Spilt Coffe (4 Days Until Christmas)

Spilt Coffee (Hoseok x You)

Being out in the cold for any extended period of time leaves a deep chill in your bones that isn’t easily displaced. Luckily, the warmth of the café that you and the others are settled in is doing a fine job of evicting the ice from your veins.

It had been an interesting experience, ice skating with your boyfriend’s group. The boys are a handful individually and putting all seven of them together was exactly the train wreck you had expected. But at least it was fun.

The table you all sit at is divided into three groups: those who are bitter over losing the impromptu ice hockey game, those who are bragging about winning said game, and those who are indifferent. You fall into the last category while your boyfriend, Hoseok, falls into the second.

You always try to remain neutral in these types of situations, but you can’t help the giggle that escapes your lips when Yoongi begins to give a play by play of the winning shot. The normally passive member is animated, grinning and using sweeping hand movements to add emphasis to his fantastic tale of how Taehyung had slipped at the last second, allowing a happy Yoongi to make the winning goal. Tae is just glaring at Yoongi across the table which only serves to make you laugh harder.

You are focused on Yoongi’s story, not paying much attention to the man beside you, but soon you feel eyes on your face and you look over to catch Hoseok watching you.

“What is it?” You ask, your voice nearly getting lost in the fray as Yoongi had just reached a controversial point of the story that apparently sparked a heated debate over whether or not it had been Jungkook’s fault that Taehyung tripped.

“Oh, nothing. You’re just cute when you laugh.” Hoseok replies easily. He is too smooth with his compliments and it always leaves you with warm cheeks.

“Hoseok.” You whine, slightly embarrassed despite the fact that no one is paying attention to the two of you in your little corner of the booth.

Your boyfriend just laughs at your tone and pulls you closer to his side with the arm that he has slung around your shoulders. You relax into the warmth he provides and reach for your mug to take another sip of your drink, but just before the smooth ceramic mug can reach your lips, you are jostled by Jungkook’s elbow on your other side and you lose your grip on the beverage.
It is almost as if it happens in slow motion. You see the liquid slosh around before it escapes the mug completely and soaks you from your stomach to your lap.

“!” You yelp when you feel the scalding liquid reach your skin through your clothing. The heated debate is suddenly silent as everyone turns to see the source of your exclamation, but the silence is quickly replaced by shouts for napkins and admonitions directed at the maknae culprit.

To his defense Jungkook is very apologetic, he practically spews apologies at you while shoving stacks upon stacks of napkins at you, but that doesn’t do much to ease your discomfort as the liquid starts to cool against your scalded skin leaving you shivering lightly.

It takes a minute for you to escape the booth, but once you are no longer trapped by the apologetic maknae you make a beeline for the bathroom with soaked napkins clinging pitifully to your attire and Hoseok on your heels.

To your slight surprise Hoseok follows you into the restroom and silently bends down to begin pulling the goopy napkins from your body.

“I appreciate the help, but I can probably handle this, Hoseok”

His eyes rise to meet yours but he doesn’t stop his hands, “Are you alright? Your drink was still hot.”

You smile softly at the concern in his eyes, but the smile disappears when his hands start to stray a little too far from the napkins. You smack his hand away with a laugh, “That’s not helpful, Hobi”

He just twists his face up into a ridiculous kissy face in response and laughs when you roll your eyes.

You turn away from him to face the mirror, sighing as you pick at the dripping hem of your ruined sweater. “This . Not only is this one of my favorite sweaters, but it’s like five degrees outside. I’m going to turn into an icicle!”

Dreadful thoughts of walking several blocks back to the car in the icy winter air run through your mind until they are interrupted by a hand bumping against your arm. You glance to the side and see that Hoseok is holding out his fleece lined hoodie.

“Just take off your sweater and wear this. That will be good enough until we get back to the car, right?” He says when you raise an eyebrow at the hoodie.

“Yeah that will work. Thanks.” You reply, taking the hoodie from his hands. You wait for a few seconds, staring at Hoseok expectantly, but apparently he doesn’t pick up on the hint. “Um…Hoseok…”


“Could you…I don’t know… turn around, leave,  or you know…not stare at me?” You return, a tinge of exasperation in your tone.

He draws back with exaggerated mock offense, “Why? It’s not like I haven’t seen you without a shirt before.”

You roll your eyes so hard they feel like they’re going to get stuck, “That’s not the point. It’s weird if you just blatantly stare at me. Now leave, you ert.” You say as you push him towards the door.

Once he is gone you quickly exchange your soaked sweater for his warm hoodie and exit the bathroom only to stop short when a hand shoots out in front of you. You come to a sudden stop on the tips of your toes and look up to see Hoseok holding a carry-out cup.

“What’s this?” You ask, taking the drink from his outstretched hand.

“A replacement drink courtesy of Jungkook. The others already left, but he wanted me to give this to you.” Hoseok replies, playing with the strings of your borrowed hoodie.

“Aw, Jungkook is such a sweetheart.” You muse before taking a small sip from the steaming cup. You smile pleasantly when you taste your favorite drink.

You don’t see Hoseok’s slight pout at your words, but you do feel his arm slip around your waist as he kisses your cheek and says in a cutesy voice, “But not as sweet as meeee!”

You laugh and lean against his side, not wanting to leave the warmth he and the café provide to face the snowy world outside “Right, definitely not as sweet as you."

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Chapter 1: AWWWWW so adorable~
pandacookie1213 #2
Chapter 1: sho cute :D
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