I'm sorry

{마스크 ; mask } ❀ you don't know me. | {빵 ; zero} ✸ watch me do it. : thank you to the ones who stayed till the end of this journey! i'm sorry!
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Hello everyone!

I'm sorry for my absence. I haven't been around not because I lost interest in AFF anything like that, I just had a lot of stress in real life and a lot of difficult decisions I'm still in the middle of making. I'm starting to work, like real work nowadays, I don't know how to describe it better, but taking care of all life expenses, not being able to get a new computer yet, paying back my studies still, not sleeping enough because sometimes it's more than 60 hours per week and in the middle of all that still having to decide if I should do what I love but after awhile end up being unemployed or move to another city where I know no one and there is not even cinema there! or just work on something I'm not passionate about but live in a bigger city, still moving yes. 

I didn't want to leave you all in the blank, because I know what you are all feeling, I've been through it, I hate it a lot, and now I hate myself for doing it to you all when you put a lot of effort for me. But honestly, I'm a mess nowadays. But I cannot keep you all waiting, I don't know when I'll work it all for the better, but right now, the best I can do for you all is, don't wait for me. I cannot handle anything more than I'm responsible for right now. If there is a way for me to repay you all, because really I hate this and I'm realy sorry, if I can do it, I will. I at being a writer honestly, but I can be a good reader if you allow me to, a really late one, but a goo

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I'm sorry to everyone, specially the ones who loved this as much as I did. Growing up sometimes ;;


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Chapter 10: No, it's alright! Life happens. Thank you for telling us :) Fighting!
Chapter 10: It's alright. Thank you for informing us. Good luck and fighting!
Chapter 10: That's alright, real life happens <3 Thank you so much for taking the time to be honest with us about what happened, so many authors just vanish and you're left to wonder what's going on. I wish you good luck in life and whatever you choose to do with it <3
Chapter 10: Honestly, I'm pretty sure all of us will go through that so don't worry! I really apreciate that you took the time to tell us. In the mean time...
Chapter 10: It's alright! Really, I think all of us will get to that point someday so it's really no problem. I hope that things can become easier and better for you!
Chapter 3: Heya, so I just finished editing! I changed the twins, and I actually put none for the rapping twin because the ex-idol plotline doesn't have any rapping position. I changed the clothing story to a restaurant chain, so yeah. I also changed her trainee time in sts to half a year instead of half a month. I think I meant to put half a year originally, because half a month is pretty unreasonable, even if she was a former idol. Oh, I deleted her 2014-2015 predebut activities as well as her appearance in Taeyang's video
Okay! There you go, and if there's any other problems, then please let me know!
Chapter 3: *facepalm* Umm, sooo... this is like the 3rd time I've deleted my comment and commented again xD
Okay, first of all, thank you so much for the awesome review! I'm glad you took the time to read all of it in detail ^^
So, yes, her oldest sister is a lawyer. Is that okay?
And yeah, I definitely see what you mean when you said I needed to change the twins. I have a few others in mind to replace them. I'm also a fan of tomboys! So that's why I chose Amber for the vocals xP I do have another soloist in mind though, so that's all good ^^
And sorry for not making sense in that part about her pre debut things! I was making multiple applicants at the time, and so I may have mixed a few in that part. I'll review all of it though to make sure nothing else got mixed up, and if it did, I'll tell you about it!
I'll comment again once I've finished revising it! It might take a few hours from now since it's the end of school right now, and I need to do some homework. Thank you again for the review!
Chapter 3: Thanks for the lovely review! Glass is not a fashion company, actually. It has a lot of different departments such as the gaming department that Miran's brother is in charge of. Glass has almost about everything you can ever think of, but it is most famous for it's luxurious resorts and hotels. Hope that helps clear things up! ^^
Chapter 9: Aaaah it's Solbi! Omg that banter with Nick was perfect ;A; And poor Lan and Minseo that have to put up with Sol's impatience and inability to teach D: Really that was such a fun chapter and I'm really glad you liked my little weirdo and chose her <3 <3
Chapter 9: Congrats congrats congrats!