Flower seed

As the flower blooms

"That's enough, baby. We're in the middle of the streets and people might report us because of violating public policy" Taehyung stated softly after parting their collided lips. Hands never leave the younger's waist. Jungkook's cheeks turned into a shade of pink upon hearing those words. Making him look like his thirsty for Taehyung's plump lips. Scratch that, he IS thirsty for that thing. While he were being flustered, a sudden conception clicked his mind. 'What if this is still a stupid dream?' he thought as he gasped loudly making Taehyung slightly jumped. He then gets out of the older's grip.

"Kookie, what are you do--"


"Kookie!" Taehyung gasped as he eyes widened at how Jungkook aggresively slapped himself. Jungkook, himself, is also in awe by his own action judging by his mouth widely opened. Taehyung quickly ran to him and carress the pained cheeks. Worried written all over his face. "What have gotten into you! Why the heck did you slap yourself?!"

"Oh wow this isn't a dream at all!" the face on Jungkook's face drastically change into a happy one. Without any warnings, he tightly hugs the older with a happy smile on his face. Taehyung was quite shocked but nevertheless still return the hug but with a smirk. An evil one.

"What if this IS a dream, hmm?" Taehyung questioned into Jungkook's ear in a deep and monotone voice with his face turned into a serious one. He tightens the hug he's sharing with Jungkook. His pointy fingernails poking the back of the younger's making Jungkook shivers.

Jungkook widened his eyes and tries to get out of the older's grip but failed miserably. Panicked, he shuts his eyes tightly and start reciting a special mantra. Probably self-made by him. 

"IN THE NAME OF ALL KOOKIE MONSTERS OUT THERE, I DEMAND YOU TO DEPARTURE YOURSELF FROM MY TAEHYUNG'S BODY, DEMON. ABRACADABRA!" Like a freaking hiroshima nuke, Jungkook shouted at the top of his lungs into Taehyung's ear. That's when Taehyung lose it. He unattach his limbs from Jungkook's body and covers his left ear while wincing in pain. The stupid Jeon Jungkook then grab a couple of roadside tiny rocks and freaking throw it to the guy on the floor.


"YAH JEON JUNGKOOK I WAS JUST PLAYING WITH YOU S SAKE MAN" Taehyung screamed. Pain all over his body now thanks to non other than the dumbo Jeon freaking Jung. The dumbo stopped what he were doing and tries to comprehend what's happening. It took him 5 minutes to finally understand what is going on. With guilt colonizing his whole body, he ran to the poor guy to check if he's alright. He cupped his cheeks and stare into the older's eyes with a worrying gaze. He then asked if he's okay.

"You silly bunny, of course I'm NOT okay but thankfully that kookie monsters of yours helped me so I'm fine now." Taehyung smiled sheepishly. Embarrassed, Jungkook quickly stoody and face any direction except the direction to Taehyung's face. Hiding his red face.

"S-shut up! Are y-you coming to the waffle shop or not? If yes, then get up." he commanded. Still not facing Taehyung. The older just chuckle at the younger's adorable action. He then stands up and pat the dirty stains on his clothes.

"Alright alright, I'm coming sheesh" he laughed as he catch up to Jungkook.



The guy can already be seen from afar thanks to his distracting orange hair. The both of them are amaze at how the place is packed with customers. With these quantity of people, the waffle must be that good. Without hesitation, they both walk to Jimin's table casually. At first he was kind of surpirsed that Taehyung is there too but what can he expect when the both of them has been inseparable from the beginning. He shrugged it off and motioned for them to take a seat and order some food and drinks.

"What took you guys so long? I've been waiting here for ages!" Jimin cried in frustration. If only he knew about all the commotions the new couple went through just now. Dramatic indeed.

"Well uhm..." Jungkook turned red just by thinking about the earlier confession. Should he break the news to the orange haired guy? Right now he's in dilemma but Taehyung did it for him. "We were--"

"Hey Jiminie! Guess what?" Taehyung squeaked, looking all excited while Jungkook kept quiet, obviously not ready.

"That you're ugly? I knew it long ago..." Jimin casually replied.

"Rude!" Taehyung scoffed as he tried to flick the guy's forehead who is sitting the opposite of him and Jungkook but the said guy successfully avoided it. On the other hand, Jungkook could just chuckled at the sight in front of him. "Anyways, your guess is wrong. Like COMPLETELY wrong." Taehyung emphasized that Jimin is wrong. "Annndddd," Taehyung then grab Jungkook's palm and interlock their fingers as he pulled it up to Jimin's sight. "We're officially dating!" he avowed cheerfully.

Shocked, Jimin hang is mouth open as wide as possible while Jungkook just shyly covering his face into his palm. Jimin probably know they're gonna date sooner or later but he don't even know why he is so surprised upon hearing the news. "OMG MY BABIES GREW UP! Congratulations kiddos! You guys know what? We should tell the others!" Jimin excitedly suggested but quickly got rejected by the two. They already have their own ways to break the news to them so they are saving for a perfect time and it is clearly not right now.

As they were busy chatting, the food eventually came and served by the waiter. Without any hesitation, they all begin to eat their ordered food whilst chatting happily like they were a family. It's a really cute sight to see since they are the three youngest in their group of friends.



After thanking (he insist on paying for the food as a congratulatory present from him to the couple) and drop him off at his house, the both of them went to the 4th longest river in Korea, Han River. They go there for a walk at the park along the shorelines of the river. Currently, they are walking side by side in a comfortable silence. The back of their hands touched every now and then while they were walking. Obviously, the both of them are desperate for each other's touch but too shy to approach. Frustrated, Taehyung casually takes the younger's hand into his. The younger was quite surprised as he look at their hands, intertwining their fingers. Taehyung then tightens the hold and smile sweetly at the younger's shy behaviour.

They then stopped in front of a wooden bench that is facing a really nice view of the river and the bridge. "Shall we sit?" asked Taehyung. Jungkook nodded in respond as they both sit down. The sound of birds chirping, kid's laughing, and the flowing water. It's a really chilling and calming surrounding they're in.

The silence eventually broke when Taehyung suddenly started to talk. "Kookie," Taehyung called, making Jungkook flinch a bit who was enjoying the scenery in front of them. Jungkook hum in respond, looking up to the older. Taehyung then holds both of Jungkook's hand as his whole body moves to face the latter. Their gaze locked with each other. "Do you know how much I love you? Do you know how much I've been so crazy in love with you when I first met you at your hyung's cafe? Hell I even dreamt about you everynight since." the younger's face started to change into a shade of pink as he averted his gaze elsewhere.

"Kookie," the older continued, their eyes locked again. "Here" Taehyung pull up their attached hand to their chest level. Jungkook felt something touched the palm of his hand. Something small. When he look at his palm, he found small pink seed. Confused, he raised an eyebrow to Taehyung who is smiling at him. Jungkook was about to ask what the heck is this thing on his palm but quickly shut up when Taehyung was about to open his mouth. "This thing right here, is a seed. A seed for a tree named 'Handroanthus Heptaphyllus'." Taehyung clarified.

"But what for?" Jungkook asked in confusion.

Clearing his throat, he begin to explain. "Normally every couple in this world tend to give their partner something to prove how much they love them, something like bracelet, necklace or even handkerchief. But for me, I find those things REALLY common soooooo this seed right here, I want you to plant this at your home and take care of it by watering it everyday."

"How does that prove your love to me?" the younger questioned again.

The older smiled. "My love for you is as much as the flower blooms

Jungkook is touched by the older's words. Those words are simple yet drilling through the heart. Never he least expected someone will give him a seed just to prove their love to him. With that, he pulled his boyfriend into a long and comfortable hug with his head hiding in the crook of the older's neck. Taehyung was caught off guard but eventually hug the younger back.

After some touching moments shared between them, the couple decided to walk around the park to have enjoy the beautiful scenery of Han River that is flowing smoothly along the streamline. Like any other couples, the both of them walk hand in hand while doing something really cheesy that interrupted people from the gorgeous view of Han River with their affectionate gesture. But being the careless they are, they walk down the path without giving a damn to the people around them. It was a really sweet yet disturbing sight to see.

The sun is setting and the couple decided to head home to end their date or Jungkook will get some scolding by his hyungs. They are now walking side by side with their fingers intertwined. The weather is quite cold but thankfully Taehyung brought his jacket with him. On the other hand, Jungkook is shivering madly. He forgot to bring his jacket with his as he didn't expect the weather to be this kind of cold. The cold temperature he's feeling went away in a split second when he felt a thick cotton jacket being slung around his shoulder. Taehyung expected a kiss or something in return but instead he got a poke in the ribs by the little satan.

"Oh wow you're very welcome!" Taehyung scoffed, a note of sarcasm in his voice.

Jungkook stuck out his tounge. "That's for being the cheesy boyfriend you are."

"Yeah if I didn't give you the jacket, you will probably freezed to death and then I won't have anyone to throw rocks at me when I'm being possesed by some demons. Now we don't want that to happen, hmm?"

"Yah! Bring that up again and I won't hesitate to throw a freaking concrete next time, you jerk!" Jungkook threatened followed by a poisonous slap hitting the older's arm.

"OW!! I was just kidding!" Taehyung cried in pain while rubbing the hitted spot. "Gosh you can't be played with. With that slap of yours, I can say you're pretty strong for a bunny but unfortunately it doesn't suit you with that cute face. It turns you into an ugly brat." Taehyung commented as he pinches the younger's nose.

"I think I'm turning into a pinocchio rather than an ugly brat if you constantly keep on pinching my precious nose!" Jungkook deadpanned, totally annoyed with the older's pinching abilities.

The night is filled with 'ouches' and some ' you!' or even 'you ' from the two as they keep on hitting and pinching each other. Probably that's how they show their sincerity of love towards each other. Probably. 

Eventually they arrived at Jungkook's crib. They are now facing each other in front' of the house.

"I guess It's the end of our date, huh?" Jungkook broke the silence.

"No sherlock"

"Ugh you are so annoying. I'm going in!" Jungkook was about to leave when the older hold his hand, preventing him to move. Out of nowhere, he felt a pair of lips touched his. Jungkook's eyes widened, still trying to recover from the shock. He's still not used to the skinships they are sharing as this is the first time he's in a relationship in 18 years. Either with a girl or a boy. Sure, he received a lot of love letters back in his highschool days but at that time he's really not interested in having a love relationship with anyone aside from studying (or the students are probably a bunch of potatoes).

"I love you, baby" Taehyung said as he broke the kiss.

"I-i love you too" Jungkook stuttered, not used to say those sweet things but still smiled at th older's loving stares. Letting go of the hands, Jungkook then entered the house, leaving Taehyung who is still standing at the front yard, waiting him to close the door to make sure he's safe (very pathetic). As soon as the door closed, Taehyung begin to take his leave.

But one thing they didn't know is that a pair of eyes had been eyeing the two from afar. He saw and heard everything the couple had been doing and talking. Hiding behind the wall, he clenched his fist till' it turns red.

"What a ing "


Oh my god, thank you so much for the 100 subscribers! To be really honest, I never expected this story to reach THAT much of a subscribers. Nevetherless I'm still thankful for all your support <3 Soon, we're gonna reach 10 chapters and I wanna say that after the 10th chapter, we're gonna jump into another dimension where the story become more serious and brutal I'd say *wink wink* so please look forward to it! P.S: finally you guys know what the title actually means lol

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woops accidentally revealed an unfinished chapter lol


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taemeetskookie97 #1
Chapter 12: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Please updateeee authornim
meemow123 #2
I will MURDER them x-(
But this is so sweet im almost crying .. T.T please make Jungkook okay ...
And omg who is the person????
I don't know why but I think it's someone they KNOW ... am I right???? O.O
kulitlang08 #3
Chapter 12: the handkerchief that i remembered was the handkerchief that taehyung used when they met at the cafe...where jungkooks finger was bleeding because he broke somethings...

i can't wait for the next update and i am wondering what is the connection...and waoh...2 and a half years (2 years and 6 months or 30 months in total) that is too long...he really is lucky...good thing they never gave up on him...i want a happy ending for taekook...i hope this will not be a reason for a break up or something...taehyung tried to end his life twice now (luckily everytime he tries to end his life a person is there to stop him)... :)

kulitlang08 #4
where's the update??? i could not see it...
Chapter 11: The story is soooo...... good... i loved it..
I can't wait for the next chapter...
Please be a Happy Ending.... This chapter is giving me a heart attack...
AkaReikou #6
Chapter 11: I just found this fanfic and i just wanna tell u that it's soooooo greatttttt i love it! Taekook's so cute! Kookie's so adorbs and tae is sooo cheesyyyy hehe

Omg i hope kookie would be fine! What a cliffhanger xS
Chapter 2: This is so cute, especially Jungkook. He is crushing on Tae so hard. And I think his relationship with Jin, and Namjoon is the most adorable thing.