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26th Febuary.

Its a middle of Feb already, I still didn't send "lots of love messeges" to my EXO, yeay my EXO XD haha. Buut just for a while I liked them then I will dissapear in this worlds.

I still remember what Dr.Daehyun said to me when I  went to my appointment for the past three weeks. 


" Your brain getting worst AhRi, your  antibiotic is very low , I hope you stay strong for your-- " 

" Doc I know iam going  to die soon, you dont have arrange my appointment anymore, Iam giving up for my life  " 


"  But AhRi, you still young, dont giving up to easily--"

" Iam going home now doc,, bye "


I keep staring at my diary, its full of my journey include about my bias, Park Chanyeol. When can I meet you Chanyeol-ah ? 

I went to my mini lamp table near my bed to take my medicine. After finish eating my medicine, I sat while thinking about my  life when Iam gone soon.


Chanyeol POV

" Chanyeol-ah " 

I quickly open my eyes when I hear someone calling my name in the middle of the night. Its weird.

I went up and went to window near my bed. 

" Why do I feel someone calling my name? Her voice is --"


Are you crazy Park Chanyeol? Mybe  ghost. 

I ruffling my hair then went to my bed and continue my sleep. 


                                      ❤ Author notes ❤


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latty123 #1
Chapter 5: cute story! hehe check out my story too its called high school love on thank you :D
Chapter 5: Ah ri should left a mee sage to yeolie.
Chapter 4: Does chanyeol can hear ahri had been calling for him.??? I hope ahri won't give up her life easily. She have to survive and not to give up her life easily
Chapter 4: Does chanyeol can hear ahri had been calling for him.??? I hope ahri won't give up her life easily. She have to survive and not to give up her life easily
Chapter 3: Oh my gosh ah ri has nose bleeding. Poor her.
Hayjineighty8 #6
Chapter 2: Oo.... I think ilove your story already, but it very short pls update soon lov u~
Chapter 2: I feel pity for ahri
kaylajua #8
At cu bi ki Ni
Chapter 1: Pity her but I hope she won't died