Chapter 7.

Who are you?

               I knew what i had to do, i have to leave with MR.Choi tomorrow morning.When I walked into the house, all the lights were off and some mess from the fight were still present...

" ...he didnt come back" i mumbled against the sleve of my jacket. The pain in my chest grew and eventually i found my self doubled over....sobbing my heart out. I cried and i cried then i cleaned up then I cried some more.

" the caller you are trying to reach is una-" ugh!!! i toss my phone onto the table i was sitting across from. He wont answer his phone....and his car is gone.

" i ed up" i hugged my knees and stared at the clock


my plane will be leaving in 4 hours... does this mean i will have to leave...without talking him? oh man that is just going to set things into motion! he will think i ran off after the big " you" i threw in his face...thats it....i would be the he tells everyone about! i pull my hair in frustration

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" whatever! i tried! i called a million times and left hundreds of voicemails..this will be on you and not me! 

                 MR. Choi helps me load my luggage into the car.

"agasshi we need to leave..." MR. Choi yells from the car. For the past 30 minutes ive been outside waiting for Jay, i sent him a text saying that ill be leaving and if he wants to see me once more then ill be waiting...its been 2hrs and 31 mins since i sent the text..and if we dont leave now ill miss the flight....


             "Agasshi.....Agasshi..." i lift up my eye mask and death glare at MR. Choi who was already in a clean suit and freashly washed up.

" we will be about 10 minutes, if you want to clean up now is the time".  He folds up a newspaper and gets his phone out.I sit up and look out the window..towers teased the skies and not a cloud was in sight...beauitful...

"Sir...we will be landing will meet them  on the tar" he hangs up and looks at me and took about 5 seconds for me to remember....ive totally forgot about appa!! i mean i know that sounds bad but with everything going on it just slipped my mind....ill be seeing him for the first time in so long. I jumped out of my seat and ran to the washroom to change and clean up. I settled with nice wegdes along with skinny jeans and a nice blouse.

" You said we are meeting them.....who is them? " i asked Mr. Choi while getting my purse and carry-on. He gives a slight smile and fixes some hair the fell out of place and tucked it behind my ear.

" You are returning after so long....word got out a few days ago... so reporters will be on the tarmac to get pictures and interveiw"  my jaw was litterally on the floor REPORTERES?!? im not one for public speaking....or being overcroawed by cameras.

" huh?! but-"

" SOOOO when we get off security will push you threw all the way to the car, we wont stop to answer questions...head low and keep moving" he smirked and grabed my belongings

" Ready?" he asked gesturing his hand twaord the door. My heart felt as if it was made of metal...hawllow and echoing with every beat threw my body. ............... is all i could think aout when we approached the door. I was instantly blinded by flashes, deafned by the voices and totally shocked with the amount of people that now surronded the plane. A buff security guard walked up to us and bowed to MR. Choi and me

" Sir...Agasshi i will be your personal until we reached the company" he lifted his head and leaned to me

" hold on tight princess....they are ruthless" he took my arm and wrapped it around his, where i squieezed tight...preparing to hold on for dear life.It took about and hour to get to the car....from the airport...ONE HOUR! i was being squeezed and pushed and eventually buff secuirty dude...lets call him Gus, he eventually had to pick me up and make a run for it. I was panting and totally in shock. I felt like i was in the middle of a roit

" agasshi....gwenchana? " Gus asks as he gets into the seat next to mine in the car. I was sweating and pobably all pale.

" ok..just..shocked" i gave him a small smile as i pulled out my  phone and turned it on. Nothing....its been about 18 Hours since i texted him...and nothing...i take a quick selfie and upload it onto all of my sns which by the way gained about 1 million followers....each... almost instanly my phone blew up it dingged nonstop until i eventually silence it.

" agasshi..when we get to the company..are you going to tell your father about going to YG?" MR. Choi looks at me threw the rear-veiw mirror, one thing after another i swear. i pull my hair back and around my shoulder

" i dont know...." i shrugged and looked out the window.

" to be honest MR. Choi...i dont even know what to say when i see him let alone telling him that, just might kill him so maybe lets wait?" i rubbed the back of my neck feeling slightly embaressed to admit that i didnt know how to talk to my own father.

" arasso...ill let you figure that on out..oh by the way, you will have a guest waiting for you with your father" he glanced around the road nerviously, like he was scared to say anymore.

" Guest?" who could that be?

" well it has something to do with your father wanting you to live with some people so he can  keep you close but never alone...its a idol group and  they live in the dorm on the 14th floor of the company" IDOL GROUP?!

" EHHHHHHH?! like f(x) of something?" my brain was totally over heating. Gus stifflied a laugh as i mumbled to my self to try to make sence of everything

" anni....not f(x).." i see a single dropplet drip from his chin.

" tell me......NOW! " omg i was losing it!!

"ok..the group is....

















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avisdawn #1
Chapter 5: Thaaaank you! :)
avisdawn #2
Chapter 3: Kinda slow,hahaha, nah, because I'm just excited :)
Well, I want her to be disguising herself as a simple girl :) and instead of interacting with SMartisst, she'll prefer YG because she thinks that artists there are REALLY talented; writing and arranging their own songs and choreographies, and respecting people even if they are just dancers or make up artists (more likely, she's close to iKon) and even Girls can do aerial stunts and dance hiphop :).
On the other hand, she will be a famous trainee of YG, will be close to JYP artists and even Smartists knows her, especially EXO (but not close) :).... That's how I imagined :)
I'm not a hater of SMent, its just that Gender equality is the trend now, out are the girly dances and mainstream choreos, and cheesy lyrics and In are songs that has a meaning of songs that are enjoyable :)
I'm new to these things so yeah, haha
avisdawn #3
Anticipating this :)