I'll Be Your Koi For Today

Help From Cupid

"Who the hell are you?" Taekwoon glared at the stranger as he raised his frying pan to go for another hit.

"Whoa, whoa, don't hit me!" the stranger pleaded, holding his head where Taekwoon had hit him. "No! Don't hit me! Please, I'm just here to help!"

Taekwoon continued his icy stare but lowered his frying pan. "Why would I believe you? You could be a murderer for all I know!"

"I'm not! I swear, I'm just here to help."

"Help?" Taekwoon furrowed his eyebrows. "Help with what?"

"I read your heart," the man blurted out. "You have a problem with... with someone. A problem regarding love. You like someone, don't you? You like... he's your best friend, isn't he? But you can't tell him because--"

"That's it, I'm calling the cops." Taekwoon growled, reaching for his phone. He was slightly freaked out. How did this man know about that? Taekwoon decided that the man was either a telepathic psycho of some sort, or just completely out of his mind.

Just as Taekwoon wrapped his fingers around his phone, the man began his pleading again. "No, no, no, trust me. I'm not a telepathic psycho--okay, maybe telepathic but I'm no psycho! Also, I am not out of my mind! I'm just a bit... free-spirited, is all. Anyway, don't call the police on me, please. I'm just here to help!"

"Tch, like I'd believe that." Taekwoon sneered at the man. He knew that if the man really was a murderer, he would probably be dead right now and the man wouldn't be staring at him with a bright pink shirt on as if he was about to die himself. But Taekwoon knew how messed up human brains could get and guessed that maybe this was just a trick. A sick, unbelievable trick.

Taekwoon was about to hit the man again in an attempt to knock him out before calling the police when the man let out a strangled cry. "I-I have proof!"


"Yes, proof!" the man repeated. "Proof that I'm only going to help you."

"How the hell are you going to--" Taekwoon was unable to finish his sentence as he watched with surprised eyes the unbelievable sight before him. The man had stood up abruptly, closing his eyes in concentration before a sudden burst of energy pulsated throughout the room and breath-taking wings sprouted from his back. Taekwoon stared, mouth agape, head throbbing even more so than before and vision slowly going blurry.

"Do you believe me...," the man began to say but gasped when Taekwoon's eyes suddenly rolled to the back of his head and he fell back in his bed, unconscious.


Taekwoon's eyes snapped open, groaning once the bright glare of the sun hit his eyes. It was morning already and he had no memory of even falling asleep. What even happened last night?

Last night. His head started hurting at the thought of last night. Did last night even happen? No, he thought. That's just impossible. There was no way that whatever last night was--whatever that man--no, thing was could be real. A random dude, creeping into his room with wings--oh, how crazy was his imagination last night! The things his mind made up sometimes scared him. He sighed. At least it wasn't real--

"Oh, great, you're awake!" a voice said. Startled, Taekwoon jumped as he turned to find the owner of the voice, only to be horrified and surprised to find the man from his "dream" carrying a tray of food and wearing a sparkling pink apron.

"Dream?" the man voiced out, as if reading Taekwoon's mind. "Oh, no, silly, I'm not from your dream. I'm as real as can be!"

Taekwoon could feel himself getting light-headed once again.

"Oh, no, no, no. Don't you dare faint on me now, Jung Taekwoon."

"H-how'd you find out my name?" Taekwoon managed to stammer out. The man quirked an eyebrow as if the answer was obvious.

"I'm a mind-and-heart-reading immortal from heaven," the man said in a 'duh' tone but then pointed at Taekwoon's desk where a pile of envelopes were stacked neatly. "And I also went through your mail."

"You went through my mail?!" Taekwoon exclaimed, feeling violated even though he knew there was probably nothing in his mail besides bills, bills, bills, maybe a magazine or two and even more bills.

"Yup. You're phone bill's there, aunt Eunhee is having a baby next week and your grandma says hello."

"They sent a letter?"

"Yep," the man said, putting the tray down on Taekwoon's nightstand before sitting down on the side of the bed. "They could've just sent an email but I like how they're so old-school." The man chuckled.

"Yeah, they're really--HOLD UP, YOU'RE NOT HUMAN." Taekwoon's eyes widened as if the realization had just hit him right at that moment. The man in front of him definitely wasn't human. He had wings, for goodness sake! But why was he here? And why was he in a sparkling pink apron?

The man chuckled. "Oh, finally, you noticed. I was afraid I had to show you my wings again."

"What are you, then?" Taekwoon asked, finally getting the courage to speak up. "And what are you doing here? What do you want from me? And what do you mean by 'help?' And what do you--"

"Whoa, whoa, calm down, Taekwoon-ssi!"

"How am I supposed to stay calm when THERE'S A FREAKING ANGEL OF SOME KIND IN MY ROOM?"

"Oh, honey, I'm no angel," the man laughed, completely unfazed by Taekwoon's outburst. "I'm flattered, really, but I am merely the real Angel's helper."


"Let's see, how do I explain this... I am a Koi."

"Koi... like the fish?"

"What the--no, not like the fish! Do I look like a fish to you?!"


"Don't answer that," the man cut Taekwoon off, knowing the insult that was about to roll off Taekwoon's tongue. "Anyway, let me finish. I am a Koi, a guardian of attraction and affection; an immortal helper of Cupid."

"But aren't koi fish--"

"Fish do not have wings."

"Then how are you a koi?"

"There are two different kinds of koi in the world, Taekwoon-ssi, and humans are only aware of the existence of one."

"And I'm guessing you're the fish?"


"Well, you certainly look like one."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN--EXCUSE YOU! My face is fabulous as hell!"

"Are you even allowed to say 'hell?'"

"Nope, but everyone says it anyway," the man said. "Anyway, we've gone off topic. Do you want me to explain why I'm here or not?"

"Go ahead."

"Well, as I've mentioned before, I am a Koi," the man started. "While angels are the helpers of God, Koi are the helpers of the angels. Specifically, Cupid, although some argue that Cupid is just another Koi but of another level.

"There are many Koi out there. I am a Rank K-0 Koi, one of the higher ranks in the Koi family, which means that I am offered more challenging missions, a spot in the House of Heaven and some more privileges than Ranks O and I. Speaking about missions, each official Koi receives a mission which they have solely sworn to complete no matter what danger or what evil they might encounter.

"And it so happens that my mission is you."

"Can I just mention how creepy that sounds?" Taekwoon asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "And what do you mean by 'my mission is you' anyways? Is there something wrong with me?"

"Well, besides being skilled with the frying pan for some odd reason I am not and do not want to be aware of, you're fine," the man answered, waving his hand. "But your love life, on the other hand--oh, man, I don't even know how to begin!"

Taekwoon raised his eyebrow at the man. Was he saying that Taekwoon had a horrible love life? Maybe the man was right, but to say it to his face so nonchalantly like that... Taekwoon was more than just irritated.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I know, I'm pretty thick-skinned. It comes in handy when I have to deal with introverts like you."


"Anyway, like I said, you are my mission. I know that you like someone and I know that that someone happens to be your best friend," the man continued. "And I'm here to help you with that!"

"Exactly how are you going to help me?"

"By setting you two up together, silly!"

"What are you--my wingman?"

"We've gone over this, Taekwoon-ssi. I'm a Koi."

"One last thing," Taekwoon said. The man nodded, urging him to continue. "Why should I believe anything you say?"

The man rolled his eyes. "Have you not seen my wings?"

"Yeah, but--"

"Look, Taekwoon-ssi, we might've gotten off on the wrong foot--"

Taekwoon scoffed. "Wrong foot? You basically trespassed into my apartment!"

"I know, and I'm sorry! That was rude, I admit, which is why I'm going to try and make it up to you," the man said as he stood up. Then, with a single gesture, he effortlessly willed his wings out, leaving Taekwoon in awe once again. The man held out his hand to Taekwoon, as if urging him to take it.

"Hi, my name is Hakyeon," the man said with a smile that left Taekwoon breathless. "And I'll be your Koi for today."


Hi dad. 
What's up
Happy birthday
You're so old

Anywho, this is just another pointless author's note. I just don't really like leaving it blank here at the bottom so I guess I'll just have random thoughts down here. ~(^з^)-☆

Should I leave a question? I don't know. I wanna get to know you dear readers~ Question of the Chapter, maybe? Eh, whatever, I'll just do it so...

//clears throat//

QOTC: Since Christmas is right around the corner, what do you want for Christmas this year?

My answer: a unicorn.

And maybe some tickets to EXO concert in NYC *^* And just pretty much anything related to Kpop tbh XD

Anyway that's it! Comment your answer below! Please look forward to the next chapter~

Thanks for reading~! Comments are very much appreciated! ^_^

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Chapter 5: Whooaatt was that????? Did Hakyeon purposefully chose Taekwoon????? Did he have feelings for Taek????? Noooo... :(((
Chapter 4: Gahahahaha!! I'm laughing over there telepathic convos!!! And Taek, can't imagine you saying the !! Gosh!!! ANd poor Wonsik....He's hurt... I think he's falling for Taek....But, now, Taek's the oblivious one... :(((
Chapter 3: OmG!! The first lines where so domesticated... ;))) I'm sensing something on Wonsik...
Chapter 2: That frying pan!!! LMAO!!! And true! The only Koi I know is a fish! Haha
Chapter 1: OmG!! Poor Taekwoon having one-sided love... :( And....LMAO over Hakyeon's entrance!!
starofthenight #6
Chapter 3: Highlight of the week seeing my friends again
starofthenight #7
Chapter 2: I want VIXX for Christmas this year
Chapter 5: WHAT'S GOING ON ??
I think wonshik in love with someone else ?!
Any way I'm ready for NEO
Like forever ready ^^ w8 the update please don't late please :(
liesonfloor #9
Chapter 5: So if he was meant for Wonsik, he's probably trying to break them up instead of get them together ;-; Koi I'm disappointed in you. Poor Wonsik.
Yullenlover1215 #10
Chapter 5: I love it! Can't wait for the next update. Hakyeon was supposed to be Wonsiks koi,huh?