[Wonwoo/Angst] Heart Attack

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Heart Attack

Nam Joohyun.

When she was last conscious, the only thing she heard was her name.

Nam Joohyun.

Strange, that voice felt really familiar. Who's was it again? The voice of the boy that had called out to her seemed to hold a place in her heart, yet she couldn't lay her finger on it. Does it even matter though? I must be in heaven. Or hell? It's but a sea of black.

And despair.

Thinking about it, Joohyun slowly recalled the last moments of her consciousness. She remembered that she was sitting in a cafe one moment and the next, she was running out of it like no one's business. Why? However hard she pressed herself to remember, Joohyun's mind remained blank and the only thing reacting was her aching heart.

Ah, whatever. Memories are not for the dead anyways. Joohyun continued walking towards the light at the end of the tunnel. As soon as I step in, I'm probably gone from the world for good...


Joohyun had taken a step into the bright light and when she opened her eyes which she closed to shield from the bright proximity, she found herself in a room. "Doctor! She's awake!" The voice was frantic and was filled with desperation. Joohyun shifted her gaze slowly to his skinny frame. He had a bout of dishevelled hair, and perspiration was dripping from the side of his well-defined jawline.

"Joohyun-ah! Are you okay?" She frowned slightly and looked at him again, as though unsure who he was.

"Wonwoo?" He was still so beautiful even in her misty sight. Joohyun reached out slowly, cupping his cheek with her left hand. Ah, the warmth sure was soothing...

Jeon Wonwoo stood there, frozen in place. Had she forgotten they they had broken up? Was it right to even be here for her, much less worry for her? Those worries of his would cause trouble, lead her on, give her hope.

Wonwoo didn't feel the spark they once had anymore.

However, feeling Joohyun’s warmth left Wonwoo with a dull ache in his chest.

Joohyun looke at him in curiousity, wondering what he had in his mind. "Wonwoo, what's wrong?"

“I shouldn’t even be here, I should go,” Wonwoo reasoned mostly to himself in an inaudible whisper. Despite saying that, the same compelling urge that had gotten him here was now telling him to stay with her, take care of her. “Oppa, what's wrong? Tell me?” Joohyun asked, voice laced with worry. Why was he acting this way? Did something happen? She frowned for the nth time, going through her mind once again, looking to see if she missed out something.

Let's break up.

Ah. Joohyun gulped as she hesitantly removed her hand from his cheek.

Please don't leave me Wonwoo. Joohyun's voice rang loudly in her head. Please don't go. Wonwoo, I love you. Why are you breaking up with me? Why?

Wonwoo noticed the hurt in her eyes as he looked away, feeling awkward and ashamed.

Tell me what I did wrong Wonwoo, I can change. Wonwoo found himself taking a seat near her bed and took an apple from the fruit basket that Seungcheol had brought over earlier, eyes glued to the floor. He wasn’t ready to face Joohyun. The room was empty except for the doctor who had checked Joohyun's vital signs and who was about to take her leave.

“Wonwoo-oppa,” Joohyun fell silent as she felt her cheeks heat up. Neither spoke for what felt like an eternity and an almost vacuum of silence had filled its void, leaving only the scraping sounds of peeling an apple heard.

“Wonwoo, I still love you.”  Wonwoo’s eyes travelled from his hands and lingered on Joohyun’s limp body. Seeing her leg in a cast, suspended and her head wrapped up in a blood-soaked band aid, Wonwoo’s jaw unconsciously tightened. 

“Joohyun, here,” Wonwoo croaked as he handed her a nicely cut and peeled apple. Joohyun’s eyes fell.

"Are you ignoring me?"

Even so, she took the plate from him, indulging in the first piece and the kind moment. So, Wonwoo remembers that I like my apples peeled. She chuckled bitterly.

Wonwoo shifted in his chair as he mustered up the gaze to look at her. Running away was just so foolish.

“I loved everything about you, from your soft brown eyes to your long silky hair. I adored your cute little sneeze and your freckled smile. But most of all I loved how you never gave up trying to approach me, despite the numerous times I pushed you away,” Wonwoo paused.

“Loved?” Tears welled up in Joohyun’s eyes. Wonwoo pursed his lips guiltily as his gaze dropped to the floor.

"Sorry." Joohyun wiped the tears away with the sleeve of her hospital robe. Trying to put up a brave front, she stared straight into Jeon Wonwoo's eyes.

"I won't give up on you. You love my tenacity right? I'm going to show it to you." Joohyun laughed nervously as a tear escaped her right eye. 

Jeon Wonwoo, I'm chasing you to the ends of the earth if I have to.



Two months passed and everyday, Wonwoo was dragged to the hospital by an annoying Choi Seungcheol. Sometimes, Wonwoo got really angry at him. But really, it was just his own conscience pricking at him. Wonwoo always felt that Joohyun got hurt because of him. Seeing her in her bandages hurt him even more.

In these two months, Wonwoo did his best to do whatever she needed. If her wounds would heal more quickly, so be it. But what of her mental scars? Would she give up on him, knowing that in every passing day, what she was trying to do to gain him back was just wasting her time? In the first month, Wonwoo struggled with these thoughts and Joohyun actually did contemplate letting him go. Neither one said anything though.

In the second month, he became more comfortable in Joohyun's presence. It was like a routine. He would visit Joohyun in her ward, and then go home afterwards, praying and dreaming that she was once well again.

"Yah, Wonwoo."


"Oppa, please go to my house and bring me my favourite ring."

"Huh? Yah! Joohyun, your house is a 1-hour travelling distance from here," Wonwoo complained as he looked up from his phone.

"I don't care. I want it now!" Joohyun pouted and prodded him further, "Aren't you suppose to take care of a sick patient?" To this, Wonwoo just clicked his tongue and came back to the ward 2 hours later.

"Gomawo, oppa!" Joohyun singsanged as she pretended not to see the blank look on Wonwoo's face as he opened his palm and gave her the ring, "Did you ask my mom for the ring? You probably couldn't find it right, this ring. The anniversary ring you gave me," Joohyun said cutely as she put the ring on her ring finger.

"Remember you told me that you wished we would be together forever when you gave this to me? Jeon Wonwoo, I'm going to make that happen." She said with a hint of a smirk, "Do you believe me? Yah, Wonwoo! Are you listening!" She pouted and beckoned a stunned Wonwoo to come closer. He walked forward aimlessly and Joohyun pulled him towards her.


Warmth creeped up his cheeks as he felt a chaste kiss pressed to them.

That day, he went home blushing like mad, repetitively telling himself that he was not suppose to feel anything.

So much for lying to himself when his heart was beating uncontrollably.

As these two months passed, that day came. it was time to remove her cast and seeing her cast taken off felt like a load was off Wonwoo's chest. Now, only a few more testings and another day of good rest, Joohyun was good to go. Joohyun wasn't sure whether to feel sad or happy that she was getting discharged. Sure, the dumb heavy thing on her leg was definitely gone for good but, the only reason why Wonwoo ever came here was because he felt guilty about the accident.

It frustrated Joohyun to know that she might never get to see Wonwoo again. Lest go on a date with him.

Speaking of the devil, Wonwoo had arrived and yeah, he did hear the news of her discharge.

"Hey, heard you are getting discharged, hope you are happy, because coming here everyday is tiring," Wonwoo joked. He stopped laughing as he saw Joohyun with a hurt expression on her face.

"You must be happy," Joohyun mumbled and glared at him. He remained silent.

"Because I'm not! After this, you aren't going to come see me anymore. If it was like that, Wonwoo, I'd rather be in the hospital forever. Because that's how much I love you. The you who loved me." Joohyun couldn't help the tears that fell from her eyes. Wonwoo couldn't help but feel a strain in his heart. A nagging feeling at the back of his head, telling him that he actually felt the same. Letting go of his stubbornness for once, he complied to the rash actions of his feelings, rather than thinking it through with his mind.

Wonwoo sat down on the edge of Joohyun’s bed, causing her to shrink to the other side, away from him. Gently, Wonwoo brushed away the tears that had fallen on Joohyun’s face. She flinched, unsure of what was happening. Wonwoo...? She missed his light touches.

Wonwoo laughed as he saw her blur look, and said “Along the way I fell out of love but then I realized, I fell in love with you yet again on the same road," before diving in for a kiss on her lips.



Yeah! So that was the first request and hoped you like it! Sorry because I can't really write angst. If you liked it, give it an upvote and feel free to drop constructive criticism. Thank you for requesting!

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Happy new year!


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good lord hansol is just so adorable and when he confessed then storm out i die at that instant omg

thank you for spending ur time writing this. and happy new year! ♡
I have a request XD

1. Yoon Aegin
2. Jeon Wonwoo
3. When an actor Wonwoo tell Aegin, his new assistant, to help him practice for the next scene, a kissing scene.
4. Good ending
5. Romance

Thank you <3
Hi! :D
May I request?

1) Bae Yoobin
2) Joshua
3) Yoobin has been having a crush towards Joshua, but never has the courage to confess. In the other hand, we found out that Joshua too, has a feeling towards Yoobin (but she doesn't know it) and has been being her secret admirer (by taking her photos secretly) and help her secretly
4) good ending
5) fluff, romance

Really hope you granted my request and make a story from it :D
Thank you in advance~~~
Dark_Star #4

1)Kim Joon Ah
3)When Joon Ah want to buy medicine because she is sick but no clinic is open on 25th December. So she went to the park to release tension and then bump into Mingyu, who is a doctor.
4) good ending
5) romance
Dark_Star #5

1)Kim Joon Ah
3)When Joon Ah want to buy medicine because she is sick but no clinic is open on 25th December. So she went to the park to release tension and then bump into Mingyu, who is a doctor.
Nakamoto_Yusuki #6
1)Kim Yuki
3)When Yuki had been rejected by her senior. Her brother was worried about her so he forced her to go to blind date.. and then she meet her senior.
4) good ending
Nakamoto_Yusuki #7
I want to request!
Chapter 23: hi im still at aff xD

1) Kim Sooyeon
2) Hoshi
3)When Sooyeon decided to go to blind date and Hoshi teach her how to date(?) but at the end she decides no to go.
4) good ending
5) fluff, romance