
Floor 63

I cautiously placed my right foot back down and sighed. Whether it was a sigh of annoyance or content, I don't know myself. Like I said earlier, there is no one that came to mind when I thought of a list of people that actually gave a about me. But what if the person behind me doesn't actually care, what if he's a ert and is here to me or something? Good going Yoojin, always think of the worst case scenarios when you're in a difficult position don't you? Or what if it was just my imagination and turns out there isn't actually anyone there? Just to be sure I started turning around slowly, taking fairy steps.

"Are you finally turning around? Took you long enough."

Maybe it was hearing his voice again that took me aback or maybe it was his handsome face. But it made me fall. Fall backwards while facing him, which meant falling backwards off the building. It was inevitable, but I still didn't think it would happen like this. Either way I closed my eyes, at least look peaceful while dying Yoojin, you can do it.

But there was one problem, I wasn't falling. Is this the result of living my life this way? Is this it? Have I finally become a crazy person that I can't even differ what's reality and what's fantasy? It felt like I was just floating.

That feeling didn't last very long as I was pulled back into reality, literally. My hands and knees came into direct contact with the cold floor of the building. I'd be lying if I say that didn't hurt like a . Throwing my head up to face this guy,

"Yah! Are you crazy?" I shouted, "I could have almost die-" wait, but that is exactly what I was planning to do. So why am I angry?

"Wasn't that your plan anyway?" He chuckled. Well, he wasn't wrong. I don't know why but I chuckled a bit too.

"Yeah I guess. Sorry for shouting." apologizing quickly I stood up and brushed my hands and knees. I guess I'll have bruises on my legs then. As I stood up his eyes followed me and locked with mine. He had such an intense gaze for someone who looked so innocent - like his eyes had seen far worse than anything he's ever imagined.

"I would apologise for scaring you," He started but looked down at his feet, "but that's not my job." he murmured. I feel like I wasn't meant to hear that last bit, but I heard it anyway. He mentioned a job or something. He came to me for a reason? Or am I just being paranoid? No, I'm pretty sure I heard the word "job".

"Um, is there a reason why you're here? Like... anything urgent I should know?" I asked, to be honest he's wasting my time right now.

"No reason." He replied. No reason? Is that really all he could say? I was at least expecting some crappy bull story made up on the spot but no, he seems to be quite blunt and straightforward.

"But hey, were you really going to jump off earlier?" He spoke up. I inwardly chuckled, this kid is probably too innocent to understand.

"No, I was standing up there because I was looking for my pet whale that I lost." I answered, sarcasm dripping off my tongue.

"Oh wow you're quite a joker aren't you? I'll keep that in mind."

"And I'll keep in mind you're a . That's your job right? You came here to me I know it." I joked, maybe making him feel uncomfortable will make him leave.

"Yes, and as a I'm here to tell yo-" He paused. Meaning he had something more to say.

"You're here to...?" I pushed on, he's quite a mysterious one I must say. It's been 5 minutes since he showed up and yet he's still managed to make me want to know more.

"I'm here to tell you that you shouldn't go around calling random people rapists. You'll get shot one day probably you know." He laughed. I guess I'll give him props for trying to lighten up the mood. He's not unfunny though.

"I think you and I both know that me getting shot won't be a problem for me." I laughed, "Anyway, we haven't actually done any introductions; I feel like you're going to be here longer than I expected." I continued, "I'm Kang Yoo-" wait. He knows my name. He said my name loud and clear earlier. He is not just a random stranger. Why does he know my name?

"Mmhm," He cut in, "Judging by your pause I'm guessing you realised that I know your name; and I know you're asking yourself how I've come to your name, but I'll tell you one thing." He voiced, "I know a lot more than you think Yoojin."

I was in utter shock, even though he spouted all that nonsense from his mouth, yet again, he did not give me the answer I wanted. Just who was he? He wasn't normal, one of the reasons I felt slightly uncomfortable around him was because his aura felt familiar. It feels like I should know who he is but I just can't put my finger on it. Maybe if I find out his name it might ring a bell.

"Can I ask what your name is?" I asked.

"Jungkook." the corner of his lips moved upwards, but only to show a sad smile; but along with that smile, came no other recollection of him. I was well and truly baffled but nonetheless determined. I mean if a 'random stranger' shows up claiming he knows all about you, aren't you going to be curious?

"Listen Jungkook, I don't know exactly why you're here, but since you are here and already ed with my mind, you're not leaving until I get answers." stern words escaped my lips as I looked at him right the eyes. His eyes were fascinating - big and full of curiosity yet sad and desolate at the same time. As much I wanted to know why he knew who I was, I wanted to know who he was.

"There's an incredibly good reason why I'm here and you'll find out soon enough," He answered, "But I'm quite hurt that you don't remember me." He feigned pain as he tapped his chest where his heart was with a chuckle.

"I'm sorry but am I meant to know who you are? If you know everything then you must know I have the memory of a goldfish." I spoke apologetically, I mean I really do feel bad for the guy; finding a girl in the middle of the night just to realise she doesn't remember you? Ouch.

"No it's okay, like I said earlier, you'll come to know everything soon enough." He said while smiling as he looked up at the stars, "And let's start it off right now," He started, "Why were you going to jump?" He stated bluntly, staring right at me. I don't know what made me say it and why I did say what I did, but trust me, I'm as shocked as you are.

"Honestly? I'm tired. Mentally and physically. I'm tired of constantly being tired. Being dragged down by this neverending cycle of false hope and disappointments." I decided to go on, "It's the worst, the absolute worst, trying to carry on when you have no legitamate reason to." I was on the verge of breaking down, with all these flashbacks going through my mind. But I couldn't, I've been fighting all the way up to here, there's no way I can waste all my efforts by breaking down right now, right before I do it.

"Then why did you? Why did you carry on even whilst knowing that you could have stopped, and it wouldn't make one difference to your life at all?" Jungkook asked. He had a good point, no, an amazing point. Why did I spend all this time suffering?

"I don't know. I really honestly don't know." I smiled at him, a genuine smile, with tears b my eyes. I looked up at the stars, in hopes that my tears wouldn't fall but you can't stop fate can you? My destiny that I was born into, to never feel even a shred of happiness in my life. A hot stinging sensation made its way down my cheek and into the corner of my lips. The bitter taste overtook my mouth but I didn't really have time to notice as I felt a thumb wipe my tear away from my cheek. Jungkook's thumb to be exact.

"Hey look at me," He said with a hushed voice as he lifted my chin up to look him dead in the eyes, "Trust me, I know you're hurting and I know just how much you're sad because I've felt it. I've felt all the pain you have and it hurt me too. But look I'm here and I'm fine; and I think I have a pretty good reason for why you, Kang Yoojin, are still alive to this day."

A reason for why I'm still alive? Could it possibly be the reason I was looking for? But how does he know it? Who really is Jungkook? So many unanswered questions started to fill up my mind but I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey look you're smiling," He giggled, "Is it because of me?" asking cutely he gave me the puppy dog eyes. Yes, it is you. It's you and all the confusion you're making me feel that's making me forget all the bad thoughts. Somehow he made himself the centre of my thoughts, occupying himself in my mind almost as if he did this on purpose.

"You're so annoying." I laughed, "Why are you even doing this? Look I'm fine now see, I'm slightly happier. Are you happy now?" I sent him a big cheesy grin. But he didn't look very satisfied.

"No I'm not happy." He frowned, "You're only slightly happier which doesn't make me happy." He pouted. I must say Jungkook looked very good while pouting. "Plus I saw it in your eyes."

"My eyes?"

"Your smile, it didn't reach your eyes. I know when you genuinely smile and when you put up a facade." He said seriously. "And to answer question of why I'm doing this, it's my job. My job and my job only to make sure you, Yoojin, won't be sad anymore. I promise I'll make it work this time."

"This time? You've tried before?" I asked. I couldn't help it, the answer, the reason, I'm looking for could be revealed right now.

"I know you've been wondering why you didn't die the last time you tried to this, and you couldn't seem to find the answer. But I know the reason. I guess you could say I am the reason." His words left me speechless, my breath got caught up in my throat and I didn't know what to say. He was the reason I didn't kill myself all those years ago? He was the one who stopped me? He was the reason. The reason that kept me alive. And I don't know how, but maybe subconsciously he was also the reason I carried on. I was overwhelmed, completely overwhelmed.

"Hello? Hellooo.. Earth to Yoojin?" a hand was being waved in front of my face; and when that hand was removed I saw his face. I took in all his features. From his pale, white skin, to his big dubious eyes, to his floppy brown hair all the way to his rose tinted lips.


My reason.

I don't what took over me but maybe it was the fact that our faces were already close enough or the fact that he might have had the same feelings while looking into my eyes but I grabbed his face and pulled it so close to mine our lips were just barely touching. I could feel his jagged breaths on me and the only thought that was rushing through me head,

"Thank you Jungkook, I love you."

My lips slammed onto his as his arms moved around and down to my waist; he was just as into this kiss as I was, possibly even more - which made me happy, genuinely happy. A smile tugged onto my face as he pulled on my bottom lip with his teeth. The kiss was passionate and longing, like we had both been waiting the entirety of our lives for it to happen. When we both pulled away he rested his forehead on mine and was still breathing heavily, his beauty was astounding. Our fingers intertwined with each other's and for once in my life, I felt warm.

"Yoojin," He spoke up, "I want you to close your eyes, and please please please, for me, live."

Those were the last words I heard before falling backwards. Which once again, meant falling backwards off the building, and this time nothing stopped me. But it didn't feel like falling, and it didn't feel like I was going to meet my end anytime soon. I was floating down, in darkness. The building had disappeared from my sight, and the stars had gone from the night sky. I just closed my eyes, and did what he asked me to.



A bright light shone through my eyelids as it woke me up. I sat up, squinting as my eyes still hadn't fully adjusted, and took in my surroundings. I was in the park, the park I would always go to when I had to contemplate things. Standing up slowly I moved my hand to pull my phone out to check the time, but instead, a piece of paper fell out of my hand. I bent down with cautious and opened it gently.

Promise to live, and I'll promise to be your reason. 











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khemce #1
wow sounds so cool omg hwaiting authornim!!!