, in each other's arms. jungkook telling taehyung about himself, and vice versa. taehyung learns that jungkook's favorite color is red, and that he's afraid of spiders. jungkook learns that taehyung is a goofball, and that he's been in love with jungkook for longer than jungkook has been in love with him. jungkook wants to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

morning comes around, and jungkook wakes up to the sight of his taehyung sleeping in his arms. his taehyung. jungkook smiles, because taehyung really is his.

they're not parallels anymore. in fact, they're not lines at all. they're just two young boys unconditionally in love with each other, and taehyung is his.


when awake, the human brain produces enough electricity to power a light bulb. but jungkook doesn't think this is necessarily true, because the electricity he and taehyung are sharing right now, in this moment, could surely light up a whole city.

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Brehia101 #1
Chapter 1: This was such a good story, and poetic too!
btstaekookie #2
Chapter 1: This is absolutely beautiful.
Chapter 1: This story surely could light up the entire fandom of Taekook shippers
seitia #4
Chapter 1: it was co cute and im glad they ended up together
Chansoo6336 #5
Chapter 1: Lovely, I love it.
Sar1900 #6
Chapter 1: This story is a lovely new year gift haha it was beautiful thank you authornim