
Memories Of You

Yoongi wake up and the first thing he does is stretching. His head is twitching and it hurt so bad. "I hate hangover." He murmurs as he get up from the bed. Yoongi notice there's someone who sleeping besides him. He then smirks just thinking about what they did last night - it was good and they keep doing it until both of them run out of energy. Yoongi reach out to his wallet and take out some money before throwing it to the stranger that still sleeping. He left the house after taking a short shower. 

Yoongi's life has been like this for 2 years. It all begun when the girl that he loves the most left him like a stray dog - and it's not his mum. It's a girl that manage to captured his heart and make him go wild. At first when the girl left he firmly believe that she will return. But day after day the hope for her to return start to break and at the end Yoongi knows that she will never come back. The pain from being left make him change from the kind-hearted and obedient child to someone that always hurt other's feeling and insolent son. Everyday he will go out and wasted the money that his parents gave. Yet his parents still love him and didn't even scold him. They know that one day he will turn to his old self back and they will keep supporting him despite what he does.

Yoongi reach him home with a help from his friend. He still feel dizzy and the feeling of wanting to puke keep coming. As soon as he come inside his house, he lays on his couch with his right arm on his head. The house looks gloomy and messy - Yoongi didn't have time to clean his house and even if he has, he will spend the time resting or playing games. After a minutes he finally dozes off. Four hours passed by and there's still no sign for Yoongi to wake up. Suddenly a cold wind can be feel but of course he doesn't sense it a first. But the wind keep getting colder and Yoongi who can't stand cold quickly wake up and groans. "Where the hell that wind come from?!" He remembers that he don't even touch the window - he just let it shut tightly. Not wanting to think about it more, he rise up from the couch and make his way to the bathroom.

Yoongi wash his face and brush his teeth and then move to the kitchen to find some food. ". No food!" He slams the refrigerator roughly. Yoongi sits down and at that point he notices a figure from the corner of his eyes. "Who the are you?!" He turn to see the person and standing 10 cm from him is a girl wearing a white gown with a bit of pinkish color. Their eyes meet and deep inside Yoongi won't deny that the girl has a very beautiful eyes - the sparkle that come from her big brown eyes is really charming. "Hello." The girl smile showing her white teeth. "Don't ing hello me!" Yoongi stands up. "Who the hell are you?! And how did you COME inside?! Are you a THIEF?!!" "Whoa whoa.. chill." She pouts. "I'm not a thief. You don't need to know my identity or how I come inside." " no! This is my house! I deserve to know it!" He yells. "Okay. God! You don't have to yell." She start to walk towards him. "Actually I'm a.." She pause for a seconds. "A..." "A what?!" Yoongi starts to lose his temper. "A person!" She stop right in front of him and giggle. "The hell.." Yoongi's hand curls into a fist. Just as he about to hit her his phone ring.  

He pick up his phone. "WHAT?!" He sounds mad but then Yoongi look he has calm down and keep nodding. The girl who is bored cause the conversation is taking around 7 minutes wander around the house. "Okay thanks." Yoongi puts his phone away. "Now back to you." Yoongi look to where the girl at. "What the hell.."


Finally! Done with the first chapter! Hope you guys like it..

Sorry for grammatical mistake 

Enjoy (?) 



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