First Broken Heart

Glowing in the dark.



After four years of living in the mansion, everybody got used to have Taek Woon around, even the new recruits; nobody could dare to put one foot in the renewed area of the mansion, anyway. Meanwhile, Taek Woon grew found of Won Shik in ways it scared him sometimes.

He had no friend despite how social he was at school, for more reasons than the fact he live with vampires. He couldn’t trust people enough. In fact, he couldn’t trust anyone except Won Shik. Won Shik was his world, his haven, and everything in between.

It happens for him to face an angry Won Shik, when the last fail a mission, but no matter how loud he yell at Taek Woon, the teen can’t get mad at him, probably because the vampire never went physical with him. Never.  “Leo.” He looked back to the kid behind him, an eighteen years old vampire named Sang Hyuk- the last member of Won Shik's team - who comes to help him from time to time with his homework. “Did you see Ravi?”

“I didn’t see Master today.” He never calls him by his name in front of people, and never master when they are alone. “Is there anything I should know? Did something happen?” the vampire’s expression was painted with worries.

“Nobody did see him since his last hunt yesterday night.” It made Taek Woon’s heart skip beats. The fear that reached his heart made him run and he didn’t know why though. He got in the office, breathless while five vampires stood in front of the head master as he had a frowning expression on.

“My master.” His voice was torn with fear as the men allowed him to step closer. “Please let me look after my master. I can do it! I can walk in the sun, I’ll find him.” Lee Jin Ki looked up, and the kid was about to cry at how helpless the man looked.

“He got missing in a very dangerous zone. We are still in war with those…” Taek Woon put his hands on his ears, refusing to listen as he started sobbing but he noticed that Jin Ki paused, waiting for him to calm down. “Ravi is the best killer in this coven, you shouldn’t worry.”

“He is my family! He is my only damn family! No one can tell me to not worry! I’ll find him.” Taek Woon’s tears doubled but his voice was painted in rage because nobody could understand him. “I don’t care if I get hurt, I don’t care if it is dangerous, I’ll go find him, and none of you can stop me.”

Hak Yeon stepped in and held Taek Woon’s shoulder before shaking him harshly. “Did you think of Ravi? Did you think of how worried your master will be if you go there?”

Taek Woon pushed him away. “I thought of it, and I did think well. If Master had to die there, I’ll go and die with him.” The kid ran out of the room, rushing to the weapon storage. He picked daggers, bombs, and two light guns with four reloads.

“You should rethink of it, son.” Hak Yeon’s voice was full of sympathy but Taek Woon just ignored it. “I know you are worried but it may not be what we think. He may come back by the sun set, since he can’t walk in the sun.”

Taek Woon thought it was possible, but he won’t wait ten hours in order to find out. “If it is the case then there is no issues with me fetching him up.” He was about to leave the room when Hak Yeon held him.

“At least wait until we go with you.” Taek Woon looked up in surprise. It was eight am, and sunny outside, which meant only that they will risk their lives for it. “We can’t risk losing you too.” Taek Woon looked down to his feet, nodding. He got in, putting down his guns and picking bigger ones, which surprised Hak Yeon who said nothing, while few people got in to arm themselves. “We are ready.” They went to the garage, picking a black van, with painted glass that Hak Yeon drove without much hassle. They parked in a side of the woods, when Taek Woon stopped them.

“Stay here.” He stepped out, like he observed Won Shik doing, before taking flowers he rubbed is clothes with, he kept rubbing while pointing his gun ahead. He knew that Won Shik wouldn’t stay exposed so he went further, looking around for the man. “Won Shik!” He called as he stepped further. He sensed some movement and by instinct pointed opposite side, like Won Shik used to do whenever they practice outside. He shoot aimlessly only drop a man down. “WON SHIK!” he ran screaming the man’s name in horror, he could feel people running behind him so he threw three bombs in order to scare them away.

“Taek!” a weak call froze him, as he looked around, pointing his guns with shaking hands. “Taek.” He stepped slowly toward wherever the voice came from. “Taek.”

“Won Shik! Where are you?” he called, sobbingly. “Please, Won Shik! Tell me where you are.” He felt so scared and losing hope on leaving the place in one piece. He felt eyes on him, many pair of eyes, but he could see nothing.

“Taek.” He looked back, to notice an injured man standing behind him. Won Shik had his face, hair, half of his body burned but Taek Woon could recognize him anywhere, anyhow. “Taek…”

“Won Shik? WON SHIK!” he rushed to the man, taking off his clothes to cover the man up. “Hold on, please." He looked up and around before throwing a bomb up their head, he made a way of sun to the van where a restless Hak Yeon stood with a deep frown. The men took the injured one in the back while Hak Yeon slapped Taek Woon in the face.

“You flew without waiting for us in an area infested with killers. What were you thinking? Did you think of us, worring for you? We tried to find you but no, you had to throw bombs and condemn the area in heavy smoke.  No way to smell you, to see you or sense you.” The man was yelling, anger written in his face. “This is not a way to save someone, young man, and it is the last time I’ll let you do whatever you want. Do you hear me?”

“Yes, sir.” Taek Woon simply answered, tears of relief falling heavily in his cheek when arms wrapped him and he gasped in shock.

“Never do this to me, again. Never.” Hak Yeon’s worried tone made Taek Woon chuckle. “It’s not funny.”

He hugged the vampire shortly before looking up. “Thank you for worrying for me.” It made the vampire roll his eyes, holding himself from smiling, as he pushed the teen to get in. They drove the fastest they could only to reach the garage with Won Shik’s situation worsening.

“His situation is getting worse. Take him to the nursery. Hurry!” As the others took Won Shik, Taek Woon was about to follow when Hak Yeon held him. “Go to your room and prepare the bed for Ravi, he will need to stay in bed for a while.” Taek Woon nodded and rushed to his room that he cleaned, fixing the bed the vampire never touched. For some reasons, Won Shik preferred sleeping in a sitting position, facing Taek Woon’s bed.

He didn’t know when he did sleep but when he woke up, Won Shik was standing by the window, looking at the heavy night with a packed bag next to him. “Won Shik.” Taek Woon rushed to the vampire in order to hug him but the last just pushed him away harshly. It froze Taek Woon’s blood as he looked at up to the man before him. “Won Shik.”

“Follow me.” Picking the bag, Won Shik stepped out of room, leaving behind a shaking Taek Woon. The last followed suit to the head master office where the leaders were reunited. “I’ve called him as you wished.”

The expression Jin Ki gave Won Shik was filled with sympathy, understanding, and it made the kid feel bombs exploding inside.

“Your foolishness not only did put your life in danger, but your master and his teammate as well.” The voice used was icy and Taek Woon took a second to notice it was meant for him. His whole body shook in fear as he tried to hold on Won Shik’s hand. The vampire stepped ahead. “Leo.” Taek Woon flinched at his surname, a surname given by the headmaster to cover his identity in the coven. “You are more a burden than anything else. He may be your master but I’m the head master of this coven, and its members’ safety is my priority.”

“I…” the teen’s voice broke before he could say anything.

“I made my decision, after thinking merely about it.” Taek Woon shook his head, begging silently the vampires who were watching in silence to help him out. “Your place is not between us.” It broke Jin Ki’s heart to look at the kid shake his head so violently. “I assured your safety in the family of a friend of mine. Your papers will be ready in few days, as a son of his.”

“NO! I won’t go!” he held on Won Shik’s shirt. “Please! I won’t do it again! Please! I beg you, please.” The vampire pushed him away and Taek Woon looked up. “You promised.”

“As I promised my team to protect them.” Taek Woon froze at the cold tone, as Won Shik pushed him away harshly. “You made them exposed to the enemies, and the sun. I am so revolted I had such danger in my own room.”

It did break the teen’s heart in tiny pieces, shattering his soul. “But…” Taek Woon was suddenly harshly shoved away.

Won Shik gave him one last glance. “I don’t want you in my sight anymore.” He looked at the sad looking headmaster. “If you excuse me, I’ll go practice with my team members.” Won Shik left without a word but as soon as he managed to, he ran back to the room, burying his face in the pillow, inhaling Taek Woon’s scent as heavy tears fell. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Taek Woon was led by Hak Yeon to the car, that promised to drive him safely home.  He observed how the teen just shed tears in pure silence. “Leo.” As the kid didn’t move, Hak Yeon sighed deeply. “Taek Woon ah” The kid looked up. “You didn’t do anything wrong, believe me.” The kid just scoffed and bowed to the man in the car before getting in, ignoring Hak Yeon who helplessly stood there observing the car leaving.

“He is such an idiot.” Hak Yeon looked to his team member who spoke. “Why did he get himself so worked up because of us?”

Hak Yeon chuckled in amusement. “You are such an idiot, Jae Hwannie.” He looked back to the mansion. “He did it to save him.”

Taek Woon didn’t say a word, as he left the car with dry cheeks. He didn’t say a word either when the family welcomed him. “He is so cute. Na Yeong! Come and see your oppa!” The woman said as she caressed his face. A little kid showed up before hiding behind her mother. “Taek Woon ah, this is your sister, Na Yeong. She’s ten.” It snapped something in Taek Woon’s mind, reminding him of the first time he met Won Shik. Who can forget that? “Go say hi to oppa.” The kid showed up, holding a teddy bear.

“Hi.” She shyly spoke and it made him smile a little, making the adult sigh in relief. “Do you like to play with me?” the teen didn’t say a word but still followed the girl. He sat there as she explained things but soon noticed that she leaned closer to dry tears he didn’t notice shedding. “Why is Oppa crying?”

She stood to bring a towel in which he buried his face, crying loudly. He felt a hand on his back patting slowly and softly. He could hear her singing a lullaby, yet it was Won Shik’s voice that echoed in his mind.

“I am so revolted I had such danger in my own room.”

“I don’t want you in my sight anymore.”

It did hurt beyond his thought; It did hurt so much he couldn’t control the ice that wrapped his heart. He couldn’t stop his heart from hating Won Shik for giving up on him, for misunderstanding him, for hurting him so badly and especially for kicking him out of the only home he had. As much he loved the vampire, he just couldn’t forgive him.

“Taek Woon ah.” He looked up, forcing a polite smile. “Dinner is served. Come Na Yeong. Let oppa wash himself first.”

“It’s ok.” Taek Woon took a tissue to clean his face before holding Na Yeong’s hand. “Let’s both wash our hands before eating.” He led her to the bathroom where he washed her hands, then his face and hands. He helped them out as if he was always part of the family, which pleased the adults obviously. “Will I move out from my school?”

“If you want so.” The man answered him with a smile, the kid nodded. “Then I’ll register you as soon as the Lee gives us your paper.” The kid just smiled at it and ate without a word. He noticed the girl’s eyes on him, but ignored it. He couldn’t explain it to a ten years old kid anyway.

“Do you want to change your name? Taek Woon suits you, but the Lee asked us to contact him if you wanted something.”

“No.” The kid spoke before standing. “If you excuse me, I’ll unpack before sleeping.” He left the table without waiting for an answer, followed by the ten years old kid, while Won Shik showed up by the man’s side.

“He’s deeply hurt.” The man said as he looked up. “Are you sure you did the right thing?” Won Shik just sighed, and nodded. The man observed the space where Taek Woon just was, inhaling his still fresh scent. “Ravi…”

“Just…” he held the man’s shoulder, taken by an urge to cry. “Make sure he is happy.” He left without waiting for an answer while the couple sighed helplessly, looking at each other. Won Shik stood just under Taek Woon’s window, hearing the voice of a girl singing. He could sense Taek Woon’s presence close to him but the distance was still big, urging him to get even closer. Yet, he knew better. The closer he get to the person his heart fell for, the closet the kid is close to pain.

“I’m sorry for breaking your heart, my love.”  

I was too depressed yet not sad enough to pull the emotion out of the words.

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Chapter 20: Applause for you. A whole crowds applause for you. How did you even think this through, like what are you being fed gurl? Who would have thought Taekwoonie would be killed 4 times and would get revived in four different forms. Like are you even human to think of this? You're a genius, intellect. You deserve lots and lots of love for this work. This story must have made you suffered, even by a bit I guess? This was a hell of a ride. Full ups and downs and also left and rights. Unbelievable. You have no idea how much I screamed at this story and also screamed about how you should get an award for this story. This was just mindblowing. My words aren't even enough to describe this holy work. I hope you get lots of love and support. Thank you, thank you very much for writing this and presenting this to us. Thank you very much for your hardwork.
Chapter 18: Taekwoon died a fourth time. Wonshik is also a Phoenix now? You really deserve a lot
Chapter 16: Leo. Taekwoon. He died three times. Seriously, you deserve 10 years worth of award for this book. No joke.
Chapter 13: Bill Watterson must have suffered alot in life..
Chapter 11: You're a ing genius
Chapter 9: Hakyeon like Leo? Or Ravi? Someone please clear me on this..
Chapter 8: Alright. Wonshik took the poison as well, maybe. And He's human. I'm can't even comment properly.
Chapter 7: So will he turn vampire again? Maybe the next time he dies? But then again he never does in his human form soooo....I'll read on
Chapter 6: Ma goshhhhh, finally they kissed, something that was supposed to happen sooner or later. And gunshots never mean anything good...
Chapter 5: Taekwoon has memories of the past? If he is, he's doing an excellent job in hiding it. Judging by Wonshik's behavior, there is this feeling in my tummy that Wonshik might mess up again.