Nightmares - Optional Bias


When you have a nightmare and you are cuddling with your Optional Bias


(I drew the picture as well, all rights reserved for the picture and story)


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Chapter 1: Awww I want woohyuni to protect me from nightmares. Wrapping me in a tight embrace and kissing me hahahaha *going crazy*!

Sweet and short scenario showing a lot of love without much words.
Love it so much <333
Chapter 1: ok this is fluff. and i was hugging my pillow tightly while reading this (⌒▽⌒)

i wish my pillow is woohyun tho (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ
Chapter 1: Mine, it's Block B's B-Bomb ^^
Chapter 1: bang yongguk came to my mind
HunTy1204 #5
Chapter 1: i- hehehehe~ imagine gyu because i just think it suit him xD omo omo omo omooo~ nice paintinggg