Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Christmas Eve. Time for families to be together, friends to catch up, students to sleep. 

And then there was Lily.

Sweet Lily, who was studying abroad in Korea this year. She was living alone in an apartment building that she had managed to save up for while in America. But she wasn't lonely. She had an equally sweet boyfriend, Jeonghan, who spent as much time as he could with her. It was hard sometines, what with Jeonghan promoting with the rest of the group, but he still made time for Lily almost every day. If he couldn't spend a day with her, he made sure to call her and check on her. He was the best.

This was the first Christmas Lily would be spending without her immediate family, but Jeonghan wasn't going to let her spend it by herself. He invited her to the dorms for a holiday party. While they both wished they could spend it alone, Jeonghan didn't want to spend Christmas without his band members either. Compromise was made easy enough.

So the evening of Christmas Eve, Lily pulled on her "ugliest" Christmas sweater and a nice pair of pants and headed out for this party. It was starting to snow while she was walking to the bus stop. But Lily didn't think too much about it. Soon the bus pulled up and Lily got on, scanning her pass and taking her seat.


When she arrived at the party, Lily was immediately greeted by Jeonghan, who gently pulled her into a hug, his nose bumping against her forehead gently.

"I'm so glad you made it. Traffic wasn't too crazy, was it?" Jeonghan questioned.  

Lily shook her head, smiling. "Not at all. The roads were actually clear for once." 

"That's good to hear. Let me take your coat. Are you hungry? There's food on the counter and we ha--" He was cut off by a gentle hand on his cheek.

"Jeonghan, I'm fine. I'm getting to spend Christmas with you, so everything's fine," she reassured him. It was sweet how caring he was but it could be a little overbearing at times. Lily looked him in the eyes, his cheek with her thumb.

"I'm okay. Really."

He sighed, running his fingers through her hair. "I know. I just want to give you the best Christmas I can give you."

"And you are. We're here together and that's what matters right now."

"Oooooh do I hear the lovers out there~?" A voice called from down the hallway.

"Why must you ruin the moment, Seungcheol?" Jeonghan sighed, brushing his bang aside dramatically.

S. Coups and the rest of the band members came running out of the hallway, giggling and teasing Lily and Jeonghan, singing teasing songs and yelling about how cute they were. The whole group messed around all evening, playing games and dropping snack crumbs everywhere. The night flew by, as did all the snow outside. It was nearly 11pm when Jeonghan looked out the window and saw all the snow piled up on the sidewalk. He quickly walked over to Lily and pulled her close so he could talk to her. 

"Do you need a ride home? It's getting late and the snow's really piling up," he asked her, concerned about getting her back safely. Lily pulled her phone from her pocket and checked the time.

"Oh god, it is late! Yeah, I might need a ride home..."

Jeonghan offered to take her home and pulled his coat on, handing Lily her coat. They rode the elevator down to the lobby, and walked towards the door when they both suddenly stopped dead in their tracks. The snow had piled up against the door and windows. Standing in front of the door, the snow was piled up to their calves. Jeonghan looked at Lily, sweat beading on his forehead.

"We can't drive in this weather. Looks like you're stuck here until the snow clears..." he sighed. "I'm sorry, Lily."

Lily took a tissue from her pocket and wiped the sweat away from his forehead, looking at him gently. "It's not so bad. Look at it this way: we get to spend the rest of the night together."

"That's true. Come on, let's head back." He took her hand and headed back to the elevator.

Jeonghan and Lily returned to the dorm after stopping by After School's dorm and borrowing some pajamas for Lily. Most of the members were working on cleaning up, some still sitting on the couch and chilling. But they all looked up, surprised that Lily was with Jeonghan.

"That was quick," Vernon remarked sarcastically. "What happened?"

"We're snowed it. Lily has to stay the night."

Seungkwan jumped up from his spot on the couch. "BLANKET FORT!!!"

In that moment, everyone dropped what they were doing and ran back to the bedrooms. They came back with blankets, pillows, spare mattresses, and plushies galore. Someone managed to snag a few clothespins and some rope. Within there was a makeshift blanket fort in the front room of the dorm. Everyone ran back to a room to change into pajamas and came back a few minutes later. Sleeping arrangements were decided and everyone settled in. Lily turned the lights off and lit her way back to a couch with her phone. She curled up next to Jeonghan, laying her head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her.

Lily looked up at Jeonghan and tapped his nose. "Merry Christmas, Jeonghan."

Jeonghan smiled and leaned down, taking her lips in a gentle kiss. Their first kiss. He pulled away, leaning his forehead against hers. 

"Merry Christmas Lily. I love you."


"GET A ROOM YOU TWO!" S. Coups yelled, the other boys laughing.

Jeonghan blushed, burying his face in your neck. Lily his hair, giggling.





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