
See you in Wonderland my deer

It was a long night once again for Luhan as he tossed and turned in bed, suffering through nightmare after nightmare. The faces haunted his dreams, the people he missed so dearly yet feared seeing again so much. Leaving them had been the best decision for himself and he didn’t regret it but there were rarely days when he didn’t miss their crazy shenanigans. Of course, they couldn’t actually be real could they? After all the therapy that had been made clear. For some reason Luhan had made them all up, his friends, the whole world he remembered from when he was just a young boy. He couldn’t help but feel as though it had all been real though. The speaking flowers, the twins, the castles and creatures and crazy adventures. He’d convinced the doctors he understood how it was all made up but there was still that glimmer of belief floating about his mind. The world he remembered had been wonderful but also held a lot of darkness, hence the constant nightmares. Finally giving up on sleep for the night, Luhan got up and stumbled all the way to the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water. Sitting down at the table, he glanced out of the window where the sun was barely starting to make its way up. Given the chance, would he return? If it was in fact real, and the opportunity showed itself, would he take it? His attention was caught by the large tree he used to play by as a child. The proximity to the area where he remembered the entrance of his secret world to be had been keeping him on edge these past few days. Luhan wasn’t sure if accepting to housesit for his parents had been a good idea. He’d been avoiding coming here and just the same his parents had avoided inviting him, preferring to visit him instead. They’d desperately needed someone as soon as possible though after winning an unexpected trip and Luhan had been the easiest option. He’d figured it wouldn’t change anything, he already had the nightmares and well, he was supposed to be “fixed” now, wasn’t he? All these thoights running through his head, Luhan had zoned out, his gaze still resting on the tree when a sudden flurry of motion snapped him out of his trance. Before he could fully focus on what was happening, the shape was out of sight and all he caught was a glimpse of a long white ear disappearing behind the tree he had been contemplating only seconds before. Not fully sure what it was he thought he would find, Luhan practically jumped out of his chair and ran to the door, turning ever so slightly to check the window behind him every few seconds, he struggled to get his shoes on as quickly as possible. Finally accomplishing his rushed actions, he made his way outside, not even bothering to close the door behind him and rushed to the back of the house. Only when he spotted the tree merely a few feet away did he hesitate. Was he going crazy? Had the doctor been right? Was all of this also his imagination and if it wasn’t, did he want to find out? Snapping out of his reflections, he made the quick decision to go for it. Running up to the tree, he slowly circled it until he reached approximately the spot in which…whatever it was had been. A sigh of relief mixed with a slight hint of disappointment escaped his lips as he came face to face with absolutely nothing. There was nothing there but the tree, the grass, a couple of blooming flowers and….a pocket watch? Upon closer examination he had noticed the bronze pocket watch hiding in the too long strands of grass. Slowly he bent down and picked it up. Only did he have time to bring it up to his face for a closer look that the ground underneath him seemed to disintegrate. With one muffled scream of panic and fear, Luhan vanished out of sight from behind that old tree in his backyard. 

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Chapter 1: Please update *aegyo attempted failed*
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
I wuv it.