Chpater 5

My Teacher and I


Rachel's POV


The bell rang for the end of first period so I got up and put away my instrument and then headed for my second class. As I got closer I noticed Siwon going into the class. I pulled my bag closer to me and hurried to class. I reached class and sat down next to Serene who was getting out her assignment.


"How was music?" she asked.


"Fine, but I wish that we would learn a new song," I pulled out my assignment and placed it on my desk.


"Did Siwon ask who you wrote about?"


"Yes, but I didn't tell him."


The bell rang again signalling the start of class.


"Ok, I hope that everyone completed their assignment. So bring it up to the front of the class," Siwon said.


There were sounds of chairs scraping the floor as everyone got up to give the assignment. I walked up and handed the assignment and Siwon gave me a smile. I turned around and sat back down and waited for the lesson to start.


"Today we'll be having a work period. I'm going to give you a handout so use your books to get the answers. This will be marked so take it as an open book quiz."


There were a few protests and some people that were happy that there was an open book quiz. Personally I couldn't care; I just wished that we had an open book test for chemistry. I didn't study enough the night before.

 Siwon came around to hand out the papers. I started to notice some of the kids in class turn their head and look at Siwon and laugh. When he came back to the front of the class I looked at him to see what was funny. It was then I noticed that his buttons were done up wrong. He had missed a button so everything was ruffled up. I scribbled a note on my paper and then raised my hand.



Siwon’s POV


I was about to start reading the assignments when Rachel put her hand up.


"Yes, Rachel?"


"Sir, I don't understand this."


"Which question?"


"Do you just want me to come up?"




Everyone turned to look at her. Not only had she asked a question in class but she had also offered to come to the front of the class; two things she rarely did.


She came to the front of the class with her paper. She pointed at question one which had something scribbled under the part where her answer was.




I glanced down and noticed my shirt. No wonder the kids were laughing.


"I don't get question three," she said.


I explained the question just so that the other wouldn't suspect anything. Rachel then nodded her head and then went to sit down. I told the class that I would be right back and went to the bathroom and did my shirt up again. I came back to the class and sat down. I started to correct their assignments. Some of them were sad, some cute and some of them were funny. I decided to read Rachel's at home. I felt someone staring at me and looked up to see Rachel looking at me intently.


Rachel’s POV


Siwon came back to class with his shirt done up properly. He stared to read the papers which I guessed were the assignments. I tried to figure out if he was reading mine but at that moment he looked up and caught me looking. I just lowered my eyes and tried to concentrate on the paper in front of me. The bell for class to end finally rung and I ran out of the room as fast as I could before Siwon caught me. In the cafeteria I sat at our usual spot and waited for Serene.  She came in after a while and sat down in front of me.


"What was with the running?"


"I had to get out before Siwon caught me."


"Aww. Don't you want to spend time with him?"


"Not really. Hey can I stay at your house today?"


"Let me ask my mom." She got out her phone and was about to call when my phone vibrated. I opened it and saw that it was a text from Siwon.


"You're not going anywhere today. You are going to go straight home and wait for me."


“Who is it from?”


“Siwon. How does he know I want to go somewhere?” I looked up and saw him standing a couple of tables away from where we were. “What is he doing here?”


“Did you forget that he monitors the cafeteria on Fridays?”


I looked back at him and saw him smirking. I just turned around and put my head down and groaned.


The rest of the day went by quickly and Serene and I went to the subway together. We got onto the train and Serene said bye since she got off before me. Finally I reached my stop and took another bus which took me home. I decided to take the long way home.

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supergirl92 #1
@ Liqhtless <br />
I tried to spread it amoung the four and I think it is spread out so ya.
Liqhtless #2
Love it :D<br />
But are the main characters all four of them or Siwon & OC?