Chapter 4 - Misson

Hello Baby EXO

First, the others hadn't understand what Yixing was talking about. That was until they looked around for the baby but couldn't find her.


“Look!” Sehun rushed forward and picked up a grey wolf from the corner of the room. He had seen it in the mirror when he looked around for his new – and only - daughter.


“Where is she?” Yifan asked the staff. The director smiled before mention to the evelopes.


“You find the second misson in the evelopes” he said, making some of them pout. But it didn't take long before they opened the evelopes and pulled out 24 pussle bites – two in each evelope. They didn't even need to ask what they needed to do and started pussling. It wasn't the hardest pussle but it took a while now then they didn't knew how it should look.


“This should go here.”


“That's a corner Chanyeol!”


“Then do it better youself!”


“Can you two help out!?” Yifan shouted and Chanyeol and Jongdae went quiet and back to the task.




They were done half an hour later and now a big picture of a house was laying on the floor. A four years old girl with blonde hair and a wolf in one hand was standing in the door.


“Looks like we found Emmy” Minseok said and the others hummend in respons.


“Where is this house then?” Joonmyung asked but got no answer.


“Is there more missions?” Yifan wondered, still no answer. While they were talking, Jongin had looked closer at the pussle. He smiled down at the picture of Emmy before looking close to the house. It was a two story house with a small garden around. There was also a small mailbox with an adress... An adress!


“Guys! Look!” He shouted and pointed at it. The others looked closer and soon realized what he was talking about.


“Jongin, you're a genius!” Luhan shouted.


“I know” he answered with a smirk, making the others roll their eyes. Joonmyung wrote the adress down on a paper before turning to the staff.


“This is the right adress right?” The director didn't answer and just gave them a small smile.


“I guess we have to find out” Yifan muttered before they all left the practice room.




They all met outside the builing an hour later. Now they were all changed and showered from practice and was no longer running around in sweaty clothes (even thought they hadn't even been able to start practice before Emmy came). They all climbed into the two cars they used before speeding away to the adress.


“This can't be the right place!” Baekhyun voices everyone's thought. The managers drove them to a big park and dropped the idols off before driving away again.


“They left us here!” Zitao shouted in disbelife. Sure, the staff from Hello Baby was there, but they were still alone!


“To be able to get the next clue, you need to find eight different things or spots in this park which children likes. You will go in pairs and take pictures of the things you find. Each couple will take two picutes each and there can't be two pictures of the same thing. Can you choose pair youself?” The director asked while a staff pulled up a box with six cameras.


“Let's go hyung!” Sehun said and grabbed a camera in one hand and Luhan wrist in the other before leaving.


“But I...” He trailed off while lookin at Minseok who laughed at them before taking off with Jongdae. Lay and Tao got a camera each before leaving with Joonmyung and Yifan trailing behind. Kyungsoo looked shocked after them before looking at the three people remaining.


“You got to be kidding me” he muttered and glared at Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Jongin who all grinned at him. Kyungsoo ignored them all while taking a camera and leaving.


“Bye guys” Jongin said before hurrying after him.



“What do you think about that one?”


“I don't know Yixing, it's a flower” Joonmyeong said with a sigh. This was a lot harder than they though. The two of them had teamed up with Kris and Tao for a while but had soon partened ways. Now the other two were at the small playground, taking a picture of the swings. Luckly the six teams had walked in different directions, but were still close enough to keep an eye on each other. That way they cold make sure that they had atleast one picture that was different from the others. Some people would say that they were cheating. Joonmyeong would say that they secured the future of the program.


“But kids like flowers!” Yixing said and snapped a picture of the flower. Joonmyeong didn't say anything for he knew that the younger were right.




“The tree!” Jongin exclaimed and Kyungsoo snapped the picture. It was their second one – the first being a dog – and they were just going to go back to the staff when they heard something that sounded like a sob. They frowned and looked around but couldn't see anything that could have done the sound.


“Was it only me who heard that?” Kyungsoo asked and Jongin shook his head. They were going to ignore it when they heard it again. This time they looked up. It the tree sat a small boy and clinged to a branch.


“Are you stuck?” Jongin asked and the boy nodded. Jongin turned to Kyungsoo who nodded before he turned back to the boy again.


“Do you think you can reach the branch under you?” he asked, but the boy shook his head. He were too scared to move. The two idols frowned again. There were no way they could get an ladder out here, and they could not reach the boy from the ground. There were only one way to solve this. Jongin walked up to the tree and grabbed one of the closest and thickest branches. And then he started climbing.


“Be careful Jongin!” Kyungsoo said, worried of his bandmate's saftey. Jongin ignored the older and were soon at the young boy.


“Hi there” he said and smiled at the child. The said child whimpered and hugged the branch tighter. It made Jongin frown. He needed to get the boy down qick. Both so they would be back before time's up and so the child would be able to get to his parents. So the dancer tried to coax the boy into letting go of the branch without much success.


Jongin let out a loud sigh and changed position. His leg were starting too lose blood. The movement made the branch he was sitting on creaked and for a second Jongin though it would break. But it didn't and soon the dancer were on his way down with the kid on his back.


“Kang Sung! Where are you?” The kid started to squirm and Jongin let him down on the ground. The boy, Kang Sung, gave him one last smile before rushing over to a couple not far away. He then turned and waved to Jongin and Kyungsoo who both waved back. Then they went back to the meetingplace.




Everyone got there on time even through Minseok and Jongdae needed to run to make it. Chanyeol and Baekhyun laughed and began teasing Chen, but Xiumin quickly shut them down with a glare. Sehun sighed and rolled his eyes at his hyungs. They didin't had the time for this. The maknae was holding Pan in his arms, wanting to be the hero of giving Emmy back her stuffed wolf.


“Shall we look at the pictures? Let's go in the order you came back, so lets start with Lay and Suho” the director said and the leader stepped forward with camera in hand and Yixing not far behind. Joonmyung showed first the picture of the flower before they showed a picture of a cloud. They had been out of ideas until they had seen some kids laying in the grass, talking about the different shapes in the clouds.


“Pass! Chanyeol and Baekhyun?” The two changed place with the first pair and proudly showed their pictures, a dog and a picture of the park as a whole. Pass. Then Kai and Kyungsoo stepped forward. Kai showed the picture of the tree, but then the picture of the dog came up. Chanyeol groaned and Baek pouted. That meant they only had four out of six possible.


“Kris and Tao.” The picture of the swing passed, and so did the picture of the slide. Even Luhan and Sehun passed with the picture of Pan and themselves, with the explenation of a kid both liking and needing their parents. Then it was time for the last couple. The first picture were also a picture of a flower, making them down to seven out of the eleven picture they had showed. That meant that they needed to get this last picture to get the next clue. But they were never able to show the last picture before the director interupted them.


“Sehun, why does you look so happy?” They all turned to the maknae who was smirking.

“Don't mind me, lets just finish this” he said innocently, making most of the members more worried than soothered, but they carried on. Minseok shruggered before he showed the last picture, a picture of the staff.


“Kids likes movies and shows, we though the staff could reprecent that” Jongdae explained. A beat, and then the director nodded.


“Pass!” They all cheered before turning to the staff for the next clue. Everyone exept Sehun who were looking close to Pan.


“I've already found the clue.”



End episode 2

A/N: What's this? An update? YES! I FINALLY UPDATED! This is not readtrough, and probably contains alot of mistakes, I will read it through, someday -.-" 

We will see when the next chapter comes... Life s with me, so yeah.... BUT DOES ANYONE KNOW WHY IT'S A WOLF NAMED PAN!? Give me your guesses and the first one guessing right will be able to come up with an name to an episode :) So the person could choose what to happen in two of the chapters ;)

I hope you liked this chapter :)

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iheart4ever #1
Chapter 5: luv this story so much...can u please update soon?? I wanna know what's going to happen next...

anyway, fighting!!
exo-lkai88 #2
Chapter 4: Such an awesome story!!! Love it!!!
Chapter 2: ITS SOOO CUTE!!!!!!!! GAHHH I LOVE YOU!!! <3333