[1/1] Angel

So Damn Pretty
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warning: i make no sense ok don't say i didn't warn ya



There were times when Jeonghan would like to strangle people. Especially whenever they mistaken Jeonghan for a woman. Or gay. Jeonghan was not homophobic — no he was not, but he refused to be labelled as gay or whatever. Jeonghan was a goddamn man; he just liked to have longer hair than most men do.

“I swear to God, if one more person thinks I’m a ing girl, I—”

Seungcheol guffawed. “Just cut your hair, Jeonghan.”

Jeonghan shoved the piece of paper (an advertisement for the café he was working on) into Seungcheol’s chest in an effort to shut his best friend up. “Shut up, Seungcheol. Do you know how much I’ve spent for the conditioner and whatnot?”

“That’s why I said, you should cut it. Look at me,” Seungcheol proudly said as he turned around like a model, though Jeonghan did not see his point before continuing, “My hair’s, like, the best.”

Seungcheol was proud, Jeonghan knew, and Jeonghan hated proud people but it just so happened that he was best friends with this idiot.

“Um, yeah, sure. It looks like a skunk gave birth on your hair and the whole family died.” Except that Seungcheol’s hair was dyed blonde with colourful highlights.

“My hair’s still better than The Weeknd.”

“Can you not bring The Weeknd into this?”

“I don’t get why you worship that dude, man.”

“He has a voice of an angel.”

“You,” Seungcheol murmured, his voice suddenly dropping two octaves that it actually sent an involuntary shiver down Jeonghan’s spine. “Have a voice and face of an angel.”

Jeonghan hated it so much whenever Seungcheol did that. Sure, Seungcheol can be so full of pride sometimes, that Jeonghan began to think that his own best friend would end up marrying a mirror (which was as insane as the dude who married a box of pizza) but when he did that, Jeonghan could not help but to feel uncomfortable.

Because (a) Seungcheol was a guy and even though he was good looking with those huge starry eyes and very huge arms and strong thi — the point is, he was a guy. Jeonghan like women (b) They were best friends, god damn it (c) on the other hand, Jeonghan did not like the feelings he get whenever Seungcheol did that.

Jeonghan cleared his throat. Seungcheol broke into a grin.

“Yeah, whatever,” he tried to sound nonchalant but his voice cracked in the end. He tried to stare at the fliers, pretending to count them — pretending to get Seungcheol and his goddamn words out of his mind and trying not to run away when he could feel Seungcheol staring right at him.

Carefully, Jeonghan looked up to see Seungcheol had his lips opened; maybe he was trying to say something when a girl interrupted.

“Excuse me,” she said with those pink plump lips. “May I—”

Jeonghan’s brain decided to block any sound from coming to his ears except for the sound of his beating heart. Jeonghan tried to tore his gaze from her moving lips and looked at her whole face. ‘Good Lord,’ Jeonghan thought. ‘So damn pretty.’

The smell of lilac waffled in the air, maybe it was her cologne (how else would a person smell like lilac?!) and Jeonghan liked it. He blinked, and she was still there. She was not a figment of his imagination. This beautiful angel had such lovely black curls that cascaded under her blue cute hat. It was a wonder how someone could be so attractive when she was simply clad in a sleeveless blue dress that revealed her soft-looking skin.

Suddenly, he was shaken. Blinking, he turned to see Seungcheol was nudging him before clearing his throat. As if shaken out of trance, he cleared his throat.

“Um, I’m sorry, I—” he was fumbling his words. Usually, he would have pretended to nod or whatever, but he did not catch any single word she said. She was looking at him with those adorable almond shaped eyes, waiting for him to answer.

Jeonghan cleared his throat again. “You know what,” he sputtered. “I— I was not listening. I’m sorry. Can you please repeat that question?”

As he said that, Seungcheol let out a chortle, causing him to be embarrassed.

To his surprise, the girl only gave him a small smile and repeated her question. “Unnie, is the café hiring workers?”




Un n ie.

U nn i  e.

U n n i e.


Seungcheol’s eyes widened as he slowly retreated inside the café, followed with a loud laughter after that. Jeonghan’s ears burnt hot, as he slowly gripped the paper he was holding tightly, not caring that they were crumpled.

He took a deep breath, reminding himself that she was a girl and that she was pretty and that if he wanted to have a chance with her he should calm down.


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Chapter 1: Omg this is hilarious hahaha xD I love Sohee's character here, like, she's so cool mannn! the unnie and noona (with wonwoo, even though he appeared for like 0.000001 mili sec) thing is so funny too lolol and the seungcheol at the end, hm, not really surprising tho ;D
Chapter 1: this was pretty entertaining
Chapter 1: Daebak this! :)))))))
luvsws17 #4
Chapter 2: Lol, I loved it! Even though this was a crack fic, you should totally consider continuing it (I loved your story more than I should)!
Ty for being alive omgoMG
Notegirl99 #6
Chapter 1: Awesome lol very cute n funny hahaha
Chapter 1: hey they didn't show my entire comment i wonder what's up

continuation tho:
ALSO, I KNEW ITTTTT (about seungcheol) like i thought that the boy was being a bit odd from the start i was actually creeped out when he said he wanted to see jeonghan in a drESS ಠ‿ಠ THIS IS TOO CUTE
Chapter 1: the urge to hit seungcheol with a tree at the beginning of the story is too strong. i mean oh my god what the hell when he turned around showing his hair and saying it's like, the best, made me SEUNGCHEOL PLES STAHP (im cry at the weeknd tho LMAO)
i cannot stress how dumb and adORABLe jeonghan was in here /giggles hysterically and ends up crying/ WHY ARE U DOING THIS TO ME WH Y

ALSO, I KNEW ITTTTT (about seungcheol) like i thought that the boy was being a bit odd from the start i was actually creeped out when he said he wanted to see jeonghan in a drESS ಠ‿ಠ THIS IS TOO CUTE
Chapter 1: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤