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Song Ah Ri


Today iam going to oppointment at Royal Liverpool University Hospital. Now iam with my parent. 


While waiting for my turn, we sat near to the caunter. My mom still hold my hands. 


" I loved you AhRi-ah " my mom said while kiss my forehead. Same as dad. I just smiled to them. I dont know what to said actually. When I first hear from Dr.Daehyun that I got Leukemia, my world stoop. I stop being like me. I being a quiet person now. 


" Mom dad, iam going to the toilet first, if my name have been called, just see me at toilet ". 


I rush to the toilet. I look at myself at the mirror of toilet. I looked pale as vampires. Iam getting thinner. My eyes like panda eyes. 




I wash my hands then my face. I looked again my face. I tired to smile but it hurt. It hurt to see when my face look pale as vampires and then smile (?)


I take my cute towel at my mini beg to clean my face,


And suddenly..




My nose it bleeding. 


I open the water tap again to wash my nose, and quickly stop the blood from bleeding. 




" AhRi, are you still there ? It your turn now dear " my mom said while i saw her shadow from reflaction of the mirror. I quickly put all my things to my mini beg.


" Iam here mom. " 


Then I saw her smiling, but I ca

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latty123 #1
Chapter 5: cute story! hehe check out my story too its called high school love on thank you :D
Chapter 5: Ah ri should left a mee sage to yeolie.
Chapter 4: Does chanyeol can hear ahri had been calling for him.??? I hope ahri won't give up her life easily. She have to survive and not to give up her life easily
Chapter 4: Does chanyeol can hear ahri had been calling for him.??? I hope ahri won't give up her life easily. She have to survive and not to give up her life easily
Chapter 3: Oh my gosh ah ri has nose bleeding. Poor her.
Hayjineighty8 #6
Chapter 2: Oo.... I think ilove your story already, but it very short pls update soon lov u~
Chapter 2: I feel pity for ahri
kaylajua #8
At cu bi ki Ni
Chapter 1: Pity her but I hope she won't died