The Soul

The World

The ceremony was set to start in the late morning, before the heat of the day but with enough time for everyone who wasn’t already dressed to get dressed. Mainly the grooms and their families since they were the only ones not in on it. And Yoongi, because he had no formal wear on the road with him.


He would  be hard pressed to carry around the traditional, entirely too intricate garb that his people wore to such occasions. Alternatively it didn't particularly make sense to carry around a dress shirt, or slacks, or a well tailored jacket. They would get dirty, crinkled and worn in his bag. And fancy shoes just didn't even make sense to him at all anymore. They were always tight and uncomfortable. But the mint haired mail man would wear them, for his brother.


None of Yoongi's old clothes fit right. The mail courier hadn't realized just how much his body had changed until he was trying to put on a pair of six year old slacks that were tight on this thighs and loose on his waist. He wound up stumbling quite hilariously into the groom's room. Which had been built, he was told, after Jimin’s arrival. It was on the main floor behind the kitchen. Built solid and much less rickety than the rest of his home.. The orange haired ball of sunshine was a fairly skilled carpenter it seemed.


Vern barked behind him as he crashed through the door laughing with pants halfway up his thighs. A resounding thud followed his super graceful collision with the floor. He managed to spin and land flat on his back. The dog wiggled into the room to a shouted “don't you dare” and huffed as he flopped down without his desired sloppy kisses.


Calm air displaced suddenly and all faces turned to him...well to the door and they to him. Not just his parents and Hobi but also Jimin and his  parents, whom he recognized from the earlier reunion. His mother, Gukju was a larger woman with a soft round face and an infectious laugh. She had pulled Yoongi into a bear hug while his father Jaesuk had stood back at the gate with a radiant smile in his eyes behind thin glasses. Jimin had whispered to the mint haired man much later that the black haired Jaesuk didn't understand why they'd had to wait for the mint haired mailman's arrival but was happy anyway.


There question marks all over everyone's faces


Hoseok was half dressed with his dark blue and emerald green robe; mom and was behind him tying things where they belonged, lacing ribbon through the loops on his back Yoongi assumed. Dad was on the bed...they had a real bed not just a floor roll; huh.


Jimin was fully dressed and smudging eyeliner into his waterline with the help of the body length mirror that was hooked to a closet door. The curve of his shoulders was altered by a sharp suit coat. It had tails they pointed around the knees of his grey trousers. Clearly he came from a different culture.


Yoongi hadn't thought much about that.


Not that he didn't think about other cultures. He'd met people from all over the place, but he didn't think much about what the implications of intercultural soulmate-ship meant. It wasn't really much of a concern for him.


“Turns out I'm not a skinny kid anymore,” was all that the mint haired man could think to say. “I figured Jimin and I were about the same size and was wondering if I could borrow something.”


The aforementioned sunbeam glistened with a bright smile, “For sure man.”


“What you don't want to wear one of these? Jongkook is,” Hobi teased.


“I'm an adult and you can't make me,” the eldest brother retorted, sticking his tongue out.


Jimin’s father scoffed out a mostly joking, “Every young man should have a suit of his own. How dare you not.”


“I don't think you understand what I do for a living if you think that a suit would do me any good,” was the mailman’s laughed reply as the lanky beanpole offered him a hand.


The mint haired mailman thanked his savior with a “Thank you sir” and was immediately assured that “Jaesuk is fine.”


“Hey Suga you can tie up this nightmare right?” Hoseok asked.


“Yeah?” Yoongi snorted; he'd been tying up traditional celebration garbs for years. The only difference between it at a wedding and it at a festival was that the lacing on the back was down instead of up so the bells that hung from them were in reverse and the big shoulder bow went went on the left.


“Good,” Hobi sighed, “then we can all get ready in here and our overbearing parents can go get dressed elsewhere.”


“Thank Lady in the sky,” Jihyo puffed out in agreement, “I'm terrible at tying fancy knots.” The older woman dropped her ribbon without even a second thought and yanked her husband off the four post bed and out the door.


“Are you sure you'll be okay Jiminie?” Gukjoo asked in a super obnoxious sing song tone at the door.


Sarcasm. He liked this woman.


The orange haired man promptly rolled his eyes


Also that wasn't a lie his mother had told. She'd been paying her kids to tie up ceremonial knots for years. She always put the bells in the wrong order and forgot how many loops went through the top ring.


Once the parents had left Hobi deflated into the chair his mother had been using for...something… Yoongi wasn't sure what.


“I'm only wearing this because mom asked me to,” the younger confessed.


“Of that I have no doubt,” the mint haired older brother snorted.


They talked while Yoongi undid and redid all of the knots and bows and ribbons that were across his younger brother’s back and chest. Jimin and Hoseok took turns asking him about his journeys. Vern helped him tell stories by snoring on the floor.


There was a lot of laugher.


Jimin mostly sat around and watched after he'd found Yoongi an outfit. Long sleeved white button up with a dark blue blue blazer that fit him better than Jimin and some light grey slacks.  He came out of the closet to make sure The mint haired man didn't need shoes.


“Nope, sure don't,” Yoongi smiled. He tugged the last silk ribbon through its metal ring for the final time and tied off the last golden bell.


“There you go.” The mail courier said, smacking his younger brother on the shoulder, “good luck getting it off later.”


Hobi snorted.


“Why are there so many bells?” Jimin asked.


And then he busted out laughing.


Sunshine incarnate rolled with it the way the sky rolls with clouds on a rainy day. Every time it seemed to slow it came back twice as riotous. The orange haired man tried hard to apologize between gasps but ultimately gave up and ended up on the floor with Vern.


“Be careful, he expresses concern with kisses and pinning,” Yoongi warned as he yanked his too small pants all the way down and started to change.


After a solid lull in the conversation Hoseok picked up with, “I’m surprised you haven't gone to The Heart,” as his older brother was buttoning his borrowed shirt up.


The older man snorted and felt his soul drop to his feet where the world hummed beneath bear wood, “I'll get there.”


“I thought you'd be anxious to try again,” the younger offered, “it's been what? Four years?”


“About that,” Yoongi confirmed.


“Don't you want an answer?” Hoseok asked.


“I don't think I need an answer anymore Hobi. I've got exploring to do.”


“But YoooooooOOOOOOoooongi, what if you get one? Soulmates are the best,” the younger man whined.


“It's different for mail people Hoseok,” the mint haired man signed, “Chansung hardly ever gets to see his family.”


“But he makes it happen.”


“I don't have a home base,” Yoongi argued.


“No one is stopping you,” Hoseok countered.


“No one is forcing me to either.”


“Sounds like you're in love with adventuring,” the floor bound Jimin sighed out romantically as he rolled onto his back.


Maybe it was something like that. The mint haired mailman loved the grass between his toes and the wind in his hair. That was kind of like being in love with adventure he guessed.


The ceremony was beautiful. And full of love. The kissing went on for longer than anyone was comfortable with. Jongkook and Namjoon spent the entire time making weird faces from the first row trying to get the wedding party to crack up.


There were a lot of tears and hugs and mushy sappy romance that secretly made Yoongi’s heart melt despite his outwardly sour expression.


And then came the party.


Oh was it ever a party. The summation of three whole towns were there, The Lake, the kids that  equated to half of JYP, the Pirates and everyone they had brought from overseas, plus the WHOLE of The Heart. Everyone turned up. The procession to the reception took nearly an hour even though it was only a few blocks because the sheer number of people greeting the newlyweds. It was astonishing.   


Onejunn was the first person of note to find him. Which was a blessing primarily because the mint haired mailman was getting really quickly exhausted by all of the ‘fans’ of his that came up to nervously say hello as they skittered by to find their places in the...soulmate parade? That was really the only word he had for it. Wedding ceremonies ended with a procession wherein everyone lined up next to their soulmate and walked in a line to the reception, greeting the newlyweds as they arrived.  


He loved the people who cared about him and his stories, and even just the ledgend of him for sure but their anxiety made his stomach roll. So a familiar voice calling out for him was like the clouds clapping over the sun on a burning hot day on the steppe. Welcome relief.


The deep, pronounced dimples in the pirate captains cheeks made his smile look wider than it was as he slung a well muscled arm around Yoongi’s small shoulders. “Hey there!” the brunette chirped. “I got your last letter last week when we hit JYP. You’ll have to take me to YG someday, it sounds like a neat place to visit.”


The abruptness of the conversation was a little confusing until the mint haired man followed his warm companion’s gaze and noticed sour looks and glares from all of the young ladies and men that had been waiting to walk up to him.


“Right, because Pirates are so prone to traveling on land,” Yoongi snorted.


“You do it all of the time,” the other replied.


“I’m not a pirate,” the mint haired mailman informed.


“You totally are,” Onejunn snorted, “You’re a land pirate Yoongi. Accept it, feel it, live it.” The other man drew his face in closer, almost uncomfortably so, and laughed.


“Shouldn’t you be with Sunwoo?” Yoongi asked after a moment, twisting his neck to look for the tall doe eyed other half or OneSun (their name, not his).


“Nah, this is what we do at weddings,” Onejunn shrugged, “Find the uncomfortable singletons and walk with them so they don’t get accosted.”


“You’re a terrible pirate,” The little mail courier puffed,


Onejunn scoffed, “How dare you. We’re the best kind of pirate.”


“Oh really?” Yoongi’s question was punctuated but a sheepdog sneeze that made Namjoon jump and nearly trip in front of him.


“We’re pirates because we work outside the laws of the land,” the other explained, “Not because we’re bad or evil. Without men like us this world wouldn’t run.”


That was true enough but the mint haired man was still not convinced that the crew of the Boy’s Republic actually qualified as pirates of any sort. The only evidence of that was the taking of letters and parcels without a legal obligation or contract but that really just made them mail bandits.


As they approached the staged pavilion where the  grooms stood waiting under a bright yellow archway dressed in wild daisies and goldenrod Onejunn and he linked arms. They watched orange hair shift as they took the first step up together.  Jimin leaned to the side presumably to explain to Hoseok why his eldest brother was walking with a stranger that was clearly not the mint haired man’s soulmate or his husband since he had neither.


“Onejunn!” Jimin smiled. He reached out for a hand but got a hug instead.


“We’re glad you made it here kid.”


“Me too,” Jimin sighed, “And thanks for bringing my family.”


“No problem.”


Yoongi hugged moved around them and threw his arms around Hobi’s shoulders. The young mailman wasn’t sure why but he felt the need to say just one thing, “I’m proud of you little brother. You’re a great successor to mom and dad,” slipped out of his mouth and a soft shake came from his strong middle brother.


“I was trying not to cry you know?” was the raven haired man’s shaken reply. “I made it through mom and dad and Kookie and you just had to ruin it.”


“You’re not that far from the end of the line,” Yoongi winked as he pulled away and then he just walked off the stage and into the second town square.


Onejunn hopped down  behind him, grasped his wrist and yanked him off to the side. They stood there against an old brick wall, quiet for a moment watching the crowd mill around. Cheerful voices and jovial greetings filled the air.


“Gonna go to  The Heart?” Onejunn asked.


When Yoongi didn’t respond the captain smiled and asked the most absurd question Yoongi had heard all day, “Can I kiss you on the cheek so when people ask me if I know you I can tell them I’ve kissed a legend?”


Yoongi weighed his options lightly and figured  there was no harm in this and it would keep some of the onlookers away plus it had the added benefit of keeping talk about The Heart away . “Go for it.”


The mint haired mailman didn’t want to admit it, but his feet were pulling in that direction constantly. Every part of him wanted to go lay on that cold glass case and just stay there for hours. As Onejunn’s hair tickled his cheeks he let the warm daydreams of a distant lover seed themselves back into his heart. Wildflowers still grew in his soul no matter how far from that cavern he wandered.


“Give Sunwoo a hug for me,” Yoongi laughed as he wiped the spit off his cheek.


And then suddenly something very tight pulled around Yoongi’s narrow waist from the side and his feet were no longer on the ground. The tiny mail man gasped and tried not to wiggle too much as he was lifted and set back down.


“Sunwoo will give you a hug for himself,” Sunwoo informed. The much taller black haired man walked around and stood with his elbow on Onejunn’s shoulder.


He gave a flirty wink and said, “If you ever get sick of land and find yourself in need of companionship we’re always up for a third right Junnie?”


The brunnette captain rolled his eyes and snorted out, “Sure. Whatever you say.”


Yoongi managed to hold himself together long enough to deadpan, “Tell Suwoong to give you better pick up line ideas next time.”


“Don’t get too drunk,” was Onejunn’s farewell.


It was good advice. There was a lot of alcohol. And dancing. Which were two things Yoongi did not partake of for obvious reasons. Those obvious reasons being that alcohol lead to sobbing and dancing.


He made an exception for the dancing when Mark, bless him, deep voiced and somehow shy walked up with his unbearably soft hand outstretched and asked quietly for a dance. Then Jackson cut in and well he just kind ended up getting passed around for a couple of hours until he emerged exhausted and stumbled into a wall.


There was dinner. There was more drinking. The sun set. Then there was cake, and more drinking. And Yoongi sat and watched with Vern, tracking the smiling faces he knew and they laughed and radiated joy. He was so involved in his people watching that he didn’t even notice the soft gentle curves of the silver haired woman that came to stand beside him.


“Boa,” the white haired woman introduced herself offering a hand out.


“Yoongi,” he replied shaking the offered hand.


“Oh I know,” she said, “You’re Hoseoks’s older brother. The mailman. We all stopped our lives and waited around here for you for three weeks.”


“I could have taken longer,” the mint haired man retorted with an edge of sarcasm.


She scoffed and smiled, “Fair enough.”


“How do you know Jimin...or Hoseok,” the latter part was added because he wasn’t sure who knew who anymore. He’d been gone for a long long time by town standards. People that left The Heart for more than a few weeks weren’t likely to come back. He was a living miracle.


“Jimin is my baby cousin.”




The white haired woman spun around to look back out at the opulent dance floor where finely dressed people were spinning around  and offered out the most peculiar thing that Yoongi had heard all day “I hate these things too you know?,” Boa offered idly, “They make me so jealous since the soulmate thing hasn’t happened for me yet either.”


After a long pause he added, “Don’t get me wrong, my life is great. It’s just always missing something you know?”


Yoongi found himself awkwardly agreeing despite the fact that he didn’t. His life was perfect just the way it was. He had a sheepdog and job security, endless places to travel, friends all over the world. Nothing about his life needed to change. The option to shower more often would be nice but he didn’t mind being covered in dirt either.


That was how that conversation ended. Yoongi thought to correct himself but he didn’t really want the fight or to have to explain so he just...let it be.


Hours later, as things wound down and Yoongi was left to think about the odd lack of emptiness in his own heart was. In his years since leaving home something peculiar; that he couldn't quite place, had completely filled the void.


So he turned in as everyone else began to, doubting the scant stragglers would notice his absence in the deep night hours. Most of them were appropriately drunk for the occasion anyway.  


Yoongi’s cramped, stiff dress shoes were the first thing to go. And he pulled his borrowed jacket off shortly thereafter. ed the tight collar and sleeve cuffs and made short work of rolling his sleeves up to his elbows as he strolled down the street. The mint haired mailman ran his left hand along white fences and iron gates while kept the other firmly planted on his dapper Sheepdog’s broadhead.


He wasn’t exactly sure how he made it to The Heart, but, really, how long was he going to stay away? The pull of the cool underground and the glass against his back was too much to bare. He wanted a night there more than he’d wanted anything. Seeing his family could wait. They would know where to find him, so he pried the corner of the door open and slipped through just like he used to and held the door open for his partner in mailrunning.


Without any kind of hesitation the mint haired man crawled up onto the old case and motioned for Vern to come with. He left his shoes and his jacket in the middle of the floor and stretched out like a lazy cat in the sun. Not a sound was uttered and relief sighed through his heart. Nothing had changed. Still no name.


What do you think Vern?” Yoongi asked, ruffling the mop of hair on his shaggy dog's head, “It's pretty cool right?” The sheepdog just panted, like he always did, though, slightly less so in the air conditioned underground. His brick wall of a dog stretched against the glass and grunted. “Your dad used to sleep here almost every night.”


They both lay curled against the cool glass for hours. Yoongi told his big fluffy sheepdog a thousand stories from his youth. He almost went into the story of Jimin because he loved telling it so much but stopped short with “You were there when that happened weren't you buddy?” And when the small courier turn over Vern was so asleep he watched the gunmetal grey fluff of the pup's chest rise and fall a few times just to make sure he was breathing.


He woke up to a drop in his chest. A loud cracking noise that scared the dreams right out of him as he reeled back, tripping over the rail and landing squarely on his with a thud. Vern barked and retreated with him. Yoongi sat transfixed, blinking the sleep from his rested bones as he watched color swell up in the glass case. Lines like spider webs in the forest spilled across the thick case that protected the Heart of his world.


The air filled with lavender, sand and sharp metal. Invisible wildflowers bloomed along the wall and something made Yoongi feel...light? The room shifted. Everything shifted. That thing that kept him grounded. The thing that hooked him to the planet and kept him going in the right direction. That inescapable feeling of never being alone and always knowing where it shifted. He couldn't explain it. It seemed crazy but suddenly that feeling was in his chest instead of his bare feet. Suddenly he was light and the ground wasn't his anchor but he didn't float away he just stared at the Heart as lifeblood leaked out in little drops, covering the smaller cracks.


Peace like he'd never in all his life had washed over him in waves even though he should have been panicking. Intellectually he knew that he should be panicking and screaming for his parents but when he opened his mouth his jaw just hung there. No sound came out. Nothing.


Until a shuffle of dust shattered his awe and he sprang to his feet twisting to face away from the Heart.


There was a stranger in the room; a tall stranger that somehow made the room smell like hot sun on the salt ocean.


I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you,” the stranger offered. His voice was rich like thick silt. Deep as the jungle and clinging to the walls of the cavern like a ghost. Haunting. Hallow. Yoongi had never had so many words for just one sound.


A strange breathe of fresh air inhaled through the cave.


How did you get in here?” Yoongi asked, “We're not open yet.”


The man didn't answer but reached his hand out as he stepped forward into the light. This man who had dark tree bark hair and streaks of green like leaves in his bangs to go with it looked at Yoongi then. And the mailman met was met with pools of deep ocean water, not because they were blue but because they were endless. Vast and filled with strange promises. “My heart was just so full.”


Suddenly the hints of bitter distrust came back despite the eerie light feeling in his chest. “Go ahead,” Yoongi sighed running a hand through his sleep knotted hair, “I don't know how you got in here but you might as well stick your ear to the Heart,” part of him hoped for another waking swell to crack the glass and the world to swallow this intruder whole, “That's what you're here for right?”


I already know my answer,” the man offered softly smiling like graceful winter.


Yoongi narrowed his eyes and tracked the fine line of this odd man's jawline. Traced his twiggy features with a questioning gaze. It was early in the season but this stranger had skin tanned by the promise of summer and years spent beneath a kind sun who favored him. It made Yoongi so uneasy.


Who are you?” a very skeptical mail-man asked.


You don't recognize me?” The stranger stopped short, and seemed to ponder for a moment, “no, I guess you wouldn't.”


Against his better judgement Yoongi ventured to ask “Have we met before?” The thought that crept into the mint haired mailman's head as he watched this man's soft eyes search for answers was wholly unpleasant. Uneasiness started its slow parade through his mind; because this was starting to feel like a lot of other experiences he had had.


I was with you in the river,” was the soft reply, “You thought you were going to drowned but you were fine,” at the terrified skepticism etched across the shorter man's face he added, “I've always been glad that those fisherman found you though. It eased your spirit.”


That's seriously creepy,” caught under the mail couriers breath. This wasn't the first time some completely weird fan had approached him but it was the most fascinating thus far. Somehow against the continued anxiety building in his gut he managed to keep his eyes fixed on the stranger.


That grove,” the seemingly unshakable willow tree of a man continued, “The one up north near the steppe, the with the paradise fruit...I've always wanted to see the pictures you leave in the gnarled oak. OH! And that old ruin. The stars are beautiful there aren't they?” A lot of people knew of these things, but none of them knew in intimate detail. He'd never told anyone about the oak tree where he dumped the extra pictures and the ruin was so deep in the forest, so far off the path, that even the locals didn't know how to get to it. He hadn’t had time to tell anyone about that one yet.


Did you follow me or something?”


No...I, well...sort of I guess...I was with you...But, but not like that...”


Vern,” Yoongi called, “Vern on your guard.” The lazy sheepdog came to stand between him and the taller man, but oddly, he wasn't growling. “I'm going to scream for help now,” the mint haired mailman warned. He had to swallow against the lump in his throat as he took a breath.


No please, wait, Yoongi...just...just wait.” the brunette soothed throwing a hand up like a lifeline. Hearing his name...for the first time from those lips, it sounded like rain blowing across the desert at night. “Please, there's no easy to way to say this. I know it's confusing and hard to understand. I know you're scared.”


It was starting to go beyond super weird but Yoongi was captivated because somehow this nameless man managed to dry ground after eight hours swimming, or a tree to rest in after a day long walk.


Yoongi I know so, so much about you,” the other said, “I know how you love to walk without shoes so you can feel the dirt. I know you love the smell of honeysuckle and cedar and I know that you never get lost because you wait for your feet to find the right way. I know that the jungle doesn't scare you because you're never alone. I know you love to sleep with your ears to the ground because you want to feel the world beneath you, but your favorite place to sleep is curled up on my heart.”


Cedar and honeysuckle echoed through his weightless heart.


What...what's you're name?” Yoongi asked. His hesitation lingered but his curiosity had always been his most overwhelming characteristic...well maybe second to his stubbornness. “What should I call you?”




The glass behind Yoongi crackled again and the peace that overwhelmed him was starting to fill up his soul. It made him almost uncomfortable, the way he could only feel calm when his head was screaming for resolution when turned to look over his shoulder.


Go-go ahead...” Taehyung stuttered, “Put your ear to the Heart. It's my heart. It's ready to give you an answer.”


The mail man looked between the glass behind him and the gorgeous, nervous, stranger before him. Somehow he managed to suspend his disbelief and decide upon the glass. Yoongi crawled through the bars of the rail with more hope and apprehension than he'd had since his childhood and pressed his ear to cold glass.


A whisper came on the breadth between two waves. Sounding in the silence that was made of early spring. Deep, warm familiarity fused with his fears and echoed back as something distant. And Yoongi could hear the ocean crashing through a cove miles away as “Taehyung,” rasped out and rattled through his bones.


The smaller man pulled away with a strange emptiness settled in his soul, crawled back through the bars and turned around slowly.


I tried to find the perfect person for you but the Goddess had other ideas I guess,” the other explained.


Yoongi had no words. His skin was humming with the night full of crickets. He'd given up on finding a soulmate for himself and just fallen in love with adventure as Jimin had put it. But the more he thought about it the more the mint haired mail man realized that maybe it was the world he'd be in love with all along.


No one's ever loved me the way you do,” Taehyung confessed reaching up to scratch the back on his head. The world gave a dorky, endearing gummy smile that enveloped his warm eyes and the tension in the room dissolved so rapidly that everything was left sharply empty. So much so that Vern shook off and laid down right in the middle of the floor.


And Yoongi fell down to his knees on the stone, bewildered but not entirely confused just... out of words for describing how he felt.


Taehyung rushed over to him, kneeled before him so close they were almost touching and said the words that made everything right and okay again despite the insanity, “I came here because I want to go with you.”


With everything he had left in him the little mailman leaned forward and let his forehead collide with a sharp collarbone. He wanted to soak in every breath of this moment. For all of his old desires for it and recent fear of it he never could have imagined the result. Yoongi laughed into his soulmate’s shoulder and reveled in the dark smell of cedar and the warmth of sun kissed skin. Lady in the sky this man was  beautiful beyond measure. The mint haired mailman felt just a little unworthy. He’d never thought the world could love him the way that he loved it. But everything with a heart must have a soul too right?


The taller man took the invitation and wrapped warm arms around the mail courrier; which somehow after a moment turned into a desperately soft embrace. Yoongi could could feel the humming pulse of the world in his fingertips instead of in the soles of his feet when his hand trailed up Taehyung’s loose shirt. It felt odd to be so close to someone he’d just met but then again they already knew everything there was to know about each other.


This might be too forward,” the taller man said, “but can I kiss you now?”


There was no audible reply, just the sudden pressure of two people pushed together.  It was like the sky had melted and little bits of starlight were caught in every breath, getting stuck between awkward teeth that knocked together uncomfortably. It was perfect.


There is a mausoleum in the jungle not so far from The Heart of the World that every mailman must visit before his last contract is signed. There are two inscriptions etched into the alabaster. “Yoongi, the man who loved the world so deeply that it lived for him. Never so noble a postman was there.” And “The world who has a name. Taehyung,  lived but once in an eternity for his beloved.”



Well...there we go. I swear I would never tag something Taegi if it wasn't. I know that it's marked finished but don't be surprised it if gets periodic updates because I love this world a whole aweful lot and it would be a shame to leave it forever.

Much love


I don't usually dedicate these things but this is legitimately some of the best work I have ever done. I put my heart and soul into this fic so it gets a dedication to the creatures it belongs to.


I have four dogs, from right to left  they are; Vash the Stampede is my Old English Sheepdog, Captain Malcolm Reynalds is my Australian Shepherd, Starscream Destroyer of Worlds is my mutt boy and Sir Lancelot the Brave is my itty bitty Maltese. I am dedicating this to them but most of all, not to the 120lbs Sheepdog on whom you'd think Vern was based but to Starscream. My partner in crime, my partner in life, the 20lbs mutt with adventure in his eyes.  Seven years young. Seven years of teaching an abused autistic girl how to love again. You were small and terrified when I met you at the pet store but I've never met a braver, kinder, more loyal creature in my entire life. May your Rocky Mountain adventures and unbelievable desire to be a brown dog rather than a white one go down in history dear friend. Here's to ten more years together in this wild world.

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Chapter 8: This is soooo beautiful i cried so much at the last paragraph... this is piece of art you truely put your heart into it but i always knew that the heart was gonna be somehow yoongi soulmate but you surpriced me because its soooo great beautiful awesome heartwarming crazy fantastic ... omg i don't know what to say but thank you ♡♡
Chapter 8: Whaaa. So much good imagination. This sis so awesome! You write really well.
Chapter 8: this was absolutely amazing! I loved every second of it, I felt like i was watching/reading a movie~
Chapter 8: Beautiful :)
Chapter 8: I am head-over-heels in love with this story and this world. This was so incredibly beautiful.
Chapter 8: To think Taehyung was actually the world. How perfect that is. I have never read a story more beautiful and as pure as this. Thank you for writing such a heartfelt story. I can't wait for mini updates on this story & new stories. (Thank you for sharing a part of your life with us. I hope you spend many happy years with your beautiful dogs)
Chapter 8: This is such an amazing story my gosh you're so talented... I can't wait to read more of your work. I love youuuuuuu~ ♡ fighting, author-nim!!
Vendetta00shino #8
Chapter 8: omg, I was so unsure of how this would end and it was way better than I had imagined thank you for this wonderful story author-nim!
Chapter 8: This was so gooood