Chapter 6.

Who are you?

Its been about a week since Jay oppa and i had a fight, he still hasnt came home. This was the biggest fight we've ever had we both said things we cant take back and said something that broke eachothers hearts. A few days after i was so sure he would answer my texts and calls, but now im not so sure. i dont thin he is going to come back because i basically broke up with him by calling appa. i just ended dance class and i was cleaning up the studio before heading home, as i came out of the womens locker room i saw a man by the door.

" can i help you with something?" i called from across the room.

" Kei-ah?" the man questioned from the door. i froze. who is this man and how does he know who i am? i walked toward him

" de...duegu?"  as i got closer i saw the this man was actually an older gentlmen, with slight wrinkles but still handsome. Now i was standing about arms lenght away from him.

"AHH?! c-cheif choi?" i pointed a shaking finger at him, he looked down with a smile and eyes full of tears.

" haha you still now no manners " he looked into my eyes and smiled with a wave

" annyeong!"

      " can i get two iced americanos please"

" okay thats going to be $4.97." i picked up the coffees and sat down at a table cheif choi was sitting waiting for me.

" here" i handed him a coffee.

"thank you agasshi". we sat for a momment soaking in the reality. all of a sudden a wave of guilt washed over me. looking at cheif choi sitting in front of me for the first time in years, seeing how he aged, stress permently etched into the skin i once remembered being so smooth. i didnt know what to say

" really am sorry for leaving that one night..seeing you know i can see that you worried far to much after i left." i bowed over my coffee

" i really am sorry cheif choi." he sighed and looked out the window.

" we never stopped looking for you, you father never stopped worrying, even after the rumors of your death, we never stopped. but now lets not reminise on the painful past". he looked up at me

" you are to return to Korea immedetly. the press have gotten ahold on information that you are alive and living here in LA. you will have a full security to the airport tomorrow afternoon, Kei-ah...your father made it perfectly clear that must leave." i knew that this was going to happen so i wasnt surpised, in fact after everything that has been happening i was kinda hoping he would come here and say this.

" i understand" i said before sipping my coffee

" eh?! you arent going to fight this?" he asked almost disappointed.

" no, look cheif choi i understand why appa is doing this, believe it or not but i am 23 years old now, i shouldnt still be a little child fighting this because i shouldnt have ever left in the first place. and to be honest i want to start over in life....i want the life i should of had ."

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avisdawn #1
Chapter 5: Thaaaank you! :)
avisdawn #2
Chapter 3: Kinda slow,hahaha, nah, because I'm just excited :)
Well, I want her to be disguising herself as a simple girl :) and instead of interacting with SMartisst, she'll prefer YG because she thinks that artists there are REALLY talented; writing and arranging their own songs and choreographies, and respecting people even if they are just dancers or make up artists (more likely, she's close to iKon) and even Girls can do aerial stunts and dance hiphop :).
On the other hand, she will be a famous trainee of YG, will be close to JYP artists and even Smartists knows her, especially EXO (but not close) :).... That's how I imagined :)
I'm not a hater of SMent, its just that Gender equality is the trend now, out are the girly dances and mainstream choreos, and cheesy lyrics and In are songs that has a meaning of songs that are enjoyable :)
I'm new to these things so yeah, haha
avisdawn #3
Anticipating this :)