It smells fishy.

Glowing in the dark.


Taek Woon didn’t manage to meet Won Shik for weeks, as he was busy training and Won Shik was busy avoiding him. The man even manage to hide from his team mates as well, spending the whole night in the thick part of the woods instead of getting inside the mansion.

If Won Shik ever gets in the house, he does so when he knows that everybody is asleep. However, day came when Taek Woon was included to the mission. The six members of the team stood in the head master office, where Jin Ki gave them a serious glare.

“I chose your team for a special hunt mission.” He offered the file to Hak Yeon who took it. “The target is a vampire hunter who kidnapped three of our partner coven leaders the night of the tribunal meeting I was in.” The news made them look at Jin Ki who smiled. “I managed to escape as five other leaders, but those three didn’t manage to, and it your mission to find the hunter’s position, if possible their position as well. The other covens had set their teams for the rescue part, and the cleaning part, so your job is easier than you think this time.”

Taek Woon held the picture for a moment, recalling a flash. It was the man posted behind his house. He looked toward Hak Yeon before stepping in. “Can we talk in private, head master?” the question made the others questioningly look at Taek Woon. “Please.” Jin Ki nodded and stood to be followed by the man, while the other members stood there, unknowing what to do.

Reaching the dungeons which were soundproof, Taek Woon showed the picture to Jin Ki with a serious look. “I remember him. He was behind my house the day they attacked the Jung family, I remember that they sent a kid in my age back then, but his face is blurry.” Taek Woon offered a sincere smile. “I remember how his body look too.”

Jin Ki observed the picture for a moment before looking up. “I see. This is good news.” He rested his hand on Taek Woon’s shoulder. “You will be able to notice him faster than anyone else. I count on you.”

The burdening responsibility Taek Woon felt by then made him shiver inside. “I won’t disappoint you.” I hope. Joining his team in the weaponry storage, Taek Woon looked suffocated and Won Shik was the first to point it to Hak Yeon.

“Are you ok, Leo?” Taek Woon looked up, in surprise, to smile reassuringly to Hak Yeon. They packed what they thought as necessary, before each got a light leather cloak to cover up from the sun.  Accidentally, Taek Woon and Won Shik sat next to each other in the back seats. It made the both men look at each other, for what seemed ages, when Won Shik offered a smile.

“It will be alright.” The man mumbled so faintly Taek Woon barely heard it, but he did and his face’s muscles suddenly relaxed so Won Shik looked away, blushing, when a hand on his hip made him look back to Taek Woon. Touched by the affection the man showed suddenly, Taek Woon mouthed a thank you before looking away as well.

A smile formed in their lips, as they tried to hide it. Reaching an address mentioned in the folder, the driver parked in a shadowed area, and Hak Yeon stepped in the sun, taking off his cloak, before heading off. “I’ll check the area, stay in the shadow. We will have more shadow by the time I’ll come back.” Jae Hwan nodded to the man before holding his hand, ignoring the pain the contact with the sun brought him.

“Be careful.” Jae Hwan mumbled, as he blushed and Taek Woon looked back to Hong Bin who looked away. Swallowing a sudden knot in his throat, Taek Woon looked at Won Shik who was expressionlessly looking at him. He could notice a kind of endearment in the man’s eyes but a sudden fear of being wrong made him look away wearing the coldest mask he managed. Surprised, Won Shik blinked as he tilted his head, trying to read Taek Woon’s expression, but as Hak Yeon showed up, his focus went directly to the mission.

“The area is empty.” Hak Yeon got his spot in the shadows, as he stood by Taek Woon’s side. He surrounded the man’s back with his arm, while Jae Hwan tensed again. Taek Woon didn’t know how to handle the situation since he read the signs and read them so well. There is a love triangle inside the team. “We should wait here for a moment. Maybe they will show up.” Hong Bin stepped away to the other side, peaking around. Taek Woon was the only one to notice and he felt lost at that point.

“Positive; no people live in the other side of this ally.” Hong Bin hissed. “Also, I smell humans in the building, a faint smell of them to be honest.” Hong Bin was known as the only member with the strongest sense of smell. Won Shik looked at the leader who had a wondering expression.

“It means only that they hadn’t been here recently. The area isn’t filled with human like the other areas.” Hyuk crossed his arms, looking up. “I am not feeling good about this.”

“Me neither.” Hak Yeon picked his phone when he noticed that he had no signal. “! We are trapped.” Passing a shaken hand on his hair, Hak Yeon sighed deeply. “I knew something was damn fishy.” He looked at his team members. “I’m sorry guys for being foolish.”

“It’s not like you will know it is a trap.” Taek Woon patted on the man’s back, scotching himself to the man in order to trigger something… anything. “Let’s get moving. We need to leave the area, anyway.” Agreeing, they set their cloaks, following Taek Woon who held on an absent looking leader. He noticed Jae Hwan walking closely, while Hong Bin was alone in the back mumbling a conversation Hyuk seemed to be the only one involved. Sighing deeply, Taek Woon looked at the leader for a moment before leaning too close to the man’s ear. “We need to talk.” Hak Yeon looked at Taek Woon with wide surprised eyes; it was strange somehow, since Taek Woon never got this close before but from the seriousness of the man’s tone, Hak Yeon nodded and paused.

“Go ahead.” Won Shik eyed them as he pushed Jae Hwan to walk ahead, followed closely by Hong Bin and Hyuk. “What is it?”

“I want to ask you something private but serious.” Hak Yeon nodded while Taek Woon eyed Won Shik’s back; leaning closely. “Do you like Ken?” Jerking his head back, Hak Yeon gave him an outraged expression. “Because he does.” Hak Yeon frowned when he noticed that Taek Woon pointed toward someone. Looking at his team, he noticed that Hong Bin had his eyes on Jae Hwan while the man was looking at him.

“You mean…” Hak Yeon glared at Taek Woon. “It’s one sided? Those two?” Taek Woon nodded glad the leader got him easily with few words. “, I’ve never noticed.” He picked the phone and wrote something.

What should I do, in your opinion?

Taek Woon looked up from the phone. “I am lost at this point. I don’t know how to advice you.” Taek Woon stepped away, looking seriously worried. “But I would at least clear some points with one whose heart leaned toward me.” Hak Yeon looked at Jae Hwan right then, and the man blushed looking away.

“I agree.” He fast made his way to the team. “Taek Woon had the idea of us inspecting the houses for evidences. Hyuk will go with Bin, I’ll go with Ken, and Ravi will go with Leo.” Taek Woon almost jumped at it but he didn’t mutter a word, standing by Won Shik’s side. “Be careful and be ready.”

Taek Woon held on his guns, stepping behind Won Shik who inhaled loudly before facing him. “Let’s go this way.” Rushing, they got in a house, with a broken window, before stepping in the shadow. It was then when they noticed how familiar it was.

“The house…”Noticing his tone, Taek Woon caught himself in time. “It was unused for ages.” He noticed Won Shik getting in what was his bedroom, ten years ago, and followed suit, only to get his heart squeezed at the sight of the burned bed, walls, and closet.

“Yeah… Nobody got in here for ten years.” Won Shik’s tone was full of memories that flashed through Taek Woon’s mind like daggers. If whatever he reminded himself was clear, those were even clearer. Painful tears fell on his cheeks as he stood right in front of Won Shik. “What…” hugging the man, Taek Woon rested his head on his shoulder, only to feel the hug returned, and tight. “Taek Woon ah.”

“Just…” Taek Woon tightened his hold, closing his eyes. “Just shut up.” It made Won Shik chuckle, while his hands traveled in the other’s back. They stood there for a moment, before facing each other; their faces a few millimeters apart.

What came after that didn’t surprise them, but still startled them both. They kissed first chastely, stepping back in shock, before Won Shik would kiss him suddenly in a wild way. The kiss detonated bombs inside Taek Woon’s stomach as he kissed back, shivering in a raising pace. By the time he realized it, he was shivering badly, his back on the wall while Won Shik observed him with a warm and loving expression. “You are beautiful.” Taek Woon blushed, and looked away when Won Shik’s hands held his cheeks, pulling him closer in order to kiss his head. “So Beautiful.”

A sudden explosion made them both jump. Taek Woon instinctively hugged Won Shik, while the last pulled them out of the house. By the time they left, they noticed that the shadow covered half of the way. “Let’s go and check on the others.” 

As Won Shik ran first, Taek Woon acted like he was fixing his clothes only to caress his lips, and smiling at the burning feeling that lingered in them. He followed the smoke to find an injured Hyuk drinking blood from Hak Yeon’s arm, while Hong Bin and Jae Hwan were nowhere to be found. “What happened here?”

“Hong Bin landed on a bomb and sent Hyuk after us. Hong Bin was with it meanwhile.” He paused suddenly, tightly closing his eyes while Hyuk wiped his lips as he stood, ready to go. “I sent Jae Hwan to look after him. You should stop worrying.” Hyuk tried to hold it on, but ended up groaning loudly.

“I had to be there instead of him! I had to!” Hyuk ran his hands on his hair, while Taek Woon gave Hak Yeon a curious glance. “If he only allowed me, I could stop the bomb. But no! He had to act like an and kick me out”. It froze the blood in Taek Woon’s veins as he looked at the smoke.

“He didn’t want you to get killed.” Taek Woon looked down to his shaking hands. “He didn’t care if he can get killed, so he pushed you out.” Hyuk looked at him, shock and pain written in his face before rushing inside, ignoring Hak Yeon’s calls.

“I’ll try to find the others.” Stopping Taek Woon from getting in, Hak Yeon rushed in, leaving the couple behind. “You better stay and get our back in case.” Taek Woon slowly made his way to a corner, worriedly examinating the area, when he noticed Won Shik’s eyes on him.

It made him blush and look away while Won Shik, euphoric, tried to hold his heart from racing; he truly tried to focus on something else than the fact he kissed Taek Woon just few minutes ago. He sensed a movement and noticed Hong Bin getting out with Hyuk in his arms, with Jae Hwan and Hak Yeon following behind. Hong Bin was extremely injured but didn’t seem to care.  Meanwhile, Jae Hwan seemed sad and looked absent.

“The night is close, let’s get done with the mission already.” Hong Bin pointed out as he put a weak Hyuk down. “Stop moving. You need blood.” The man nodded and rested his back on the wall while closing his eyes, while Hong Bin faced the rest of the team. “They expected us to show up, this is sure. However, I found only three bombs in the building, which seemed a few compared to what they planted for us in the last attack, down the south woods.” Hak Yeon nodded while Taek Woon made his way to wipe the blood out of Hong Bin’s back injury. “I also found a vest that belongs to the south coven. I think it belongs to a head master.” It made Taek Woon freeze.

“That means only that they got a hold of the missions.” Taek Woon stated. “They won’t move the head masters hastily, because they know that every time they do, they expose themselves to an unnecessary danger.”

Hak Yeon nodded agreeing. “Yes, the head masters are extremely strong, agile, and fast. They will use any little chance to free themselves.” He looked up. “Yet, I know they didn’t free themselves. Our head master didn’t react to our absence yet.” Taek Woon looked around, frowning at it.

“What if it was a trap from the other head masters?” Taek Woon and Won Shik asked in the same moment, before looking at each other. They had a serious expression on, but Taek Woon could see a sparkle in the man’s eyes. He sighed before stepping closer to Hak Yeon, holding his arm. “Look, leader. I will definitely follow your orders but this smells so fishy, and we already got two injured members, so we have to get back home.” Hak Yeon nodded, patting on Taek Woon’s back.

“Let’s go indeed. Jae Hwan, hold on Hong Bin, I’ll handle Hyuk.” He ordered before looking at two others. “Get your weapons ready and clear the way for us.” Won Shik nodded before pulling two long sabers. Taek Woon starred in shock as it was the first time he ever saw the twins, the name given to Ravi’s famous sabers, so he curiously stepped closer.

“Standby.” Won Shik growled, before blushing as he ran away. Taek Woon took Hyuk guns and ran to Won Shik’s level. “I’ll take east; you take west.” Taek Woon nodded as he scanned the area, guns pointed and ready. To say he felt no fear was a lie but despite the panic in his insides, his confident expressionless face was gaining the admiration of his team members who observed him getting further ahead than any of them. Won Shik even dared to smile in pride, as he observed silently how a white buttoned shirt enhanced Taek Woon natural curves.  It made him blush even more, while Taek Woon felt a heat reaching his ears from bearing with Won Shik’s burning stare, added to it the sensation of cold lips on his.

For an unknown reason, a wave butterflies rushed in his stomach as he looked at the man. It took him two seconds to notice a gun pointed behind. “WATCH OUT!”




















surpriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiise <3

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Chapter 20: Applause for you. A whole crowds applause for you. How did you even think this through, like what are you being fed gurl? Who would have thought Taekwoonie would be killed 4 times and would get revived in four different forms. Like are you even human to think of this? You're a genius, intellect. You deserve lots and lots of love for this work. This story must have made you suffered, even by a bit I guess? This was a hell of a ride. Full ups and downs and also left and rights. Unbelievable. You have no idea how much I screamed at this story and also screamed about how you should get an award for this story. This was just mindblowing. My words aren't even enough to describe this holy work. I hope you get lots of love and support. Thank you, thank you very much for writing this and presenting this to us. Thank you very much for your hardwork.
Chapter 18: Taekwoon died a fourth time. Wonshik is also a Phoenix now? You really deserve a lot
Chapter 16: Leo. Taekwoon. He died three times. Seriously, you deserve 10 years worth of award for this book. No joke.
Chapter 13: Bill Watterson must have suffered alot in life..
Chapter 11: You're a ing genius
Chapter 9: Hakyeon like Leo? Or Ravi? Someone please clear me on this..
Chapter 8: Alright. Wonshik took the poison as well, maybe. And He's human. I'm can't even comment properly.
Chapter 7: So will he turn vampire again? Maybe the next time he dies? But then again he never does in his human form soooo....I'll read on
Chapter 6: Ma goshhhhh, finally they kissed, something that was supposed to happen sooner or later. And gunshots never mean anything good...
Chapter 5: Taekwoon has memories of the past? If he is, he's doing an excellent job in hiding it. Judging by Wonshik's behavior, there is this feeling in my tummy that Wonshik might mess up again.