
As the flower blooms

Beep. Beep. Beep.

'Why is it so silent? Why is it so bright? Where's everyone? Taehyung? Anyone?' 

"Mm" Jungkook slowly opens his eyes, squinting it afterwards to adapt to the bright surrounding entering his pupils. He carefully looks around while laying on the bed. "Am I in the hospital?" he asks to himself as soon as he realise that he's on the bed with white blanket covering his whole body along with his left hand connected to the infusion bottle. Pain strikes his whole body when he tried to move. He can see his body and face has bandages all over the place. He also notices that he's breathing through the oxygen ventilator mask.

The door suddenly wide opened and a doctor and a nurse come in, while discussing something that he don't know. The doctor then sees the latter who's eyes are wide opened and quickly run to him and nudge the nurse to call the other nurses to help him check on him. Jungkook wanna say something but he can't. Even a slight move on the lips failed miserably. 'Doctor, help me! I can't talk! I can't move!'

The doctor can see the worried gaze by the latter and quickly cool him down and assured him that everything will be alright. "Don't worry child, you're gonna be save. It's a miracle that you actually have the opportunity to live again"

With that, a few nurses enter the room in a gushing manner. Perplexed with what's happening now, Jungkook just watch them do their thing. He sees one of the nurses pulls out a syringe with a liquid in it. Just in a matter of second his eyes shot open and slowly closing after the nurse injects anaesthetic drug into his body. Just like that, he passes out again. 



"Are you sure he's gonna be alright? Look at him, he looks helpless and dead! You're not lying right when you said he actually woke up? Right?!"

"I'm serious. He did woke up just now and right now he's in anaesthesia since we drugged him to avoid sensing pain while we do a check up on him. You don't have to worry, we provide the best medical attention he needs."

"But it's been years he's unconsciously laying on that bed. To be more specific, 2 years! I can't live without him. Please save him, Father"

Sigh. "I'll try my best, Taehyung-ah"

'Am I dreaming? I hear voices and he even mentioned Taehyung. I need to see Taehyung!'  Eyes slowly opens as it met with shining bright light. Jungkook could still hear a conversation going on. It really does sound like Taehyung's voice. His vision is still not adapted to the surrounding hence the blurry sight infront of him. He then tries to move a part of his body so the both of them could notice him. Luck on his side, the doctor noticed a movement from him and quickly ran to him.

"He's moving!" Taehyung shouted. Taehyung is shocked right now. He can't believe his lover is still alive after a big accident occured. Without any more hesitation, he quickly moves his feet to the direction of the bed and sits on the side of the bed. "Kookie, can you hear me?! Please wake up. I'm right next to you!" Taehyung nearly cry while holding the younger's hand gently.

Jungkook tries to move his lips but is too weak to do that. Taehyung got more worried and tells the doctor to do something. "Father, do something please! Why can't he talk?"

"Taehyung, don't use force on him. He's still trying to adapt to the surrounding and also, he just woke up. Just give him some time to recover, alright? I'll leave you two alone to catch up on things and becareful with those infusion wires". With that, he left the room.

"Kook, you can hear me right? It's been awhile since I can directly see your dark brown orbs like this," he smiles as he continues. "Did you know how much everyone have been missing you especially this guy infront of you? I cry myself to sleep everynight, afraid of losing you but since you're awake now, I laugh at how foolish I was back then." he chuckles with glossy eyes while Jungkook on the other hand is still trying to understand what the older is trying to say with his emotionless face.

"You know, after you passed out and been sent to the nearest hospital that night, everyone lost their mind thinking you won't be able to live again. Everyday, me, Namjoon and Jin-hyung and our friends came to visit you with a hope that you aren't dead. Of course everyone was worried that because you've been unconscious for approximately 2 years and a half. While you're peacefully playing in your dream world, everyday I keep coming back to the spot where we planted our seed to water it. The seed? It's not a seed anymore, it's a big tree! Those purple flowers are blooming really well and I really can't wait for you to see it with me. Did you also know that I was about to give up life when I suddenly got a call from my father that you actually woke up from your coma. I hurriedly came here to check on you but merely disappointed when you can't even talk." he faintly laughs with a stream of tears flowing through his cheeks. "It's funny how I cry so much but you seem so emotionless there." he chuckles.

'2 years!?!?'

"While you were away, here," Taehyung takes out something from his bag. It's a letter. "Do you know what this is? It's a confirmation letter from the university you asked for years ago. The same university I went too!" Taehyung proudly shows the latter the letter. "Unfortunately I'm going to graduate soon this year.." his face drastically dropped. Trying to cover his disappointment, he smiles his boxy smile. "Don't worry, I can always pick you up after class."

Suddenly the door burst open revealing a worried looking couple with heavy breathing. "JUNGKOOKIE!" the both of them said in unison as they run to the poor patient. Jin immediately cries after seeing those eyelids are finally opened for the first time after 2 years. Jin takes a sit at the edge of the right side of the bed and gently holds the younger's face with teary eyes. "I'm glad you're safe, Kookie. Don't ever leave me again." he his cheeks. "Why can't you respond? Are you alright? Kookie?"

"Jin-hyung, my father said he's still need some time to recover from 2 years of exhaustion fighting coma hence why he can't seem to talk or even move. Don't worry, he will be alright" Taehyung assured him with a supporting smile.

"Yes honey, just let him rest. You'll talk to him eventually." Namjoon pats the back of Jin's back.

Only God knows how much Jungkook wanna talk his heart out but he doesn't have the strength yet. His facial seems emotionless but in the inside he's crying out because of the sweet words they gave him. It was truly an emotional moment. He also wants to know more about what exactly happened to him. He barely remembers what caused him into this condition.

"Oh yea by the way Jin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung, the police contacted me and they are still trying to locate the cause of all this destruction. They said they found some more evidences left by the truck driver. So it'll be more easy for them to know who the suspect is and right now they confirmed the suspect is 100% Korean. So you guys just give them time and keep praying." Taehyung clarify.

"That's a good news. If the suspect is fully korean, I'm sure it's gonna be way more easy to find." Namjoon commented. "You hear that Kookie? Soon we will know who actually tried to kill you."

'Wait so someone actually tried to kill me with a truck? But why? Did I do something wrong to him or her?'

A sudden phone notification sound filled the room. It was Taehyung's. He fishes out his phone and checks out the text he received but instantly regret his action. His face dropped all of a sudden. "I think I have to go now."

"It's alright, we can take care of him" Jin suggested.

"Thank you." he bows to the couple. He then leans in for a kiss on the forehead. "I'll visit you soon, Kookie so don't worry." he smiles and left the scene afterwards.

'No no no don't leave! Taehyung!'

"No worries, Kookie, we're here to take care of you. I even closed the shop just for you!" Jin said proudly with crossed arms. "Do you wanna know how much Taehyung loves you sweetie? Let me tell you a story about him." Jin says as he take a sit on the bed. "Everyday he will come here hoping that you will open your eyes. He never gives up as he keeps on hoping. Did you also know when it's been almost a year you were unconscious, he was about to hang himself but thankfully his friend, Hoseok coincidentally went to his house that day and prevented that action from occuring. It's really sad when you think about it but thankfully he's a better person now."


"Good you're here."

"What seems the problem, Officer? Did you found the suspect?" Taehyung questions.

"No but we found an evidence. We don't specifically know what it is but maybe you recognize this thing." The police states.

"What is it?"

"A handkerchief"


Anddd there's the cliffhanger! I'm so sorry for not updating for so long :(( I just got back from my holiday so I don't have enough time on the net. Also, I apologize for the short chapter. It's a filler chapter where you guys can catch up on what had happened. It's getting angsty though ;) Hopefully you guys enjoy this one :)

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woops accidentally revealed an unfinished chapter lol


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taemeetskookie97 #1
Chapter 12: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Please updateeee authornim
meemow123 #2
I will MURDER them x-(
But this is so sweet im almost crying .. T.T please make Jungkook okay ...
And omg who is the person????
I don't know why but I think it's someone they KNOW ... am I right???? O.O
kulitlang08 #3
Chapter 12: the handkerchief that i remembered was the handkerchief that taehyung used when they met at the cafe...where jungkooks finger was bleeding because he broke somethings...

i can't wait for the next update and i am wondering what is the connection...and waoh...2 and a half years (2 years and 6 months or 30 months in total) that is too long...he really is lucky...good thing they never gave up on him...i want a happy ending for taekook...i hope this will not be a reason for a break up or something...taehyung tried to end his life twice now (luckily everytime he tries to end his life a person is there to stop him)... :)

kulitlang08 #4
where's the update??? i could not see it...
Chapter 11: The story is soooo...... good... i loved it..
I can't wait for the next chapter...
Please be a Happy Ending.... This chapter is giving me a heart attack...
AkaReikou #6
Chapter 11: I just found this fanfic and i just wanna tell u that it's soooooo greatttttt i love it! Taekook's so cute! Kookie's so adorbs and tae is sooo cheesyyyy hehe

Omg i hope kookie would be fine! What a cliffhanger xS
Chapter 2: This is so cute, especially Jungkook. He is crushing on Tae so hard. And I think his relationship with Jin, and Namjoon is the most adorable thing.